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Everything posted by mwalker56

  1. Goodwork, 1. sake-bito Standard UK set. 2. M350ZB Standard UK show plate single 3. keithdw Standard UK set. 4. chris'I Standard UK set + standard UK show plate set 5. Toon Chris - Standard UK set 6. Ian - Standard uk set + standard uk show plate(rear only) 7. MWalker56 - Standard UK Set
  2. Man thats awesome. If only Warrington was so far away i'd love to come and witness the proud moment!
  3. Mate, that seriously sucks. Sorry to hear you're going to have to let her go, she truly is a beaut. Good luck with the sale. Perhaps it's time our resident photographer upgraded his polo
  4. That is car porn. Love it.
  5. Hi, you're not wrong, there are some great contributors to this forum.
  6. No way. Dude, that's worrying!
  7. Building a sub enclosure is no easy business! You have to match the internal air volume to the speaker. Some speakers are designed to work with large air volumes (like the ones in night clubs) these are generally the most powerful and have the greatest low frequency response, others are designed for smaller enclosures and some are designed for no enclosures (free-air subs). If you don't match the enclosure to the speaker you will either get a "coughing" speaker or too "boomy" bass, it's a tricky thing to get right. There are some guides around: http://www.crutchfield.com/learn/learningcenter/car/subwoofers/box_building.html?page=2 Don't forget to put some sound deadening material in the enclosure to prevent standing waves, they sound sh*t. I dont know much about your orion sub, but in my experience any sub for 16quid isnt going to blow you away, you were probably better sticking with the bose i'm afraid. Stick to a well known brand, Alpine make some sweet subs (Type R or Type X) which you can get pretty reasonably from eBay: A personal favourite shop of mine: http://stores.ebay.co.uk/Autosounds4less-Public-Warehouse To choose an amp you need to know what impedance the speaker is (4 or 8 ohm usually) and the RMS power handling of the speaker. Then find an amp that has similar RMS(not MAX) power output at that impedance. Good luck, let us know how you get on!
  8. That is some awesome detailing, don't suppose you work in the South West?
  9. mwalker56

    DB7 or 9

    I saw a DBS in bristol on monday, it was awesome.
  10. Interesting post Mike, i saw some top fuellers in Perth a couple of years, they trully are amazing! Incredible force from the exhaust gas as they go by, if you've not seen them i highly recommend making the effort. We managed to get pit passes in Perth and found the guys that run them are very friendly and happy to talk about the hardware. Interestingly they will entirely rebuild the engine after each quarter mile pass!
  11. Have just ordered one of the retracable cubbys from JDM, slightly concerned about their no-returns policy, but worth the gamble i think! Will let you know how i get on once i've got all the bits. (And yes 3FIDDYZ, with photos!)
  12. photoshop is definately the tool of choice. Sorry about the wrong spelling stoo!
  13. Here's a quick one for you, wont be offended if you dont use it!
  14. Welcome mate, just dont leave it in Radford and you'll be fine!!
  15. I agree, i very nearly bought one but was put off by the boot up time, so have decided to go down the car pc route instead.
  16. Frightening thought, a Gallardo driving crochet forum addict!
  17. See post on previous page:
  18. One of your previous conquests? http://www.learn-crochet-now.com/forum/
  19. This is pretty confusing. Does anyone know if its possible to change a flip (non-rectracting) cubby on a 54 plate to a retractable type cubby as shown on the JDM website? If so, is the finish the same?
  20. I'm glad we postponed the meet, i ended up stranded at some random house party on saturday night with no money and no cash card for a taxi back. Had to get a mate to pick me up and didnt get back to my flat until gone 3pm!! Let's reorganise.
  21. mwalker56

    gingrrr 350z

    Top shots mate, def some calendar material there!
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