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Everything posted by Darren-B

  1. Huge, but you won`t be able to drive your car anywhere! I dropped mine quite low when I first put them on but found it very in-practical. If your looking to lower the car more than about 25mm from stock you will need an after market camber & toe kit
  2. True but likely to be quicker & more reliable. I do understand the want to build something unique & would quite like to do something similar given the time & cash, now where did I put that Lotto ticket
  3. Not really worth it, can get a R35 for £30k or a 996 turbo for £22k
  4. These are a great bit of kit, I have them on mine & love them.
  5. Looks like Bennet has done his homework
  6. Bugger,i was hoping to see that bad boy in action! I`m sure as always it will be put to good use, there will be plenty of photos
  7. 1. Ebized +1............sat &sun..............hotel booked 18/19/20 May 2. Wasso +1..........Sat & Sun ............Fri, Sat, Sun - (will book tomorrow) 3. Maccaman.........(Sat & Sun) 4. ChrisS.............. Sat & sun...........staying at own 5* accommodation 5. Ken................. Sat & Sun............. Hotel 18/19 6. Chesterfield +2... Sat & Sun.............hotel now booked 18/19/20 May. 7. glrnet + 1........fri, sat & sun......hotel now booked 18/19/20 May 8. Bockaaarck +1....Sat & Sun............hotel booked - 18 / 19 May 9. JetSet...............Sat & Sun.............No accommodation needed 10. 350ZCaroline.....Sat & Sun.............No accommodation and Sunday drive only 11. Will 350z +1 ...........fri, sat & sun.............hotel now booked 18/19/20 May 12. Blacky + 1..........Sun.....................Hotel booked 19th 13. Andyvvc +1.......Sat and Sun.......Hotel booking confirmed for 18,19 and 20th May 14. Madmarky..........Sat & Sun ............Fri, Sat, Sun 15. Lincolnbaggie.......Sat & Sun.............Hotel booked 18/19/20 16. octet (Adrian + Leti) - Fri, Sat, Sun....Booking confirmed 17. choptop +1........Sat & Sun.............Hotel Booking still to be confirmed 18. Darren-b.. ...........fri, sat & sun.............hotel booked 18/19/20 May
  8. 1. Ebized +1............sat &sun..............hotel booked 18/19/20 May 2. Wasso +1..........Sat & Sun ............Fri, Sat, Sun - (will book tomorrow) 3. Maccaman.........(Sat & Sun) 4. ChrisS.............. Sat & sun...........staying at own 5* accommodation 5. Ken................. Sat & Sun............. Hotel 18/19 6. Chesterfield +2... Sat & Sun.............hotel now booked 18/19/20 May. 7. glrnet + 1........fri, sat & sun......hotel now booked 18/19/20 May 8. Bockaaarck +1....Sat & Sun............hotel booked - 18 / 19 May 9. JetSet...............Sat & Sun.............No accommodation needed 10. 350ZCaroline.....Sat & Sun.............No accommodation and Sunday drive only 11. Will 350z +1 ...........fri, sat & sun.............hotel now booked 18/19/20 May 12. Blacky + 1..........Sun.....................Hotel booked 19th 13. Andyvvc +1.......Sat and Sun.......Hotel booking confirmed for 18,19 and 20th May 14. Madmarky..........Sat & Sun ............Fri, Sat, Sun 15. Lincolnbaggie.......Sat & Sun.............Hotel booked 18/19/20 16. octet (Adrian + Leti) - Fri, Sat, Sun....Booking confirmed 17. choptop +1........Sat & Sun.............Hotel Booking still to be confirmed 18. Darren-b.. ...........fri, sat & sun.............hotel booked 18/19/20 May
  9. Now he can grow up & buy a Zed
  10. Now he can grow up & buy a Zed
  11. Bet he parked there to reduce the risk of having the car doored
  12. Bet he parked there to reduce the risk of having the car doored
  13. Excellent choice Wes, nice colour to. Looks like a may have to follow suit with this 370z business soon
  14. Excellent choice Wes, nice colour to. Looks like a may have to follow suit with this 370z business soon
  15. What a transformation, great work. This is definitely an example you should have on your website.
  16. What a transformation, great work. This is definitely an example you should have on your website.
  17. V8 drift car, who cares about shut lines
  18. V8 drift car, who cares about shut lines
  19. Nice move, I had a look @ a blue one last week but wasn't quite what I wanted
  20. I was going to say the same as mike, check the fluid level, if low it normally means your pads are getting low, if you top it up to much its likely to overflow on the next pad change
  21. I was just about to post a thread about the handsome Scotsman, anyone notice that the facts & figures dont relate to the car in the picture?....
  22. merry christmas, I`m just going for a christmas drive in the zed whilst the roads are quiet & dry
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