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Everything posted by marzman

  1. When do you want payment bud? Im on a stag do in Prague from 18th-23th April...
  2. Nice work, and well done for not skinning your knuckles at least when removing the bumper.
  3. Hahaha... ive had the missus telling me off tonight cos i can hardly move as my back has all stiffened up.
  4. My most used/useful tools are a low entry trolley jack and a large torque wrench. Makes swapping wheels a breeze. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/clarke-alu-trolley-jack-CTJ1250A-low-entry-11-4-tonne-/230795313170?pt=UK_Lifting_Moving_Equipment&hash=item35bc790012 http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1-2-DRIVE-DR-TORQUE-WRENCH-GARAGE-GERMAN-GS-TUV-/151020836809?pt=UK_Hand_Tools_Equipment&hash=item23298b17c9
  5. No before pics sorry... just imagine a whole load of white spots on the bumper. The kit came with scratch cleaner, paint, lacquer and polish, but all i used was the paint, applied with a cotton bud. The colour match is great but up close you can obviously tell where it's been done - but ive achieved my aim which was to disguise all the white spots from 1 meter away.
  6. List for what? Im going to Japfest and to Wales next month...
  7. Thanks for the comments all. I love cleaning my zed and im actually looking forward to getting up and driving to work tomorrow just so i can see it again! Meguiars NXT Metal Polish, applied using a polishing drill bit attachment. Autosol also works if you have that. Worth doing if yours are clouded clouded as it only takes 5 mins per light and it can really freshen up the front end.
  8. Yours are looking cool there Pete
  9. Great videos... people that dont move over on track really wind me up... although its fun chasing i guess.
  10. Hey guys, i took advantage of the nice weather like a few others this weekend and detailed my zed. Yesterday i washed, clayed, and waxed with Dodo Juice Purple Haze. I didnt polish as i was running out of time, and i didnt feel as though she needed it. I also worked on some of the stone chips with the touch up kit that i got from Paints4U. I've not clayed her in a while and i was really surprised to see so much dirt come off the first panel! Before the clay After 1 panel Then today i removed all 4 wheels and gave them a going over with the Megs NXT metal polish and my polishing drill bit attachment, followed by a coat of purple haze and and a coat of spray on wheel wax. Hopefully this should seal them for a while as i cant be bothered doing that every month! Lastly i used the NXT and the drill bit and had a go at my headlights. They weren't particularly bad anyway, but they do look noticeably better now. Before: During: After: I followed all this up with a few pics, and then the missus edited a few on her phone with instagram i believe... enjoy! Instagram!
  11. Nice work gents, looking forward to it.
  12. Where do you see that tag? I always post the You Tube (or other video) URL in the "Link" box option. (and pics using the green "Image" option) I type it in manually. I've just done it now and pasted the video url below.... however i've just edited this post and the forum has changed my youtube tags to [ media ] tags! So it looks like [ youtube ] and [ media ] do the same thing.
  13. Upload to youtube and place the url inside [ youtube ] [ / youtube ] tags on here.
  14. This has all put me off a bit now... i was well up for it and maybe going to try and organise a test drive this weekend but im sulking a bit now
  15. I was watching the tyre fitter change the tyres on my Volks a few weeks back, and he took a standard valve off the shelf, unscrewed the inner portion, and screwed it into the internals of my metal valves... so you might be able to do that.
  16. Thats so cool! Shame you cant find the finished pics.
  17. Jumping is correct. JDM cars do not have an OBDII interface, they have JOBD which is 'Japanese On Board Diagnostics'. I dont know if they make bluetooth jobd dongles.
  18. Im not sure in answer to your question, but look into the trackday rules of the tracks you're looking at as i've seem some that state no slicks allowed. Not sure why to be honest but i know i've seen it.
  19. As much as i want the RRS, which would be my first choice obviously, it's another £6k over the price of an RR. I'd have to sell my zed to buy one now which im not doing! Otherwise i'll have to wait until summer next year to get one...
  20. Did Nissan quote you £400 to fix or a bodyshop? £400 sounds very expensive to me for a blow over on the roof... I would get it fixed properly rather than covering it up i think.
  21. You're not charged per-word you know, so feel free to elaborate.
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