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Everything posted by Darren-B

  1. For those of who did not have the pleasure to watch Jerry`s facial expressions whilst his car was being rolling roaded at Surrey rolling road on sat 12th heres a few pics Cool as a cucumber whilst waiting his turn: Car now on the ramps, looking a little worried: Through the gears, 3000rpm: 4000rpm 5000rpm 6000rpm Rev-limiter And it didnt go bang
  2. personally for the unreliable gains you guys potentially have made from rs tunning I would like to see a few others with consistant results before i would consider going there for a re-map.
  3. hope you have a decent garage with that
  4. Darren-B


    The Teins are over £200 as well. R You look in the wrong places.....£160 You both look in the wrong places, £114 Also try dropping andwood a pm, as he has a set of eibachs that he may be selling
  5. 3fiddyz spotted, me Chesterfield and H5, well our cars, in this months fast car magazine nice one Mark
  6. Damm, been at the rolling road day today, if I had known that you were buying I may have made a trip up, Enjoy and no chatting up peter
  7. Happy Birthday GREEKMAN hope you have a good day mate
  8. nasty dent in the door of that zed, nice rims, hope you get the sale sorted
  9. This must have been my consilation prize for breaking my heel and not being able to make it
  10. I quite fancy doing this as a birthday treat. Are there any recommended ones further oop north not sure, im from daaan saaouth
  11. Hes been allowed out to play in the garden
  12. I can't argue with the straight line figures but why do you say this? In the wet the Golf would muller a Zed obviously but in the dry? The R32 is just a Golf with 4WD added whilst the Zed is a RWD sports car. I know which will be the most engaging drive... PS I'm not dissing the Golf and almost went for one of these when I needed something practical. I drove an R32 and found it just to be a hyped up golf with no driver feedback or soul nearly fell asleep at the wheel
  13. Meaning you will be sitting on this forum for many hours? like this?
  14. WHAT Personally I love roundabouts, theres 3 ways of taking them, nice and calm when theres other road users on them, really quick using a good racing line, or sideways with as much lock as possible. If you dont feel in control of your car get yourself on a advanced driver training course in your own car where you can learn exactly what your car will do in different conditions and how to react when push it a little http://www.carlimits.com/
  15. This is my fav pic out of the lot, shame theres not another black zed in there
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