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Everything posted by marzman

  1. It's dynamic so depends on how you've been driving.
  2. Have you been to Knutsford recently? There's now a McLaren dealership on the roundabout as you hit the town center..... that reminds me will have to have a run out that way soon for a walk around Tatton Park. I work in Knutsford... this garage is only 1 of 3 in the country. Apparently Roy Keane went for a test drive and he broke down on the A50.
  3. This comment made me click what number 1 is for some reason... Very good.
  4. marzman

    Road Tax

    £250 or £270? Sorry... same as yours. £148.50 for 6 months or £270 for 12 months.
  5. Im also with Pru through work. I have a dislike of them personally but probably as an isolated case... i couldnt comment on their suitability over anyone else. Our work healthcare was with Standard Life, and whilst i was literally in the hospital undergoing spinal surgery our company moved to Pru. They then proceeded to refuse to pay for any of my treatment as they said they would not have approved it in the first place, so i had to get our HR team involved to fight on my behalf as otherwise i'd have been lumped with a £7k bill. In the end they paid it, but i had to pay £100 excess on it which pi**ed me off.
  6. They dont do it for me at all im afraid... too boring looking. If you're getting bored of the zed already i reckon you'd be bored of one of these in no time.
  7. marzman

    Road Tax

    This is the same as the bill for my JDM. Has been this price since i've owned it.
  8. Cheers Chris! I like it... i think it's gonna suit the car... looking forward to the updates.... and seeing the spacers that you're going to have to fit.
  9. Hopefully you're right. Im not sure where us JDM owners will fit in if there is a recall... NISSAN UK probably dont even have any record of us.
  10. Cant you start now, i wanna see where this goes Offer them up at least so we can see... !
  11. I've just tried this.... i can see that it will work for some as it feels like the boot is opening with more force now, but it's still not worked for me.
  12. A G-Wagon is on my list of cars to own, and will probably be my first restoration project when im ready for that stage in life as i love them... but i need something a bit more current as i intend to use it as a daily through winter.
  13. I know but i've got to get the 4x4 bug out of my system or else i'll be in the same boat in 12 months time... I should get an M-Class merc which would tick both boxes, but i only like the very latest model which is £30k plus
  14. My missus worked at Envirofone about 4 years ago, which is of no help at all i realise, but i thought it was interesting. The owner at the time who started the company was a greek guy, and he'd always be having staff nights out where he'd buy everyone's drinks thinking he was the big man... but i always chose to pay for my own. Anwyay, i would check on the CEX Exchange website what they'll offer for it, and then you can at least drop into your local branch in person and sell it to them. Less risky and they seem to offer at least as good prices as the others in my experience.
  15. marzman


    I could be wrong but i think Leonk had one a while back too... might be worth a PM. Whilst i like them and would like to own one - literally every time i see one my first thought is 'is that an MR2?'. It's a shame really as it shouldnt be like that.
  16. Im hoping they're still looking good for wales as it's a real ball ache taking them off and polishing them with the drill and yep, looking forward to having a bacon bap with you!
  17. I did a few hours research at the weekend on the RR forums, and its literally scarred me off them. Im gutted. From what i was reading it's a pretty much nailed on certainty that your gearbox is going to go between 80k and 110k miles, ever single air suspension setup seems to develop multiple faults seemingly every year, and there are a whole host of other complaints occurring frequently (steering column replacement, alternator/battery issues, an endless list of electrical gremlins etc). In the 5 years i've had of 350z ownership, other than standard maintenance i've not had to spend a penny on fixing issues with the car (touch wood), so to go to this level of unreliability is quite off putting.
  18. Good job buddy. Im out of the country from 18th-24rd with no access to the forum - incase you think i've dropped out - i havent.
  19. As above so that the body can be rotated through 360 degrees. As regards lifting, I thought you had to watch your back but as an extra pair of hands to position things I may just take you up on that Awesome, that will be cool. My back should be fine for some heavy lifting, it's mainly fatigue that causes problems i.e. if i've been bent over all day working in the garden, or if i've been an idiot and tried to play some kind of sport.
  20. Agreed, the front 3/4 of that look mint but the rear looks retarded!
  21. Interesting idea, but it will end up like this:
  22. Excellent mate, worth the wait... The rotisserie sounds like a big job... what style are you going for, the full job or a tilter? Looking forward to more updates, and if you need a hand with any heavy lifting you know where i am.
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