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Everything posted by marzman

  1. I wont be there Andy... far too hungover to leave the house. Hope you have a good day mate.
  2. Looks interesting.... what time you going Andy? Any idea how large the venue is? I've got plans at the moment but if they fall through i may make an appearance!
  3. I think uprated brakes are a must. At the very least uprate the fluid to RBF600 and fit braided lines if you can. The 350z brakes are a weakpoint with many people complaining of a soft pedal after only a short stint on track. I'm running DBA discs all round and Ferrodo DS2500 pads, with uprated fluids and lines as mentioned above, and i've never had a problem on track.
  4. I know Tegiwa sell pieces like this too (i think they registered on here as a trader a few months ago). I know they're primarily Honda parts but it's worth an email to them.
  5. A colleague of mine but £100's worth of them a couple of years ago, and sold them earlier this year for over £1000.
  6. Very nice. Sold the zed then or putting it up for sale soon? EDIT - im a slow typer!
  7. do you have any pics of yours? and also if anyone has any pics of theirs with the 8K bulbs in? i need to change mine ASAP lol, is it a hard job? Yep scroll down to the night shots on the link below. I'd say they're definitely more white than blue (you can see they match my white LEDs) and these are 10000k. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/68449-got-my-zed-back-on-the-road/
  8. Do the pedal dance to clear your codes and it should stay away if you've reconnected the MAF.
  9. Thats a good shout.... they recently transferred me over to online-only but i didnt give it a second thought with regards to the renewal time, i think i'd have been in the same boat come next year.
  10. Pin maps isnt the same though.... i miss the old way too! I also really miss the join date as i think that was really useful as well - but i understand both were removed to limit the number od backend db calls that were required?
  11. How much were you quoted for the refurb? I would expect it to be only £40-60 per wheel? As for attacking it yourself, you could give the method i used on my Volk lips a try... i.e. use a polishing drill bit attachment and some metal polish, and try to restore the lips that way. However this corrosion looks quite bad so im not sure whether this would be successful at all. You might need to use a more abrasive polish/drill bit to return it to the bare metal before lacquering it yourself manually. Last option would be to spray it yourself using rattlecans, or even plastidip if you want an easier job and arent looking for a shiny finish.
  12. +13000k = still bright, but very yellow 4300k = brightest, OE HID color, white with a slight hint of yellow 5000k = still bright, white with a hint of blue 6000k = noticeably less bright, fairly blue 8000k+ = don't even think about it - way too dim and way too blue/purple I've had 4300k, 8000k and 10000k, and i would update the list with the following personally: 4300k = Yellow! 8000k = Perfect white similar light output to 4300k 10000k = White with a slight hint of blue. Less light output than 8000k, but not terrible.
  13. I think i have the same lip on my V1 so it raises the panel slightly towards the rear? I found that with the bonnet latch down, it held it into place really well. Also my 6 poppers are really tight so hold it in there very well... are yours a snug fit or are they a bit loose? Lastly i did adjust my bonnet catch, but even had to lower it slightly after first moving it as it was about 3mm too high.
  14. marzman

    NISMO Body kit

    Exactly right. You'll definitely be able to find one that's already kitted for that price.
  15. An awful lot of zeds suffer from crunching gears (mine included). 1. Replace the gearbox oil and add Molyslip. (PM ZMANALEX for the correct fluids). 2. Double clutch gear change on the affected gears. i.e. on my car from 2nd to third, i press the clutch, change from 2nd to neutral, release the clutch and press it again, and change into third. You get used to it in no time (and from habit i now do it when driving other cars too!)
  16. If you dont want to pay full whack for a new one, then look for a 2 or a 3. iPad 1 is about 4 years old now isnt it so will be well out of date. In terms of space i wish i had a bigger one (dont we all ) At 16GB im constantly deleting apps and reinstalling them when i need space.
  17. Yep got mine from Tarmac above. Great service.
  18. Just get the bulbs off eBay - only about a tenner each. I've got 10000k in mine and they're a lovely colour... Go for them!
  19. So it would seem that the Xbox One has been announced today as the next generation of Xbox console. Bit of a crappy name if you ask me, seeing as the Xbox one came out about 10 years ago! I preferred the Xbox Infinity name that was being discussed for the last few weeks. Anyway i've just read all of the release info and im a bit underwhelmed at the moment. Set for release later this year it's going to be a fully integrated home entertainment system, or all in 'one' device, hence the name. It will have an integrated Blu-Ray Player and Kinect with a 1080p camera, and has been designed to watch your standard TV through it too (via HDMI-in port) to give you additional features on top of your standard TV - for example voice and motion controlled EPG, and realtime web browsing whilst not interfering with what you're watching. As of yet though i've not seen any specific innovations on the gaming front... just a few trailers for Forza 5 and the new CoD etc... but even the graphics dont seem to be much of a step up on the current generation so im not sure what the differences are going to be? I'd also be interested to see if the planned GTA 5 is going to be affected at all. This was originally due out in Q1 this year but has been pushed back until September... but are Rockstar really going to bring this out 1-2 months before the next gen consoles come out? I think i'll be disappointed if they do.... Fairly good release information here: http://www.pocket-li...ou-need-to-know [media] [/media] With regards to the PS4... i'd be interested to here other people's opinion's on it as i've not followed it's release at all... i briefly owned a PS3 but found the Xbox to be the better console. Is anyone here going to go for one of these over the Xbox?
  20. I was going to suggest Rocher as you should be able to get in there. I've been recommended to go to Rocher as you see much of the swimming pool area, the Ras Cas and the back of the Pits, and you also get a big TV screen infront of you. However it's just a grassy hill and you have to be there hours before the race and then not move for fear of losing your spot. I dont know if you can take fold up chairs but i would do. EDIT: I just looked on youtube and you seem to have a choice of view points from Rocher...
  21. It's hardly a scam though is it?? A mistake has been made... if the seller mis-represented the item and told you something which turned out to not be true then he should offer you a refund. But if he doesnt it's not the end of the world... just put it back up for sale! You shouldnt lose much, if any money on it.
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