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Everything posted by Darren-B

  1. Also might be worth checking here before you book http://www.nurburgring.org.uk/calendar.php
  2. Interesting ring trip, shame you didn't manage to get many laps in. If you go again I'd recommend pushing the boat out a little more, experience some of the German culture & definitely venture further a field than Pinocchios or maccy D's
  3. ^^ "370Z Full Amuse with Greddy Twin Turbo - Breaking whole car"
  4. You only go to Wales for the sheep sorted that Adrian goes for the sheep, I go for the copious amounts of alcohol & then end up in a minor coma where the folk who were bullied by there sisters take it out on me
  5. Just a couple of days of mucking about and it will be ready then Might even have the car on the road by Xmas
  6. Well this is kind of a soft start as the AC appears to only be 7years of age, well the compressor has 07 on the stamp. Hopefully I'll get chance to start stripping the interior out over the next few evenings, then onto the proper stuff over the weekend. Hoping to have the engine out & stripped down within the next week so that I can can get the bores honed & measured for rings & bearings, then I can get my big shipment of parts underway from the US
  7. Managed to whip out the AC system today, was pretty straight forward & surprisingly heavy, thought I may aswell give it a clean up before storing it over the winter, that way it will be ready to go straight back in. Wasn't to grubby Nice & clean Straightend out the worst of the dents in the radiator using the Octet technique then degreased it followed by a high pressure blow dry Then gave it a quick blast of black paint to make it look a bit fresher Thats all for today as I need to go & enjoy my last beer for a month
  8. Well good news, were welcome back to the house, obviously she didn't mind the curly whirly one of you left in the shower "Darren and his friends were great guests, they took great care to leave the house as they found it and they will be welcome back any time."
  9. So the strip down & re-build is nigh After just completing an 850mile round trip around Wales where the car was put though probably the most extreme road testing (punishment) it has ever had in its long life, there were times where we wasn't sure it would make it's 44th birthday. In conclusion there are a few further improvements that I need to make to the car, but it made it back in one piece So this week I'm preparing to make a start on the weekend, phoned my local AC engineer today who kindly came to my house this evening & de-gased the AC system so I can safely remove it without releasing that horrible refrigerant into the atmosphere.
  10. Nice one Chris, hope you can still reach the shift paddles without removing your hands from the wheel
  11. The 240z took a pounding this weekend as did my body, but made it back in one piece, it didn't evaporate in the rain, nor did it fall apart on the multiple airborne moments (it's much lighter than a 350/370 So over 840miles other than finding out I have a sticky brake light switch & the rear suspension is a little tired the car performed pretty well although quite challenging trying to keep up with the much newer & faster cars. Just wait till next year guys
  12. A couple from me: On top of the Octet triangle
  13. It was hard work keeping up with the rest of them yesterday, but I think it was all the booze that finished me off
  14. Looks like she has the same level of intelligence as your waitress friend :lol: But much better looking, game on
  15. I need to find the chick on the urinal, she looks like easy fun (after a wash) :lol:
  16. Darren-B

    250 GTO

    The 250 gto has been a dream of mine since I was a young boy & no doubt will remain that way. I'd love to just be in the presence of one just for 5mins in my lifetime. A truly iconic motor car. In the mean time I'll got to Wales in my 43yr old 240 & pretend it a 250gto
  17. Darn I missed out on a Wales trip going to go jump off the 7 bridge tomorrow
  18. It's all being re-built anyhow so will just add to the fun. The way all this is going I can see me with another 240 before long. One to fully restore to original spec & the other to turn into a race car
  19. As per post 5, I was just seeing if the the 240 needed a diff & the answer is YES :lol:
  20. Top day out, loads of zeds in the morning, getting covered in gear oil, following the Camaro around wembley & discovering that the 240 needs a diff Orange is definitely the new black for me
  21. I have a sandblasting cabinet @work in which I'll be able to use for the smaller parts but when it comes to the car body & underside I'm not quite sure how I'm going to tackle that one just yet. With regards to the welding incident I purposefully moved away from where I keep all my paints,solvents & combustable items, just didn't think about the pit, but I'm definitely aware of it now
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