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Everything posted by Darren-B

  1. Welcome along, having some serious thoughts about selling mine, the Bose works perfectly too,
  2. Good work, the waxoil pumps are naff, I had to use a heat gun to keep it hot when I did mine, how comes you used the clear waxoil and not the black stuff?
  3. Ok heres a few of mine, couldnt get any really good ones as there was always people in the way
  4. Some great pictures on her, I will try and load mine shortly, been a little busy at work and playing with my other toy,
  5. Just went and uncovered the Zed, still nice and clean as I left it, started first turn after being untouched for 25days, result. Roll on Sunday, weather looks good too. Hopefully plenty of photo opportunities
  6. Is the pub we met at last year the best place to meet again? If so what time did we meet last year? I cant remember The portabello inn I think it was, I'm away at the mo so very limited net access & tome to properly read the thread, but it's probably the easiest place to meet
  7. 1 / Chesterfield 2 / Chris`I 3 / H5 4 / Madmarky 5 / Narcotix 6 / gunmetalzgt 7 / cavey+1 8 / Eraserhead 9 / Alessandro (+1to confirm ) 10/ Yokomo 11/ D0rzi (+1) 12/ chippychip123 13/ darren-b 14/ 15/ 16/ 17/ 18/ 19/ 20/
  8. Heres a few of my belated pics The Cleaning crew
  9. Ahh You caught me drink driving Am going to try and get my pics up at some point this weekend
  10. Just voted for you mate, although I know one of the other cars
  11. Im leaving the bugs on mine, I see them a little like go-faster stripes + they cover up some of the many stone chips I have recently acquired
  12. Haha wondered how long it would be till u saw it, wanted to know if they would fit, to save u bringing them if they didn't, "friend"
  13. Hi all was wondering if someone could advise me on whether the CATs from an 2008 Zed would fit a 2004????? My nearside CAT has decided to implode into a number of pieces, now rattling around inside the exhaust. I have a "friend" who can offer me the standard CATs from his 2008 car on the Wales run, which is obviously convenient, but now so much so if they wont fit
  14. Hope you all have a great weekend, im gutted that I cant come along to defend my title
  15. I have them in stock mate No need to wait until may 28th. Just received mine form ZMANALEX very next day, I phoned the Nissan dealer and they told me upto 4weeks delivery
  16. I tried my local stealer, but they claim there are none in the country, 4-6week wait, what utter rubbish and how useful is that. Luckily the forum has saved me again, ZMANALEX has rescued me,
  17. My slve cylinder is now playing up, Anyone know where I can source an uprated one?
  18. I done mine last weekend, Removed the whole rooflining from the car, all the plastics. Keyed up all the plastics, acrylic primed then painted satin black, the roof lining was a pain in the arse, thought it would be a good idea to use a fabric dye as I was worried about the finish being hard or crusty using paint. So bought a paddling pool from `Toys "R" Us` and used plenty of fabric dye (Black) to soak the roof in, after some time soaking it was time to drip dry and then a rinse, The dye wouldnt take to the fabric used in the roof lining so had to resort to painting. Heres the finished product, im very happy with it
  19. Unfortunately im going to have to pull out of this one last minute, Sorry to dis-appoint, well atleast you all now have a far greater chance of winning the best 350Z award
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