Ive just driven a gt ultimate spec in auto, had it to myself for 90mins I have similar views, the exhaust sounds poo, the steering very numb. looks like its on stilts, you cant see the climate control lights when driving (the ac and auto), they have used the same gear surround as the manual and just put a blank over the s-mode button. When in drive the kick down is very slow and the paddles dont move with the wheel . thats the negative stuff out the way, A great power increase (probably the gearing in the 7speed auto) lovely and smooth when in drive, switch it to semi-auto and up changes are quick, it blips the throttle on down changes and makes you really wanna go for it. I think the handling for the brittish roads has been greatly improved. Oh and its just as good to drift as the 350
Would I get one? Im not actually sure, if I could get it to sound like a 350 and lower it 20-30mm without affecting the handling to much, YES