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Everything posted by Darren-B

  1. Does Tony want to come and clean mine? It was a huge washout, the roads were very slippery
  2. Well that was a very interesting run down to goodwood, a real work out to keep the car on the road, Lots of leaves and standing water Only got a few pictures as it was pouring down
  3. My Turn Missed a bit Mark Bullet the wheel cleaner hard at work again Heres my favourite Jerrys new brakes An Intruder If anyone wants Hi Res pics PM me, I have plenty of others, these are just the few with the least amount of people in
  4. I have some pictures too, will try and post up soon
  5. Great write up Steve, was good to see you out there pushing hard and gaining places in very tricky conditions hope its going to be dry for me and greekman on monday
  6. Have you got a picture of the pigeon? Did he have a friend with him?
  7. Right guys im meeting a few of my friends at the village hotel in maidstone first thing then driving down to good wood. If anyone fancies joining for a convoy through some great roads either at maidstone or Pease Pottage services jct 11 M23 RH11 9YA Let me know through this thread or via PM
  8. Darren-B

    Lipped discs...

    You could get them skimmed, lots of car dealers do to make the brakes look fresh as a selling point http://www.skimmydiscs.co.uk/index.html
  9. I was going anyway, but after speaking to Cavey will join you guys Convoy? I know a great route down there with some great roads
  10. Ill keep my black zed far away from bristol there are obviously a greater No. of idiots around there
  11. I might even have my mazda charged and tuned by 2nd, that will be good fun
  12. I will hopefully be joining you on the 2nd Nov at Brands
  13. Right Havent had time to sort photobucket out as yet so heres a link to my facebook album, feel free to tag yourselves so I can put more names to cars etc http://www.facebook.com/album.php?aid=3 ... 001&ref=mf
  14. Your right there, and once your start you cant stop Hoping to get my pictures online tonight
  15. If the 2nd picture was taken a second later there would have been some drifting involved hence the tight line, well a little drift
  16. Yes as this is a forum for all ages, dont want to get into trouble now
  17. We had a quick look in the car, theres some real funnies on there that im not personally going to own up 2
  18. Top day out, had a great laugh, My mate Alex managed to snap 691 photos somehow Now I have the job of sorting them out. Was great to meet some new faces, The Parade laps were great, not often you get to go over 25mph on them let alone 125 A big thanks to all those who organised the event
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