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Everything posted by marzman

  1. Good vid... Looks like you've got an open diff with only the 1 rear wheel smoking?
  2. I've just cleared my messages now... what a ball ache! I only read zmanalex's post on the first page of this topic so created a new folder, and then manually moved all 1200 of my messages to it, 1 page at a time, only to find out that they still count towards your quota. So i just had to do it all again but deleting evertything this time... took about half an hour....
  3. Ever tried being gay? You might like it. Thanks for the offer Stew, never realised you were gay, but no I've never tried it. It's not for me, but whatever floats your boat. I'm not actually gay, well not that I (or my wife) knows anyway! I think that 350z-uk should make it a joint objective to get you laid though! Won't work. I am my own worst enemy! The forum has been known to pay out before.... fill yer boots lad.
  4. Big +1. Ive realised that there is no longer a point in the day when im not online. If im watching TV, im on my laptop, If im on the toilet, im on the iPad If im in a queue waiting to buy something, im on my phone
  5. I may be wrong but i cant see McLaren ever doing this...? Redbull maybe, but with Ferrari it just doesnt surprise me.
  6. Ohhh thats like my favourite realistic car...
  7. Dont buy them, it will look rubbish.
  8. Damn thats good timing. Be sure to check out 6th Street in the evenings as it's a great night out. Live music capital of the world. Im hopefully gonna go to next years' race there as my Dad lived in Austin until last year, so we're hopefully gonna go stay at his friends there.
  9. I think its usually during the last 2 weeks of May... Remember to budget for the fact that fuel is more expensive on the continent. The Zed will eat up those miles though, it will be a lovely drive.
  10. Every zeds different but mpg i get is Round the streets average 30mph (22mpg) Dual carraigeway at 55-60mph (40mpg) Motorway at 70mph (33mpg) 40mpg? I don't think so. +1. For me to get 36mpg i have to feather the f*ck out of the throttle... it will be impossible to get any more than that!
  11. I've recently started using my zed for work trips, and you'll do a lot better than 20mpg! On a motorway run i get 33mpg without trying really... just think ahead and try not to touch your brakes. On 2 separate runs to Norwich and back i've managed 36 mpg, but that is all single lane A roads at 60mph for 360 miles. Use the following website to work out your fuel cost: http://www.fuel-economy.co.uk/calc.shtml Its sad, but i have a spreadsheet with all the locations that im likely to have have to drive to for work, and how much it will cost if i take my zed or my other car, so before making the trip i can check which one will work out best.
  12. Yep... it appears to be clean, but this was the kind of thing i was leaning towards...
  13. No problem. "Just when I thought I was out... they pull me back in." Glad to help out. Good quote...
  14. Just wanted to put a note on here to say a big thanks to Leonk for dropping off a spare pair of OEM horns that were hanging around in his garage after reading about my plight on this thread It looks like a very simple job to swap them - if i can fit my hands down the front of the bumper. I'll have a go on the next dry weekend we get. Thanks again matey.
  15. Surely if there is enough power to spin the wheels in 4th she cant be that poorly???? Sorry, must have been a typo - i meant its NOT totally down on power! Like i say, it just feels like its lost 15bhp which could be down to it's age, or im just getting used to driving it more, or it may all be in my head.
  16. Thats if it exists...!! Does anyone have a 3D TV that they could try this with?
  17. Yep, but i dont mind listening to The X Factor as long as i dont have to watch it.
  18. Hey guys, I've been working my way up to buying a new TV for the last few months or so and would be interested to know if anyone has any experience with the dual screen functionality which i've seen mentioned in a few places online. Basically - i think the new LG tv's can turn split screen gaming into a different full screen view for each player, so that both people get to have their own full screen view. However, does anyone know if this theory can be used to watch 2 different sources at the same time yet? i.e. Can i play xbox while the missus watches X Factor?? If so, im going out to buy one of these TV's NOW so i dont have to sit through another Saturday evening of SHITE!! Here's a video
  19. If you're taking it easy you can do it without any risk at all as Dan and Daryl say above... However if you want the most fun then you'll be doing 40-50mph and really hammering it! on my beemer by the end of the summer i had some pretty bad suspension damage, ripped off most of the front bumper, and had some pretty bad damage down the drivers side!!!
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