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Everything posted by Darren-B

  1. Sorry to hear about this Matt, hope you can get it sorted
  2. Or just get your open diff welded
  3. Theres your answer ^^^^^^^^
  4. Now when it gets that low you know for sure your having fun
  5. I pay nothing for insuring my Black edition 370 Thats because I havn`t got one Yet
  6. Your lippy looked fine Dave, Sorry Neil I didn't see yours, was too busy checking out Daves acceseries In my mirror
  7. Go to the Gentlemans club, drink some beer and get an older Zed
  8. Just wind the engine or stereo up. you wont hear it Welcome to the club
  9. Well the traffic our side was moving pretty slowly so when that happens I look to the other carriageway for nice cars & attractive women. It just so happens I saw your car & V666 plate
  10. I was heading south, had spursmaddave a little way behind me in an azure then there were 2 more gm's ahead, one coupe & one roadster, I got a wave from them but not sure if there forum members
  11. Spotted!! LinconBaggie on the M40 between the Oxford services & Jct 9 A34 thisafternoon on my way back from the West midlands meet, Car was looking good Neil
  12. I have a 1800 but it does have a little asssistance
  13. A nice car, it`s a shame your selling up, best choice of colour too Good luck with the sale
  14. My first question would be can you get the maps for UK? + you will have to pay duty on it as its coming from the US
  15. whats your avatar all about?????????? i'm showing my appreciation to all the retards on here who keep making jibs at my car choice don't worry greek man your not one of them An S2000 is a fine choice But we do need some pictures of the Cayman S
  16. Its very distressing & sad to read of this terrible news, Theres not anything I can say that hasnt already been said, my thoughts are with the families & friends of both Ian & Hayley
  17. Dont worry mine is looking in desperate need of some, lowered on rays without spacers
  18. Saw Bruce and his camera and puddle - moved to the far side of the road to avoid - then saw the puddle was a fair bit in front of him so moved back for him to get me making a splash (praying I had not miss-judged the distance ) Bruce - you (and Sky) were real stars in turning up all the way from Bournemouth to take the pics in not so great conditions and as we have come to see, you get some great shots - I for one am really, really humbled you turn out to support our drives. (Hope me don't mind me using your post Will to thank Bruce - not sure if he has signed up on here - but he is very, very welcome to do so, as he does not have to own a ZED ) He sure does take some good shots. I have asked him to sign up here as he knows a number of you now and i think he will be attending more of the zed meets. We just have to pursuade him to buy one now Come on Bruce sign up, we all love you & your photos
  19. Perfect a picture of me - well the car.... She so needs a lot of exterior work...... Camera work is truly fantastic - I think even the less selected shots should be posted as well, because I am well impressed with the evidence so far. Great work Bruce!! As Colin says, sign up, and maybe get a Zed too Needs spacers
  20. Hey Trackpig, a set of Braided hoses wouldn`t go a miss, sell a couple of kits and you could buy some
  21. £45 is a bargin, think of how much discs & pads cost to replace??
  22. Yes so do I, the zed always seems to photograph better from low level
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