Saw Bruce and his camera and puddle - moved to the far side of the road to avoid - then saw the puddle was a fair bit in front of him so moved back for him to get me making a splash (praying I had not miss-judged the distance )
Bruce - you (and Sky) were real stars in turning up all the way from Bournemouth to take the pics in not so great conditions and as we have come to see, you get some great shots - I for one am really, really humbled you turn out to support our drives. (Hope me don't mind me using your post Will to thank Bruce - not sure if he has signed up on here - but he is very, very welcome to do so, as he does not have to own a ZED )
He sure does take some good shots. I have asked him to sign up here as he knows a number of you now and i think he will be attending more of the zed meets. We just have to pursuade him to buy one now
Come on Bruce sign up, we all love you & your photos