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Everything posted by docwra

  1. FSH isnt much value if the engine is blown up And anyway, how do you know the clutch, flywheel and gearbox are good? It could have knackered driveshafts, the diff could have loads of play in it, fuel pump might be non functional ....... as someone else said, in that state its effectively just a rolling shell and no-one is going to pay 3K for a shell.
  2. Or you can buy one you can see and hear working for £4K and not have to do any work, buy any parts or store it somewhere while its being worked on: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Nissan-350z-GT-with-Nismo-parts/292334535728?hash=item44107f0430:g:YtQAAOSwB4BZ8H1M or one with 51K miles for 4K: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/nissan-350z-fairlady-z-excellent-condition-51000-miles/182899555672?hash=item2a95a9bd58:g:x6gAAOSw9mpZ-3YF or even one for £3K: https://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/nissan-350z/192364445091?hash=item2cc9d07da3:g:Zg8AAOSwIJlaCyR-
  3. Except its a dealer, and he will almost certainly have whipped out an OBD, seen what the fault is and decided that theres no way he can fix it and make money. Smoke is usually something pretty difficult to get to as well.
  4. But can it do corners ......... ?
  5. With Stew on this, if a dealer isnt going to fix it then its probably not minor. Shame, as I actually would have just bought it for a laugh, a £3K Zed (without a smoking engine) has got to be worth a punt.
  6. Like Ekona says, its down to experience and maturity - I was rocking around in a modified 200SX before I was 20 ......... but it took me well over a year before I ever put my foot down in it properly. It genuinely scares me that 450+hp cars are becoming so accessible these days though - a Zed is a quick car, for sure, but 450hp is mind bending quick and IMO not something you should be let loose in without a good bit of experience behind you. Or else this happens: https://www.pistonheads.com/gassing/topic.asp?t=1678200
  7. In my personal opinion, Grantham/Derby/Stoke is the line - no-one would call Kings Lynn or Leicester North, or Sheffield and Liverpool South. However, if you drive up the A1 you see signposts for "The North" right the way up until youre past Leeds .......... what madness is this? Anything North of Leeds is pretty much Scotland at the end of the day.
  8. Custom map the BMW if you want better figures, mine is well over that power and I average 23mpg driving like an arsehole everywhere, Ive seen 34 on a run. As for going from modded 35s Z4 to 370Z ........ Id have a test drive before you make any firm decisions if I were you
  9. If youre doing preventative, get the belts changed as well. My alternator belt went on a trackday at Snetterton, fortunately the battery lasted the day but it died just as I was leaving the gate ......... sub optimal.
  10. So youre the guy with the one that actually worked then, I thought you were just a legend Seriously though, Ive owned plenty of CA18's, SR20's, RB's and currently have an N54 and all of them are legendary for going wrong in various ways, where a VQ35 is known to be one of the more dependable units out there - its well designed and built, N/A and unstressed, why would it go wrong? At the same time, its a performance car and things like brakes, tyres and clutches will need replacing and will cost money, but thats a fact of life. If you go into these things with your eyes open then you wont get bitten - I budget around 3K a year to keep my BMW on the road but its a different league for reliability ........ and performance
  11. The instructor list is excellent, Matt, Paul and Martin are up there with the best in Europe and the others arent far behind Its a bit different when youre drifting your own car and there is stuff to hit
  12. Ahhh, but religion is a choice, not a genetic thing, and while you could potentially tell if someone was Kurdish or Iranian I dont think you could tell if they were Sunni, Shia or even Christian. As a tool of mass racial persecution it would definitely work though, which is more than a little scary - if it develops to the point of "we can be 99% that the subject is going to commit a serious crime" and we introduce preventative justice, even worse .........
  13. When its illegal and punishable by death to be homosexual in a lot of places round the world you dont have to be a rocket scientist to see why this could be pretty bad. The fact that we live in a world with the tech to do this that still executes people for their orientation is pretty scary as well.
  14. docwra


    Not had to go to hospital recently but had to wait 3 days for an emergency appointment with my dentist, even when I live next door to them! I think Ill definitely be looking at private medical in a few years time though, I dont think its going to be getting any better anytime soon
  15. docwra


    Defensive much are we? He didnt say that at all, he was quite obviously asking why there dont seem to be any indigenous medical professionals coming up through the ranks. Im actually a little offended that you were so quick to play the race card here TBH
  16. I dunno, most of the forums Im on appreciate a good looking car whether its 2 or 4 seats, it does seem that "its too common" or "its not different looking enough" seems to be levelled at pretty much everything mainstream on here. Agree on the 991T though, doesnt look right at all, particularly when the GT's are so gorgeous.
  17. Phew, you had me worried there, Ive seen too many cars like this ruined by 4x4 ride height or massive spacers on crappy wheels. Good work that man :thumbs:
  18. I used my E82 as a prom car earlier this year, the lad specifically asked for mine over a fistful of other nice cars and Ive had a good few people tell me its a better looking car than my 350 was. Similarly a 3 series coupe, a TT in the right colour or a Scirocco are just as attractive as a Z33 IMO, particularly if the Zed is still running standard height and wheels but they have all been slated in this thread. And at least two people have said positive things about a Cube ........ Could it be that Zed owners are a little myopic when it comes to "normal" cars and the way they look?
  19. Not really, the C63 etc only came into it as someone claimed the M3 was the "only" choice for a performance car. Not only does an M Lite cost a shedload less to run, and isnt actually much slower, its also a lot more useable than an E46/E92 as the torque is available right through the rev range and its significantly smaller and lighter. I should know, I own one As VFM goes they are very difficult to argue with, right from the N54 E8* cars through the N55's and including the current B58's, with a few mods they get even better
  20. http://supercars.agent4stars.com/wp-content/uploads/2016/08/FxxkMeeting2.png
  21. Looks like they have gone full M+Ms on this one:
  22. I wont get into individually linking cars but Im looking at buying something like this right now, C63/E63's are the same money for the same miles and same model year, so are XFR's, RS4/RS6's. Its not a coincidence IMO. Maserati Ghibli and Quattroporte are around the same money too ......... take 5 minutes on Autotrader, theres a lot of variety - Ill add V8 Mustang, Jag F Type and A45 Merc to the mix as well.
  23. You appear to have monster truck suspension fitted Seriously though, that would look 1000 times better with at least 45mm off the suspension, at the moment IMO its detracting bigtime from everything else. A widearch car needs to be running no arch gap to look right
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