Hello Guys,
Right I have had a good look and a long hard think about this one, there are only a few tunnels in london, of which most have speed cameras, if we do a run we have to bare in mind that there are lots of traffic lights and few places to stop and wait for people, and its very easy to get lost and seperated. (anyone who done the London to BRighton run maybe aware) Can we change the destination? I have a propsed route, with tynnels and some great driving roads. Starting at blue water, with Dartford tunnel, then back over, off the m25 at swanley, through the lanes to swanley village, (Nice tunnel under m20) then in a loop back to A20, down the A225 through Otford into sevenoaks, down the b2042 (great road) then onto the B2027 at four elms, through to tonbridge where we can stop at THE VAUXHALL INN (big carpark) for a chat/drink/food.
Then on through five oak green B2047, down the pembury by-pass, through Nettlestead green into Yalding, picking up the A26 towards Maidstone, up the A229 then off half way up bluebell hill, through burham downinto the back of rochester, nip through strood, then the MEDWAY TUNNEL twice or more if required then just round the corner into UPNOR, for a photo shoot and perhaps some lunch, theres a nice pub here
What do you think guys?
http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=d&sourc ... 8&t=h&z=15