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Everything posted by Darren-B

  1. Buy it & I`ll rent it off of you for £100 per day to help with the costs But you have to maintain it
  2. A big +1 I have my Nismos for show & Rays for driving
  3. So I think I may have a look on youtube too
  4. I think you get a book with a genuine license
  5. With a car that age it should really have been serviced anually rather than every 9k, If it`s only covered 23k it should be pretty tidy unless of course thats 23k on track
  6. Nice Your going to have to change your sig very soon
  7. +1 Many members change their exhausts soley for more noise or a shiney look leaving their standard systems redundent
  8. YES!!! press the cd button & forget about it
  9. Where are you based? get yourself along to a local meet to introduce yourself to some fellow Zedders
  10. Welcome along, great choice of colour, they look the best when clean
  11. Me likey But I can beat you I have a jet ski that is just shy of 400bhp per tonne
  12. You said in your post that you have uprated 4-pot brakes, is it a JDM with the brembo conversion? I cant really see from the picture
  13. My painter, DB Accident repair uses this company who are very good http://www.inspectadent.co.uk/index.html
  14. Get it fixed sharpish before you properly break it
  15. Welcome along, # Wasn`t you in Leeds was it? viewtopic.php?f=18&t=42283
  16. It was me who gave you the finger, |I hate fiestas Only joking I`m a very polite driver when in the Zed The question now is, who in your area drives a Black zed?
  17. That is some serious horse power
  18. Looking forward to seeing the progress of these wheels. I always thought this myself, but maybe it`s to do with the manufacturers not finishing the inside of wheels to the same standard of the outside. The bubbling on my wheels has all started from the edges of the painted surfaces
  19. Where did that come from ? He must be one of those alcoholics
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