1. Ebized +1............sat &sun..............hotel booked 18/19/20 May
2. Wasso +1..........Sat & Sun ............Fri, Sat, Sun - (will book tomorrow)
3. Maccaman.........(Sat & Sun)
4. ChrisS.............. Sat & sun...........staying at own 5* accommodation
5. Ken................. Sat & Sun............. Hotel 18/19
6. Chesterfield +2... Sat & Sun.............hotel now booked 18/19/20 May.
7. glrnet + 1........fri, sat & sun......hotel now booked 18/19/20 May
8. Bockaaarck +1....Sat & Sun............hotel booked - 18 / 19 May
9. JetSet...............Sat & Sun.............No accommodation needed
10. 350ZCaroline.....Sat & Sun.............No accommodation and Sunday drive only
11. Will 350z +1 ...........fri, sat & sun.............hotel now booked 18/19/20 May
12. Blacky + 1..........Sun.....................Hotel booked 19th
13. Andyvvc +1.......Sat and Sun.......Hotel booking confirmed for 18,19 and 20th May
14. Madmarky..........Sat & Sun ............Fri, Sat, Sun
15. Lincolnbaggie.......Sat & Sun.............Hotel booked 18/19/20
16. octet (Adrian + Leti) - Fri, Sat, Sun....Booking confirmed
17. choptop +1........Sat & Sun.............Hotel Booking still to be confirmed
18. Darren-b.. ...........fri, sat & sun.............hotel booked 18/19/20 May