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Everything posted by marzman

  1. Yep will be fine. I've been on track with a repaired tyre a few times.
  2. I think they will look great in black against your yellow car.
  3. 'registered cat d as stolen recovered ( the car was stolen had seats and a number of panels removed )' ...Sounds like an insurance scam
  4. Call up the local constabulary and make a complaint - im sure if you can accurately give the location they will be able to identify the officer and give him a reprimand, if it is as you say.
  5. Anyone seen this on the news today? Pretty spectacular. Reports of over 500 people injured but no deaths. http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=w6tpVZDg0Mk http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=7GRqK3OWLqs
  6. I would use a heat gun rather than the oven.... that way you can control and direct the heat.
  7. That would be a little expensive for a full front end respray!
  8. Depends on how much your deposit was, and at the end of the day, that is what a deposit is for - to protect against a buyer pulling out. I think a reasonable outcome would be to cover the cost of the repair within reason, or any costs the dealer has incurred as a result of you saying you'll take the car, plus maybe another 15% because they'll feel they've been messed about. Sorry to hear your circumstances have changed, hopefully you'll get in a zed soon enough.
  9. How come you had to have them refurbed again bud? Did the finish not last? I think mine could just about do with a refurb now... i left them on just a little to long over winter and i think i might have fubar'd them. Will consider sending them for a refurb next winter.
  10. Jim thats creepy... that is pretty much the exact sentence i've been saying to her for the last 3 months! :lol:
  11. Hey all... The missus and i are planning on getting married this year on our 10-year anniversary (July). We don't want to get married in this country for various reasons so would like an overseas wedding, and we're thinking the Caribbean... but i dont know where to start! Neither of us are interested in having a traditional wedding... it will just be the two of us and we see it as just something that will take an afternoon out of our holiday, rather than being a wedding holiday if you know what i mean? So does anyone have any experience in arranging an overseas wedding at all? I've had a bit of a google and there seems to be lots of wedding concierge services offering to help you though the process, but i dont know who to trust or what to expect of them etc. My specific requirements are as follows: 2-Weeks in the Caribbean in July, at an All Inclusive Resort Small simple wedding at the hotel, preferably on the beach All paperwork/documentation/legal processes taken care of by someone else Aiming to spend around £4k really... less if possible but could go up to £5k. Any help will be much appreciated!!
  12. I got sent the Rolls Royce Rally Car vid this morning made by the same guys...
  13. marzman


    I've got 10k and dont have any police or MOT problems.
  14. Mods, can you lock this and link to the original thread please? http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/66399-japfest-castle-combe-11th-may/
  15. Put part worns on it? You're not going to get the £500 back that new tyres will cost you in the sale price.
  16. Mine definitely dont do this. I am 15 mins off, 1 min on, and repeat. I've always thought it could be a faulty thermostat or something, but never been bothered to follow it up.
  17. Mine are rubbish... i forget they're on and then 15mins into the journey it will get hot for 1 minute and then cool off again. Waste of time!
  18. Thats ridiculous. Get him to look on youtube for a how to video and do it himself... its a **** easy job to swap your pads. I swapped the discs and pads on my Focus last weekend in about 2 hours, and that included the time it took to go out and buy them!
  19. It will be doing 112mph, but your speedo will show 120mph as it will be inaccurate at that speed. My old zed was the same.
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