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Everything posted by Darren-B

  1. Didn`t Marzman put one on his JDM Auto? Or am I just making it up again
  2. Hello Chris, nice mx5, I`m a fellow owner, in the process of building two of them as track toys with my mate, 98 1.8s Mk2 JR MP62 with water/meth injection, Koni suspension soon to change to Meister R`s, T.R Lane rollbar, R888`s + some falkens for skidding & the list goes on. And a 89 Mk1 eunos 1.6 JR MP45 with MK2 engine & drivetrain, Meister R`s as above. Where abouts in the SE are you? There is a meet soon Christmas Cracker Special Your more than welcome to come along & introduce yourself. It`s not soley Zeds theres a few others coming, may even have my brother in the MX5 Will give you a chance to look at a few Zeds of different years and certainly levels of mods from stock to complete custom builds Madmarky There are a few new members coming to this so don`t be shy
  3. Not a fan of the fk452's,imo the kumho's are better in the wet,the only problem with the kumho's are they wear to quick,remember both are budget tyres,ide pay the extra & get some micky pilot sport 2's or be a cheap bast%$d like me & get a full set of ps2's with 5mm+ for under£200 Off of shire ? +1 get some decent tyres unless your one for skidding?
  4. After doing a few of your Drift days Steve, it would be a pleasure to come along to Brands Doubt I`ll be in the Zed though, I have a new toy
  5. Well the seller isn`t having much luck, his Ebay count is zero
  6. Alsoif you been exceptionally hard on the brake & got them a wee bit hot this can cause squeaking as the pad surface could be heat damaged. A few moderate heat cycles would normally clear this
  7. Inner pads could be low but I`d suggest going to the petrol garage & blasting the brakes with compressed air, this should help clear any debris within the calipers
  8. Darren-B


    Surely only one at a time? If so I would suspect that and early diagnosis that one may have failed is if the fan comes on regularly without the AC on as there would be less cooling
  9. +1 with what Jerry said Sorry to hear of your mis fortune, I know its a bit late to say but maybe others could take note of it, You shouldn`t rely on the ESP to keep you out of trouble, it should be used as a warning, not a way of trying to put down as much power as possible. Personally I hate it & very rarely run with it on as it`s so intrusive (only turn it on for high speed wet roads) Hope you can sort something out with your insurance & get back to zedding soon
  10. Welcome along to the forum, as Will said, your best bet is to get to a local meet where you can get up close to members cars, ask questions & maybe get a ride out in one
  11. The Medication is in the brown plastic bottle with the yellow sticker, Not the Green Glass one
  12. Welcome Along Heather, Yes welcome Jetset I hate it here cos I have no money left!! My car was oem 4 months then I stumbled across this forum and now look what's happened. I have no money left and now 3 points on my license. It's a greasing ground for modifications, o seduce cleaning and meeting strangers. I NEED MEDICATION!!!! You need the Christmas Cracker Special & Eve of the Christmas Cracker Special
  13. Best of luck tomorrow, bet you have a great day. & what a fine example of a DB9, Love the colour
  14. We know it`s a but who cares You guys have just created me a new playlist for the next couple of weeks
  15. Why can`t you use the zed all year round? It`s perfectly capable. Drive it, enjoy it
  16. Glad your back in your Zed Martin, I know the feeling, drove mine last thursday for the first time in 8weeks, It was a joyous occasion
  17. Darren-B


    OMG what a waste of time watching that.................
  18. Looks a little different, Good luck with the sale
  19. Welcome along Liam, want to meet a few other members? Check this out, looks to be a BIG ONE Christmas Cracker Special Oh I may aswell
  20. Nice to hear your coming along Will, Hope you join the convoy
  21. I`ll be running 888`s hopefully they will help me keep up with the bottle boy
  22. were you a bit tired Darren, or do you need to go to specsavers? the small print said In before the Sarnie Well I`m blaming the Iphone now & maybe I was a little tired and intoxicated
  23. sorry to hear of all this, maybe get the lower bumper carbon wrapped rather than an overlay, will probably be cheaper too.
  24. I'm stupid, what does IBTS mean? Other than Irish Blood Transfusion Service Hope I haven't got to start a new thread to get an answer because that will really make me look silly
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