Very ouch.
When you have £100k + cars that get smaller in you rear view mirror it makes it all worth it & if that's not enough, then the look on their faces when they pull up next to you after they have been owned by a Datsun makes it all worth it 😀
Cut them off, drill out the studs & fit new bolts, It's quite common on the cats, even had to do it with my 370z with only 6k on the cats.
I'd usually offer to help but I'm so busy over the next 6weeks
I agree, the only time I've ever disconnected the battery on any car is when I've been working on constant LIVE cables to the alternator or starter motor. I wouldn't bother for changing a MAF as you will need to tune in your radio again & set the clock
If your following Vlads instructions you may want to check its the right way round
Sorry mate I tried to resist.
Ahahahahahaha yes there is an arrow on the sensor that points in the DIRECTION of air flow
Also you will need a T20 security bit to remove the screws (assuming it's on a 350z)