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Everything posted by Darren-B

  1. I don't Like the bolts, I think it make it look a little to busy, there going back to. Black
  2. Does he not mean the strut brace??? I recently done my plenum & strut bar in red
  3. I've now had 3sets on my lmgt4s but the falkens are what you pay for, there top end budgets, so if you want average grip & additional road noise go for the falkens but if you have a bit of spare cash go for something a bit better & asemetric
  4. A 40min job so long as you don't get the leads mixed up
  5. Wasso has a steP by steP guide
  6. How long will the shipping take on that?
  7. IMO if your car is within 6months of the end of warranty it's doubtful that the word warranty is even worth the paper its written on. I had an Audi TT 225 2weeks in warranty with an oil pump failure, 1destroyed engine no joy from the manufacturer & cost of rebuilding / reboring the engine. So I'm all for self servicing, so long as its done properly
  8. Surely this can be Alex's Xmas present for you this year? Including fitting?
  9. 1. realistically how much did they go up? As Sarnie said theres another 6months age to come on the car 2. The 370z roadster is now in full swing on the market now, & in March the early ones are likely to be down to about 21k Perhaps the car should have been on the market in the summer at the right price. Priced correctly I`m sure someone will buy it or trade it in. My mate has just bought a Z4m soft top 2weeks ago Admittedly convertibles are sure to sell better in the summer months but not increase in value, I have an SLK I`m restoring over the winter to hopefully sell when the sun shines next year
  10. Any pics without the masking tape yet? .......................
  11. I think you have probably answered your own question, HFC`s ----mixture enriched due to low temps ----higher emissions= EML
  12. If you make long right hand turns ie multiple laps of roundabouts with the fuel level below half the needle will drop by about 1/4 along with the range. The zeds fuel tank sits accoss the whole car & is moulde over the prop shaft so fuel can gather to one side during alot of cornering this giving a false reading
  13. I had some clutch/ gearbox issues with my movano van last year, spent a day dropping the gearbox to change the clutch to find the clutch was fine, turned out to be the fluid had gone off & the slave cylinder was not operating fully, school boy error on my half, so would definitely change fluid & maybe the slave cylinder before clutch/gearbox
  14. A fairly straight forward operation at a fraction of the cost
  15. +1 ^^^ It would be pretty embarrassing for the club if something like this did happen & would be likely to bring any further drives to an end. Although I find this hilarious it should be duley noted that these things can easily happen when driving in a group. So we all need to keep our driving standards tip top on our meets & runs
  16. I've just caught up with this, what a great thread, so many pictures of each step. I wish I had the time you have to play cars, I'm lucky to get 2hours a week on the zed.
  17. What are the symptoms of the Slave cylinder going Darren? When mine started failing it became difficult to select gears, especially 1st & reverse the cylinder was not extending the release fork fully, so not disengaging the clutch fully. Sometimes the pedal got stuck on the floor.
  18. Cheaper than the stealers to, I had one off of Alex last year after similar problems.
  19. Your better off spending your pennies on Mechanical grip. A decent set of tyres, brakes & suspension mods will give you better rewards for alot less money
  20. ^^^^+1, Also before you go changing the gearbox, get the clutch & slave cylinder looked at, If the Slave cylinder is failing then this could be your problem.
  21. Glad the car is still on the forum, I`m sure he will get more involved now he has your old zed.
  22. Nice one Jay I`m probably quite behind but has your 350 sold on or off the forum?
  23. It`s actually the most common area of stock exhaust failure, They rust on the point where the connecting flange is welded to the pipe
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