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Everything posted by Darren-B

  1. I was referring to you trying to shake up with me, Ok well if you let me know when all the bookings are going ahead I'll sort it out
  2. I'll be requiring a double room please that I hope to be sharing with the +1 so don't get any ideas Ian
  3. Hi all I am definately coming, I will just go with the flow when it comes to accommodation etc, I can meet you guys on the way down to the tunnel @ the m20 maidstone services as you will be passing anyway. I should have a plus 1 also. Just need to invest in some new front discs yet again prior to the trip
  4. Just a quick thanks to Steve & Phil for oraganising and running another successful trackaction online day, write up & photos will follow
  5. If possible try not to set the handbrake, just leave it in gear, this should solve the problem. But either way its not anything to worry about
  6. I have just invested in a rather nice bike today, pick it up tomorrow, wouldn't mind being able to transport it on the zed if possible as I would like to do some riding places other than kent
  7. If you have LPG you can de cat the exhaust to gain back the lost power & it will still pass the mot
  8. My old man has been running his cars on LPG since the stoneage, all been 6-8 cylinder, now looking at a v10 I used to have a van on LPG, & a friend of mine runs his motor yacht on it, running two 6ltr V8s never had any major problems, just the odd filter every year, they do tend to knock out spark plugs 40% faster but that's no hardship really. Not much space for a tank in an s2k though.
  9. Wheels are made from cast aluminum so do not flex/bend very much before breaking, just like the plenums (not mentioning any names) they crack if you over tighten the bolts. Hope you all get your wheels sorted soon
  10. I feel that it is highly unlikely to be able to get a sub 8minute lap in any road car under 400bhp per ton & without track orientated tyres. Not to mention knowing the track inside out. Just watch the video, the guy is hanging the ZR1 (620 HP, 595 lb.-ft. torque, 1,519 kg) So its the same weight as the Zed but twice the power &probably grip too So I feel that putting a post up challenging people to go flat out on a public day is not really on & just asking for a serious accident to happen. Don`t get me wrong I love to drive on track & have done nearly every month for the last 4-5years.
  11. I don`t think I`m Bad Ass enough to be rocking the Black Rims, trying to keep the sleeper look
  12. Ooops, Sorry about that, I don`t think before I type sometimes I mean`t to say "Satellite Navigation System"
  13. Welcome along, Black is a good choice of colour, some will dis-agree but theres no doubt it looks the best when clean
  14. The Nissan Birdview **** nav will haave Nissan across the screen when you turn the ignition, an aftermarket one will not. Plus the controls will beat the bottom of the screen
  15. +1 both the bumper & wing are repairable by someone who knows what there doing
  16. I will have a set of Gloss Black Rays for sale in the new year,
  17. Darren-B

    Spacer bolts

    Yes CS can definitely get them as he sorted me out with some before
  18. Sounds like your due a new battery or a good charge, I recently left my zed for over 5weeks without starting, it started first time as always,
  19. Yes all these messages about GT5 online, takes more time to type all the names in
  20. Another Zed from Crawley down I think you maybe better waiting for the 8mm plate as you may have an issue with clearances & rubbing with the larger 10mm spacer
  21. Pretty much explains it on the package
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