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Everything posted by Darren-B

  1. Good stuff Love the bonnet, what a great idea
  2. Not for me this year, just one huge traffic jam didnt get over 20mph Hope you enjoy it though
  3. Just because your cool with the roof down and the wind under your visor doesnt mean that your brakes are
  4. Glad to hear you have your car back, watchout for those diesel spilages
  5. Nice one Steve, Car looks great, looking forward to seeing you go around brands next month
  6. You be my wife for 10 dollar
  7. Darren-B


    If you had posted this up last week I would have swiped it but just bought a no. plate so havent got the spare £££ now.
  8. Could have cleaned the grill before the picture was taken, Entered though Also hoping for my delivery 2morrow
  9. Definately Glad to hear the cars still in 1peice
  10. Yeah I had a few done on mine last year, very impressive I now have a perfect dent free car
  11. The inside camera view on the old shed was nasty. Noticed the petrol cap came open on the new car though, not very good
  12. If you get pulled, just say it must have fallen off
  13. +1 Always drive at a speed in which you are able to react/stop to the distance in which you can see. A good friend of mine was killed by some 21year old idiot in a subaru driving like a prick to fast for the distance in which he could see and the road layout. The driver survived and now has to live with killing 2people by driving to fast 4 the conditions etc. Personally I love speed and im a huge petrol head and have a racing licence. But will only drive at speed when its safe to do so, and public roads are no-way safe for more than 100mph, Most roads considerably less IMO
  14. Well I hope you manage to get it sorted soon without to much time/expense
  15. Try Youtube never heard of it before though Funky power are a bit unreliable, got a quote for a greddy turbo kit for my mx-5, it was alot more than advertised then when i went to order it they tried putting the price up again, so completely lost all my business
  16. Conflicts with both Wales drive out and snetterton I think
  17. I saw my first white zed about 4years in miami thats when I fell in love
  18. if you rest your foot on the clutch (which you shouldnt) the cruise will not engage
  19. Just get married in a hotel and go to a zed meet for your honeymoon, You can keep it then
  20. Thats a little pricey dont you think? Not very pretty IMO
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