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Everything posted by Darren-B

  1. Yes had a great day, so many lovelly cars and attractive (money grabbing) ladies How long you had your zed? Where abouts are you located?
  2. Ive just driven a gt ultimate spec in auto, had it to myself for 90mins I have similar views, the exhaust sounds poo, the steering very numb. looks like its on stilts, you cant see the climate control lights when driving (the ac and auto), they have used the same gear surround as the manual and just put a blank over the s-mode button. When in drive the kick down is very slow and the paddles dont move with the wheel . thats the negative stuff out the way, A great power increase (probably the gearing in the 7speed auto) lovely and smooth when in drive, switch it to semi-auto and up changes are quick, it blips the throttle on down changes and makes you really wanna go for it. I think the handling for the brittish roads has been greatly improved. Oh and its just as good to drift as the 350 Would I get one? Im not actually sure, if I could get it to sound like a 350 and lower it 20-30mm without affecting the handling to much, YES
  3. Oh dear I think somebody needs to join Maz on the silly boys list viewtopic.php?f=41&t=26053 1. Maz77 2. Andy rigby
  4. Whens the race? If I have my car ready in time can we do a 3way race East Shore Racing vs Cougar Store Race vs Team SBR?
  5. I vote that They have to do a group buy of these and show us how to replace them on their own cars at the next available meet
  6. TT the zed, you should be up there with the 996 turbos and they wont even see it coming Then thatwill probably give you an idea on the running cost of a porsche. And after all that when you decide you really want a porsche sell me your boosted zed
  7. Theres one in sandwich dont know what its called, its next to the old power station
  8. If there the eibach spacers, CS can source the correct nuts, as I managed to round a few of mine off So make sure you dont overtighten them
  9. Didnt know about the failsafe stuff! As a rally trainer told me last weekend... NEVER TOUCH THE BRAKE while in a slide! I never would, andrew walsh (LOT) told me about it. Clever stuff but shouldnt be used as it will get you into bad habbits. Jump into another car and ................smash
  10. Specs on cars and drivers please Thats driving experience and weight please, nothing else
  11. Beautiful, You going to bring it to the JOCKLAND HOON?
  12. Well I prefer it off myself Im pretty confident in a car and usually know what to do when it steps out of line (usually inflicted by myself and held as long as pos) but for anyone who doesnt know, if the brake light switch is activated (the middle pedal pushed down slightly) all the electronic systems are activated again, kind of a failsafe, try it in a wet carpark, get the car into a drift then touch the brake pedal n see what happens Personally id be keep the vx till the winter then change, get yourself on a drive training day somewhere, you will lean loads and really get to grips with your car more, Ive had a mk1 elise & mk2 elise so I can feel for you a bit in the wet, a bit scary sometimes
  13. Mental note, dont buy a car off gibby
  14. or he just took the corner to fast and slid into the farmers field nice pics though Bored waiting for the recovery so took some pics
  15. I had the centre caps stolen from my audi saw the guy taking the last 1 and drive off as I attempted to get out and beat him with a lamp, got his reg but the police were not interested, but a few weeks later saw his car whilst i was in a van and followed him home I got my caps back and pinched the valves from all four wheels As they say what goes round comes round
  16. +1 got to be the best option would be fun too
  17. PMSL not only in a scottish accent but imagining Rab-C-Nesbit saying it in his wife beater string vest hmm Krispy Kreme, so addictive, the one near me (bluewater) you can actually see them being made in the evening when they close, they have like little magical elves making em I swear down lol Went to Bluwater last night to watch a film, then I thought of this trhead and had to get a dozen KK`s
  18. I never new it was a drift stage, best get some new tyres before I come
  19. Could be like Roast350z`s mate shaun and his 3.2 e30 I may got for a 150Z
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