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Everything posted by Darren-B

  1. Darren-B

    Bolt kit

    Kays Fastenings, high quality stainless steel nuts & bolts of all sizes, M10 x 1.5 x 40mm if I remember rightly for the strut brace without a plenum spacer, add 6mm if you have a spacer
  2. Hope everyone had a great Christmas, mine was all good, even had a bit of time yesterday morning to work on the car So got back to the front subframe, added the new bushes to the sway bar & tension rods \ Then got the new wheel bearings in, pumped full of grease & brake callipers re-assembled & installed unfortunately I only got a few pictures as I was having a party with the grease gun.
  3. Yeah yeah I'm doing it already Ahahaha the Grammer lesson actually coming from Romania (is it Grammer or grammar? I think the later is used with schools) Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  4. Every thing will always fit, never give up until you succeed
  5. The options were: a) move the garage door & frame forward 80mm cut a few holes in a bit of plasterboard :lol: So managed to get an hour in this afternoon before I go & initiate the annual Xmas day hangover So I got my prayer mate out & started praying that I could remember how it all goes back together Managed to get the new shocks & springs onto the struts, steering rack mounted with new bushes & the stub axles fitted with new eccentric bushes Complete with all the nuts & bolts replaced with Stainless steel ones to eliminate future corrosion Hopefully I'll get chance to finish it tomorrow Merry Christmas everyone
  6. Not sure if a fellow forum member can help you out at all Graham, see post #507 http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/88297-darren-bs-1971-240z-project-pumpkin-interior-strip-p20/page__st__500#entry1404266
  7. So the car for the time being is on it's side to allow more space until I have a sort out Had to modify the wall slightly to allow the garage door to close. I built the wall years ago leaving just enough room to fit the 350z in there
  8. It's given me a lot more room now as the car is positioned @90 degrees so I can store all the body panels on one side whilst I work on the suspension & sub frames the other Ahahaha yes there has been a slight modification to the rear wall, will take a picture later, it involved a hammer, a multi-saw & a water leak but resulted in the car fitting in the garage on the spit
  9. Darren-B

    Welcome Torqen

    Nice one guys, as I said on the phone, I'm always happy to help out where I can
  10. Darren let me know when you have the car, be nice to have a passenger ride with a decent driver Will do Dave, make sure you wear your incontinence pad
  11. Nice to see some good progress, I'm not surprised to see the rot behind the wings. Thankfully mine is in good condition, I was shocked to see that these parts are bare metal from the factory Floors look pretty good, have you checked around the inlet for the heating fan?
  12. Not much really happened with the 240 in the last week, Got the bush shells pressed out the stub axles Then the other half of my spit arrived Then after a bit of fabricating for the chassis mounts I got the car up on it & after getting it balanced, this happened I then went for a drive
  13. Very interesting, if only I knew this a couple of months ago before I bought all my parts I think I pretty much have all bases covered at the moment & zero room for any more car parts, but once the car is back together I may get in touch & buy all the parts from him, nothing beats having plenty of spare parts
  14. It's been a tough couple of days, getting the crap & paint out of all the nooks & crannies is soul destroying, especially on the steering rack, which I couldn't leave to soak in the parts washer due to the lubricated parts inside & the ball joints so it all had to be carefully done with lots of grease on my elbows
  15. Well it's been a busy weekend, got the front subframe stripped down 40+ years of dirt & grim Then the suspension struts & wheel bearings apart Then MANY hours later things started to look a little like this Pressed the old bushes out of the front stub axles Unfortunately I could only get the centre pins & rubber out, the outer shells will not budge so I will take them to my mate who has a proper press Then had an early start today with a brisk trip to Goodwood in this beauty Saw another 240z there also Which later passed us on the M25 & then back to work, all the prepped parts scrubbed down with de-greaser ready for some primer A nice coat of 2k etch primer Then 2k Black Need to turn everything over once dried to finish them off,
  16. You & me both, my 9yr old 350z was in far worse condition on the underside than this 43yr old car, it just goes to show what the humidity does to metal, for example the brake callipers looked like new when I purchased the car & are now covered in surface rust. Also, see below the 4th dec when I removed the wing Left the car out over night on the 8th & there was a frost, see how quickly the rust sets in
  17. At least let me finish stripping it all down before you do that So managed a couple of hours this evening Got the front subframe removed with everything still attached Leaving the front end looking a bit like this I then decided to move the car forward a bit so got the jack setup with a steel bar across the chassis in order to wheel the car forward onto some tyres for support. then after all that 'mucking' about I realised it was easier to just pick it up & pull it forward like a boss Then onto the rear, released the drive shafts & then each wishbone with strut attached right: Left on it's way out Then onto the Diff which had to be lowered straight to avoid damaging the mounting pins (just like the 350 & 370s) Then all piled up ready for stripping down, cleaning & re finishing including all new bushes & SS fixings, but thats for another day SO left the car like this tonight rolling around the garage on a trolley
  18. I'm not doing it for you I'm doing it for myself so I know how it goes back together
  19. So this afternoon I managed to pick up some hardboard to line the sides for protection & for the floor as I'm guaranteed to spill some paint at some point. I wanted to use white correx to allow more light in but gays & dandy didn't have any in stock Got the boards slapped in & made a hinged door for the front so that I can roll the car in & out if need be, got some power points in there & compressed air feed, just need to get the 110v (awaiting on the plugs to arrive) & some more lighting Then the car back in & I was ready for a beer Hopefully I will get chance to actually do some work on the car this week at some point as building spray booths/dust rooms is so boring
  20. Just finishing up in the pub & I'll update, hopefully I'll get to do some work on the car one day this week
  21. Thanks for the tip, I've been using these filters for years & personally found that as you say with it closed as it is, it restricts the airflow but on the other hand it filters better. I am plumbing in a fresh air fed system for a full face mask, so unless the dust gets so much I can't see I'd rather it be filtered properly over sending all the crap outside in the garden where my dogs like to play. When I have the input air feed on with out the extractors on there is a positive pressure & when I put both extractors on the other side of the filter (with the input fan on) there is a vacuum so I'm happy with the the amount of airflow at the moment, will just have to see how it performs when I get the paint stripped off.
  22. Leon, I'm an eco friendly guy (apart from the v-power snorting) I always think of the efficiency of things that I do, i.e.. if I'm heating the paint room I want to paint as much area as I can, or if I'm sanding something I do't want to be cleaning the dust off of tools for the next 2years So today I got off work early, went to see my paint man who had some presents for me Etch primer, activator, body filler, filler, filler stopper, wash primer, mixing pads, stoneguard, & some high build primer. After an extensive conversation with him he has assured me that using an etch primer over epoxy is the way to go. He says that you should never put a filler over a primer, even epoxy to avoid sinkage or distortion in the final finish. I'm taking his word over all the videos I've seen on youtube after seeing many of the projects that he has completed over the years. So I got onto completing my prep bay Framework finished Then sealed apart from the front, including inlet air feed & 2no. doors for access: 240 then pushed in Then the rear sealed, with an easily removable system for if I wish to open it up http://seology.com/darrenb/2014-12-09_22-18-26.mp4 Hopefully tomorrow I'll get a chance to fit a radiator under the car & get the power, breathing air feed & compressed air feed in there & maybe test it out with some paint stipping
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