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Everything posted by Darren-B

  1. Funny you should say that as I just happen to have a spare ally rad in the shed I picked up of someone last year along with some other bits - can't seem to remember who it was though ????? Ahh yes that bulk purchase of parts you bought from the guy who was stripping his zed
  2. Nice write up Will, I'm glad I helped you out with your decision So when are you Supercharging it? If you order a GTM kit now you might get it before your 50, 45 if you ask Octet to hurry them along
  3. Sounds pretty normal, nearly every zed I've driven does this, even the GTR's do it, unless it starts getting really loud or juddering I wouldn't worry to much
  4. So is it when you engage/slip the clutch or engage the gears with the clutch fully depressed?
  5. A light Clutch rattle is quite common on the zeds, But recently I witnessed an extreme rattle which ended up being a broken clutch plate http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/81570-350z-gearbox-rattle/
  6. Nice one, good to see you back, hope your going to make some meets this season
  7. If you want a bigger filter get a 'FRAM' filter, they are huge
  8. I live in Hempstead just up the road, I'll be happy to have a listen to your gearbox. I've been wedding for over 6years now so I would say I have a good idea as to what would be normal That's a long engagement Darren haha auto correct
  9. After a little drive of the car & a listen to the said rattle I had put it down to a totally shot thrust bearing making a really loud rattle @ idle. So we set out to change the bearing & re-fill the box with genuine Nissan gear oil. As I started to take it apart I noticed that whoever had put the gearbox back in may have been a little confused, there were 3 bolts loose on the bell housing, 1 of which just about ready to fall out Got the box out in about 90 minutes to discover a few things There had been no grease applied to the input shaft or pivot ball the inside of the box has a CD02 part number & the outer is a CD01, so I'm guessing the box has been re-built or changed at some point I found that the thrust bearing was in good condition so was then wondering what could be causing the rattle, the input shaft had some play in it & with a quick referral to the workshop manual found that it was within tolerances & had no signs of oil leakage from the bearing seal. A quick call to Mr & Mrs Keyser who suggested the Spigot bearing could be shot, so went to check it & on inserting my tool (que SMD) I found the cause of the rattle http://seology.com/d...09_14-04-19.mp4 So removed the clutch to find that the plate was broken with lots of heat damage & Cracked So a quick spin in the 370 to get a new clutch Pulled the old bearing off Fitted the new one Clutch in & torqued up New pivot ball fitted & release mech fitted Gearbox, prop shaft & exhaust re-fitted, new oil with some molyslip then fired it up & the car is fixed, silky smooth & quiet, no new gearbox required
  10. Glad we got to the bottom of this & that the gearbox is fine, actually one of the smoothest boxes I've experienced in a 350z.
  11. I reckon it says "like Boobies" after Steve's recent post
  12. There are 3 black shirts This one
  13. Hope you didn't get caught out in Thailand, the one in the black skirt looks a bit suspect
  14. Caption competition time..... "I told Darren-B it didn't need a S/C " Sent from the golf club... This was one supercharged That looks like a beast, don't show it to Darren it will make his ankle twinge :ouch: Sent from the golf club... I had the same ski, seadoo rxp supercharged 255hp, wasn't enough so I modified it to make nigh on 300hp but my heel couldn't handle it & shattered
  15. & I was already sourcing the parts That a 370? What's does it rev up to? Or is that the hr ? Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk Yeah its a 370 VQ37HR & it revs to the rev limiter
  16. :lol: Oh how I remember how much stick I got for my excessive use of stainless steel zip ties over plastic ones on previous builds
  17. So that I couldn't miss the o-ring we decided that it would be best to seal the bucket itself iFabricate fuel return
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