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Everything posted by Darren-B

  1. Cheers Chris, I tell you what, all the removal of that sodding underseal & all the nooks & crannies has been soul destroying, wish I had paid the extra £££ & gone down the blasting route
  2. Well my new compressor arrived & it is a beast compared to the old one, quieter & fills up so fast it cuts off when spraying So this weekend once I had finished work I have busted my balls on the 240 in order to make some decent progress. So I managed to finish the three patch panels on the passenger floor This was a practice run to see if I was any good at it & to get the welder setup for the 1.5mm thin floor I then got a bit carried away & forgot to take pictures but the finished job including the rails glad I stocked up on grinding wheels before I started this I then got to work on stripping the paint from the inside, & made some panels to cover the holes that had been cutout for speakers Then after many many many many hours the interior was completely stripped back to metal & primed leaving me here: Totally shattered but glad to have made some big progress
  3. I don't think his video is about how fast the car is but more 'look what I've done'
  4. Looks like I missed out on a good day, you know that LS would look, Go & sound so much better in a 240 How about an L28 swap Ian?
  5. WTF!!! I wanted to do this later this year, guess I'll have to have a rethink & better it
  6. Ian, I'm afraid I'm not going to be able to make it tomorrow. I have a lot of work I need to get done over the next week before any of my own stuff. I'll definitely come down another weekend to help out with the fuel system & any other parts I can. Have a great day tomorrow guys
  7. Nice advice there, as this is clearly how I've killed mine assisted with boxing it in to keep the noise down, my grandad suggested winding the cutoff pressure down, which will be fine when I'm spraying but not much good for the high pressure tools. Will see how the new one performs it's double the cfm of the old one so should pressure up a lot quicker.
  8. Would it not be easier to just switch the line at the other end? Or even connect the two together for extra capacity? I like your thinking though I'm going to strip the dead one down & see if I can fix it, I have a feeling its the head gasket as it's been leaking for a while.
  9. Oh wow what a unique opportunity, not sure when the deadline for photos is, but `i would love to attend with the 240z if I get it finished in time.
  10. Well, we do actually have a job task for you that I know you're a pro at. Walbro 255 This isn't the only weekend, but probably the most exciting which could lead to disappointment, sorry I mean challenge. We plan to be fully complete by April (no specific date) I tell you what, since I have no compressor or welder & theres a fuel pump assembly to modify I may just pay you a visit. I also want to stroke your lump
  11. Thanks Mr G, thats really kind of you, but I need to replace all the lines & filters now so may aswell do it all together when the replacement arrives.
  12. Well that sucks I'm sure you will soon overcome this minor setback and be back on form One day you will look back on it and laugh (I hope ) I have a plan for the welder whilst I wait for more gas, going to borrow the CO2 fire extinguisher from work tomorrow Well I'm laughing already. Interesting solution mate. Do you not have a local gas place you can get refills from? Got one just down the road from me and they are open Saturday morning. I do but it's out of the way, I've ordered the gas already & besides using the fire extinguisher will be fun, they don't call me iFabricate for nothing
  13. I can't make it this weekend as I have to much to do on the 240, the deadline is ever closing for me. But hopefully one of you lot will FaceTime me at some point
  14. Well that sucks I'm sure you will soon overcome this minor setback and be back on form One day you will look back on it and laugh (I hope ) I have a plan for the welder whilst I wait for more gas, going to borrow the CO2 fire extinguisher from work tomorrow
  15. That's a bummer, ....any come back on those or is it likely to be just your word against their's? And nightmare about the compressor going kaput but you haven't had it long though, have you? so should be able to return it. Hopefully due some good luck though after that lot. Just looked back & I bought the gas in September, have sent the seller a message politely expressing my feelings, but doubt anything will come from it, just one of those things. The compressor is about 18months old & to be fair it is a little over worked for what I use it for, so have gone for a bigger one with more POWER as power is the answer to everything
  16. Thanks for the positive comments Unfortunately things haven't been so positive today, wanted to get the patch panel welded up tonight to run out of gas on the mig & then find that the three other gas bottles I bought some months ago are all empty, so feeling a little mugged off with that. & to top it all off my compressor has gone pop, filling all my lines with oil So the door has been closed on the car......
  17. Sounds pretty fair for the work being carried out but `i would have eliminated the cheaper options first, slave cylinder, clutch, release bearing & the little alignment bracket below the gear knob. All of which would have cost a max of £400 before re-building a gearbox where you should be asking yourself if the above parts are worth changing whilst the box is out
  18. Glad to see another positive & happy customer. Sly never ceases to impress with his extensive knowledge & excellent service
  19. Yes I am, after spending around 10 & 10s & 10s ofhours removing all that crap from underneath to find NOTHING I would have just cleaned it & painted over, The only corrosion I have is on the passenger floor, but that has rotted from the inside out, I will be attacking that soon,
  20. Well today I managed to get away from work around 11 so got a full 10hours in the garage, So I started with the car like this: Then after many hours cleaning back all the nooks & crannies I was still unable to find any rust so cleaned it all down with some thinners followed by another scratch then another clean down with panel wipe/degreaser & started to get it sealed up I still have some repair work to do on the floors so this will have to come back off in those areas but atleast I can put my mind at rest that I'm not going to walk in to find it rusting & have to do it all again.
  21. Oh the fun I had with the dashpots, after chroming them some months ago followed by a clear coat I baked them & then popped them in a box for storage. I completely forgot to oil the insides & turns out I have a small leak on the garage roof so ended up spending about 2hours on them yesterday polishing the insides to get the fuel needles to run smoothly
  22. Great idea with the jacking points to save the pAint, I've been thinking about this with mine for the future Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  23. Great idea with the jacking points to save the pAint, I've been thinking about this with mine for the future Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
  24. It's all a learning curve mate Sent from my iPhone using Tapatalk
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