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Everything posted by Darren-B

  1. So where are we definately meeting in the morning? Need to confirm as we may end up with 3zeds in each pub
  2. So where are we definately meeting in the morning? Need to confirm as we may end up with 3zeds in each pub
  3. Havent a scooby doo, probably around that sort of time
  4. Havent a scooby doo, probably around that sort of time
  5. Hey, you and me should be used to that kind of parking, chinese always "Park & Abandon".... No chance of kerbing your rims parking like that
  6. Hey, you and me should be used to that kind of parking, chinese always "Park & Abandon".... No chance of kerbing your rims parking like that
  7. So whos actually going to this? Can we do a names list? If a few from the forum go ill come up, but the last two times I did it there was lots of hype on here about going then it just ended up with me and Greekman going
  8. So whos actually going to this? Can we do a names list? If a few from the forum go ill come up, but the last two times I did it there was lots of hype on here about going then it just ended up with me and Greekman going
  9. I have this problem going into my garage. I have to go super slow for it not to scrap. But if I have a full tank of fuel or any luggage in the car it will scrap no matter what
  10. Ive received a number already but cannot post them one here as I dont want to offend any Jacko lovers
  11. Is it the fury dog motor from dumb and dumber
  12. I ripped mine off too. Another job for the weekend then
  13. Ill be there on the friday too, got a wedding on the sat so wont be able to make the 2 best days
  14. Maybe you should offer them on here first so that one of us can make a profit from you
  15. Thats what I used to say till my mate bought 1, great chassis on them, and after you wack a jackson racing Charger on it, there lovelly Nice Zed, Im afraid I havent room for 2. very clean for a high milage car
  16. anyone want to buy my rear wiper motor? £45 bargin
  17. I may have to buy one just for this event I do like to compete
  18. +1 Are you talking about the battery powered ones or the nitro ones? If its the nitro noisy ones ill dig mine out the garage and get it going again
  19. What happens if you park on un-even ground also buggered if you want to lower the car. A load of rubbish if you ask me
  20. 8.30 is good for me, this is where the Portobello Inn is, even done the directions from the M25 for you I have a feeling that you maybe coming anti clockwise though. Easy enough take Jct3 then the A20 towards west kingsdown & Sevenoaks, drive about 2miles, pass brands hatch and a texaco garage and its on your left hand side on the junction with Fawkham Road. http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=d&sourc ... Inn+(o%2Fs)+station,+West+Kingsdown,+Kent+TN15,+United+Kingdom&hl=en&mra=ls&sll=51.341256,0.267448&sspn=0.007211,0.022724&g=West+Kingsdown,+Portobello+Inn+(o%2Fs)+station,+West+Kingsdown,+Kent+TN15,+United+Kingdom&ie=UTF8&ll=51.366315,0.243244&spn=0.060339,0.181789&t=h&z=13 Thats of course were meeting there
  21. Wicked, the hunt on ebay will start now , am i right in saying i would want a drifitng spec as to a normal ? Will talk to you over PM, dont want to thread-jack. , sorry all Post whore
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