After a little drive of the car & a listen to the said rattle I had put it down to a totally shot thrust bearing making a really loud rattle @ idle. So we set out to change the bearing & re-fill the box with genuine Nissan gear oil.
As I started to take it apart I noticed that whoever had put the gearbox back in may have been a little confused, there were 3 bolts loose on the bell housing, 1 of which just about ready to fall out
Got the box out in about 90 minutes to discover a few things
There had been no grease applied to the input shaft or pivot ball
the inside of the box has a CD02 part number & the outer is a CD01, so I'm guessing the box has been re-built or changed at some point
I found that the thrust bearing was in good condition so was then wondering what could be causing the rattle, the input shaft had some play in it & with a quick referral to the workshop manual found that it was within tolerances & had no signs of oil leakage from the bearing seal. A quick call to Mr & Mrs Keyser who suggested the Spigot bearing could be shot, so went to check it & on inserting my tool (que SMD) I found the cause of the rattle
So removed the clutch to find that the plate was broken with lots of heat damage
& Cracked
So a quick spin in the 370 to get a new clutch
Pulled the old bearing off
Fitted the new one
Clutch in & torqued up
New pivot ball fitted & release mech fitted
Gearbox, prop shaft & exhaust re-fitted, new oil with some molyslip then fired it up & the car is fixed, silky smooth & quiet, no new gearbox required