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Everything posted by Darren-B

  1. Right I have a spare seat to fill in the car, could get 6boxes, but as chris said, they could be nearly a week old by the time I get up there and im sure if I havent eaten them by the time i get to moffat im sure xstric9x + Bex9 - Ebized +1 - Chris`I + Amanda -Chesterfield + 1 -will help polish them off
  2. I have a special friend in newquay Seeing as im off work from the 28th I may as well make the most of it. I usually to a europeon trip every year so ill stick to the uk this year My last one was 3500miles
  3. I have just planned my basic route for the hoon, from 29th aug to the 9th sept, with a visit to a good friend down south before heading up north. Going to rack up some miles in the zed Best go out and buy some more cds http://maps.google.co.uk/maps?f=d&sourc ... F8&t=h&z=5
  4. Looks sweet, what tyres are you running?
  5. Empty roads I have to get up very early on a sunday and not go out on a sat to find empty roads, living near london, you dont know how lucky you are
  6. No, not on Monday when we drive up the west coast route to Ullapool area stay there for a couple of nights -going out on the Tuesday continuing along the west and north coasts, and then taking a more inland drive back to Ullapool. Well at least I think thats the idea, as all being well Stew is showing us the way, with any others who are up for it Be great to have you along - but who would believe, it two southerners at the other end of the British Isles whilst all the namby pamby midlanders stay tucked up indoors, Stan & Lucy so far being the exception Well seeing as ill be driving from the south east I may aswell join you, furthest north I have ever been is leeds so I may as well do it properly
  7. Are you going there on monday? I will have to see nearer the time
  8. Going to join us on the trip to J O'Groats while you are at it - should get it all done for a little over 2000 miles Whats J O'Groats? Im going to stop 3/4 of the way up at moffat: viewtopic.php?f=19&t=25139
  9. Managed to get everything booked up and confirmed today Now the 630 mile drive to F A comes
  10. Count me in for this, I assume its too late to book it now, ill just tag along and pay on the day
  11. 1. xstric9x + Bex9 - Double room - confirmed and booked????? 2. Ebized +1 - double room - confirmed and booked 3. Chris`I + Amanda - Double room - confirmed and booked 4. Chesterfield + 1 - Double room. 5. Darren-b Double room - confirmed and booked
  12. 1. xstric9x + Bex9 - Double room 2. Ebized +1 - double room 3. Chris`I + Amanda - Double room 4. Chesterfield + 1 - Double room. 5. Darren-b Double room Count me in for this, is there any confirmation on the hotel chosen yet?
  13. Go with what ever colour you want mark and if you get bored get it wrapped Cant wait to see an update on pictures keep up the good work
  14. lovely car and wheels mate, I see no expense was spared with the choice of rubber either
  15. Darren-B

    Audi TTRS

    when it comes to corners, balance the zed properly and you should be able to leave a tt until he can put his foot down, had a muppet in an m6 tryin to show off to his bimbo no.5 the other day through a few twistys, I managed to out brake him then go around the outside of him on the exit of the roundabout and got a good 200yrds down the road before he caught up, then did it again at the next roundabout then he gave up Its not all about power at all,
  16. Nice one Chris, I hate editing so your more than welcome to mine for me, love the driver shots, great angle
  17. Hi all, been a bit slow getting on the net. Raced home 230miles from oulton park a quick shower then out on the town, ended up being a long day/night with way to much cider and tequila so ended up in bed most of yesterday, changed the wheels back on the car and gave it a quick wash. Whilst removing the rear wheels I came across a cone wedged in the rear subframe So steve I owe you a cone. Had a great day drifting, it was much harder than before with the forever changing grip levels as the track was being soaked and then drying out, had to play around with the pressures a bit to stopr the under-steer. I wont be doing it again in the zed if they are going to wet the track as its going to take me a month of sundays to get all the filth off the car. Thanks to everyone who took me out in their cars, too many to list. I saw S1 *** as he was leaving, shame we couldnt say Hi, has the car been resprayed or wrapped? looks great in white. Heres a few pics I got on my phone, the aftermath of a wet oulton park, will try and get some vids up later in the week Kieth caught in the act:
  18. Thats why I wear a full face, so no-one can see my pig face
  19. Its got no engine, thats why its so cheap Also check out his e-mail add, im sure hes prob not a native of the uk
  20. im taking both, most circuits say that you have to have all limbs covered and if its an open top car a full face helmet, I dont know for sure if this is the case tomorrow but will assume it is.
  21. Just thought id remind you mate Long sleeves are req on track also Drop me a txt if your around tonight, I think we maybe a little to far away, were stayin in middlewich, otherwise will see for tomorrow @ the circuit
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