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Everything posted by mwalker56

  1. Will be interesting to see how this one pans out! Should be
  2. hmmm... interesting. Think it must be possible as one of the members was making a module that made the mirrors fold when the doors locked, so he must of used a trigger for that. Cant remember who it was though.
  3. Nice 1 nick, good pics. I've spent all day pulling apart my laptop and soldering a carnetix P1900 power supply to it. Works a treat! Turns the laptop on and off with the ignition or remote pulse (which i am planning to get from the central locking). WRT you question about the power supply, there is a 12V lighter connection just above the glove box which i am planning on using, will still have to get a permanent 12v connection from the battery though which is going to be more of a challenge!!
  4. Cheers guys, got it sorted. Next question, do you know where i can get a remote pulse signal from the central locking system? I want to use this to boot up the system. Cheers, Mike
  5. This is causing me a headache! I have the Carnetix power supply which has 2 leads that you need to connect to the power button on the laptop, only problem is the laptop power button has 4 pins! Quite how i'm supposed to work out which pins to connect them to is beyond me!
  6. I've built a few custom galleries in my time... all mysql driven, html or Flash driven, let me know if you want a hand fine tuning...
  7. Thats not Bristol! Need to pick the car up from the sprayshop on the 5th but will see what i can do.
  8. Exciting times mate... looking forward to seeing mods
  9. Nice one mate Where are you based and where are the pics?!
  10. Sony Bravia mate. I have two and they are both soooo sweet. Dont bother going for anything smaller than 36" either as the pixel ratio is so small you wont get a decent HD image. Plasma vs LCD... no real difference. Have a look at the TVs, don't look at whether they are lcd or plasma and just pick the picture you prefer. If you want to really go for it, have a look at oLED tvs. sweeeeeeeeet (but not quite there yet!) http://www.bhphotovideo.com/bnh/controller/home?O=productlist&sku=595303&Q=&is=REG&A=details
  11. They really are retarded arent they? I suppose they can't actually pick good people otherwise it would be boring to watch.
  12. Yeah mate, i saw that too, f**king painful watching... Also, how can you not buff the f-ing wax off!? SERIOUSLY?!
  13. If the FI boys are competing, i think i'll give it a miss!
  14. Nice one bud, what PSU and GPS did you get? Hope the GPS has a SIRFIII chip If you want any hints on where to install and run wires, give me a shout, theres a nice grommit through from the battery to the passenger footwell, and the GPS reciever fits nicely hidden under the rear strut bar cover if you place it right Cheers mate, i might just take you up on that. Will see how i get on. I went for the Globalsat Bu353 which is SirfIII (it seemed pretty popular on mp3car.com, thought i'd go with the safe option!) Got a mother of an install to do though, new screen, rectrable cubby, head unit, laptop, psu, gps, portable dvd drive, wheel controller converter... I think it's gonna take me a while!
  15. How's the install going? Just got my hands on an old laptop and bought a carnetix PSU and Globalsat GPS receiver, will let you know how they all fit together once i receive them.
  16. Mine's in the spray shop that on 4th and 5th so won't be able to make it unfortunately.
  17. I just got back from Holiday and have lost 27,254 places. ooops.
  18. Loving theose rims mate, look sweet. I'm not sure what colour i'd go for as an accent on my GM. Orange is the easy options since it's already in the headlights and stitching etc, but think orange trim on LM GT4s might look a bit rubbish!! (Has anyone put trim on the GT4s yet?)
  19. I've been living in Bristol for nearly 3 years and have never noticed it!! Doh! Where do they have the cars? Lol, It's always on Corn Street as far as i know. This year it's on the 25th April, get down there. Come on Walker, you should know Corn Street in Bristol a main pub area near St Nicks indoor market. Ooooohh.. in know Corn St mate!! Many a drunken ramble around there. I only live 2mins away on Queen sq so often stumble up to the Rummer or a filthy rack of shots in revolution! Will have to check it out this year.
  20. I know it's always dangerous talking about music on here but i just heard this track and couldnt resist spreading the love: http://media.nme.com.edgesuite.net/audio/2009/jan/in-for-the-kill-skream-remix.mp3 Hope most enjoy and few are offended!
  21. I've been living in Bristol for nearly 3 years and have never noticed it!! Doh! Where do they have the cars?
  22. Super tidy mate. Exhaust works a treat with that kit.
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