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Everything posted by marzman

  1. Hi mate, I decided that it was down to how i get in and out of the car that was causing my pain... i tend to get in and out very quickly, contorting my body just to save a few seconds. I've made a concious effort to get out in a more controlled manner and it seemed to solve my problem i think. Is the zed comfortable for you on long journeys? I drive a lot for work, but usually use my other car to keep the miles off my zed. However after 2 hours my lower back starts to ache. When in the Zed though i can drive for 10 hours straight and not suffer any pain at all.
  2. Hmm pretty tempting Steve. Do you know if there are any shorter sessions available at all? I know MSV sometimes offer a 25min taster session. I want to do a trackday but i dont want to be on it all day long... just an hour session, or a morning etc would suit me.
  3. +1 on checking the earths but also check all the fuses in the drivers footwell, as you may have popped one while fitting, and i know the speedo has at least one fuse that controls it.
  4. Air is colder and denser. More air = more fuel.
  5. Cheers Bob. I'm happy to hold onto it for now. Might re-visit the idea of fitting it next summer if it doesnt sell. Anyway, you've already had one of these why are you going down this route again ? :1:
  6. Dont forget that you have to use Super Unleaded in the zed. Have you factored that into your calculations. Also... +£80 per month for your insurance... thats bonkers. I'd be driving a cheap run about until your insurance comes down, it's not worth throwing your money away. You'll get sub-20pmg if all you're doing is city driving.
  7. Not heard of SMB before... NAS drive... basically an external HDD that plugs into my router. Its brilliant... any device in the house can connect to it... i can stream a movie to my ipad from it whilst the mrs is streaming something else. Stuart... mine is the next one up - the ES6800. Not sure of the technical differences, but try to see both in action as the 63 might have a larger bezel and not look as good etc.
  8. Personally i've been looking into whats required to become a car dealer. e.g. go to auctions, buy cars, sell them on. It's like my dream job! Not looking to do them up or anything, just detail them and advertise them for sale. I've got a large driveway and can fit 4 cars on there, so it would be a starting point... i wouldnt necessarily need a lot. i've bought quite a lot of used cars over the years, and i always get talking to the independant dealers and it sounds perfect for me. I sit on autotrader just watching car prices in my spare time anyway, so i feel like i've got the knowledge to start me off in the industry. Even if i only sell 1 or 2 cars a quarter its a start... the best thing for me is i can do it alongside my full time job. Imagine that your job was to do a bit of googling to find a car, hop on a train to go and pick it up, then drive it home and prep it for sale. Depending on your target market you could be driving a different high-end car every week... Range Rovers, Mercs etc... Maybe something worth considering.
  9. I just bought a Samsung 55" LED TV last week from Comet - got it for an absolute bargain price of £1200 down from £1500. I've been weighing up my options for over a year and i've just been waiting to pounce as soon as i found a good deal. My only criteria is that i wanted a borderless screen, i.e. one with only a 0.5mm bezel. From reading online reviews, they all said Plasma's still offer better picture quality than the LEDs, but i've had a large Plasma for the last 5 years and i was ready for a change. My TV is active 3d. The glasses are £15 each which i dont think is bad. Active 3d tv'd are full 1080p HD when in 3d mode as the tv is displaying alternate full-res pictures, whereas the passive system used on the LG's is showing alternate columns of pixels per eye, per frame i believe - hence only 540p resolution. My TV has 2D>3D conversion too which can be used on any input source. It does a really good job... maybe 70% as good as dedicated 3D material. Playing XBOX in 3D is great... i even hooked up my N64 and played Goldeneye in 3D - but it wasnt that noticeable... I've bought a couple of dedicated 3D xbox games too... Crysis 2 and Gears of War 3. Only played them for 10 mins each but the 3D really adds another dimension to the games. As for Smart TV... as others have said, there are tons of other devices out there that can do this i.e. xbox etc - but what i didnt realise is the TV now sees my NAS drive simply as an input source. Like when you switch between inputs, it is listed here. . I have a LOT of films on there, and scrolling through them has always been a pain - but the TV has a search function so i just type the name of the film i want to watch in, and it finds it instantly... this is so much nicer than streaming through my xbox. All in all - im very happy. I wasnt interested in 3D or Smart functionality until i got them both, and i now love them.
  10. As Chris says above, use thee Ultra Yellow theme as this seems to work in the most similar manner to the old site.
  11. This is the one thing i hate about my zed. I have to press the catch with one hand while lifting the boot with the other to get into it. A few months ago i opened the spring things to find there were already pennies in them, so i removed the inside boot liner to get to the counterweight - and thats already been taken off too!
  12. Sorry mate, no idea. Its just an unbranded rear diffuser.
  13. Seriously, i'd beat Alonso with is own helmet if i ever met him, the smug c***. Alonso tweeted: 'I don't believe in miracles. I make my miracles out of the correct rules.' A few points which makes this whole story interesting though i think... 1. It says the FIA have until Nov 30th to review this issue. Does that mean for every race this season? If so, are Redbull watching every driver from every race now to see if somebody committed any kind of infringement which could alter the results of a race in their favour? Are these infringements related to just Vettel and Alonso, or could anyone be penalised/demoted thus pushing other people up to higher finishing positions? 2. The safety car - if there hadnt have been an SC on the 2nd to last lap, i think Vettel would have been > 20 secs ahead of the car in 8th, but because the SC bunched everybody together on the last lap, he should lose the world championship??! Not a chance, thats not fair.
  14. The Chargespeed's looking good Steve.
  15. The 1 litre works out cheaper from here; http://www.polishedb...n-gel-cat4.html (after delivery is added, that's free from Polished Bliss). They don't do the 500ml though. I also use this and it is indeed epic stuff, and not limited to use on just the wheels either. Brilliant, cheers buddy
  16. Thats the best one yet i think... crazy stuff!
  17. Cheers Ian.... Looks like its available over here, although never ordered from this site: http://www.detailedclean.co.uk/wheels-and-tyres/wolfs-chemicals-decon-gel-deironizer-500ml-255
  18. Hey guys... Im just making my Christmas list for my family's Secret Santa do tonight... I need a new wheel cleaner having recently run out of my DoDo Juice Mellow Yellow. Last year i was talking to Clarkie34 about what he used on his Volks, and he said that Wolf's wheel cleaner was the best... i remember looking into it at the time and it was about £40 i think. However i'm looking for it now and i can only find 'Wolf Chemicals Nano Wheel Clean & Coat', and it's only £10 for 1 liter. Does anyone know if this is the right stuff? I need a PH neutral cleaner for use on my Volks, but this stuff says its acid based... (although only ph 5.5). http://www.detailedclean.co.uk/wheels-and-tyres/wolfs-chemicals-nano-wheel-cleaner-clean-coat-1-litre-259 Any thoughts? Ohh one more question, does anyone know where to buy Turtlewax Nanotech Extreme products these days...? It appears halfords has stopped selling them.
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