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Everything posted by marzman

  1. That's how the motor industry works. Nothing wrong with it in my opinion.
  2. My bro works here in buxton. I've been onsite and seen this stuff. Very cool site to explore! http://www.28dayslater.co.uk/forums/other-sites/56259-health-safety-laboratory-harpur-hill-buxton.html
  3. PLEASE fit some neons and lower it before you give it him back. Or a fake dump valve noise maker.
  4. Cool. I want one of these r/c helicopter cameras. I tried fitting my keyring camera to my mini copter the other week, and it would barely lift off the ground.
  5. My bro used to have a similar problem when i was a kid... but it was about an 80 Meter gap! He used to run an extension chord up the length of our street every time he was in there! I'd either do that (allowing you to use power tools too), or get a portable rechargeable battery pack. You cant rely on solar power imho. I dont know if the below kind of devices are suitable, but this is kind of what i'd be looking into http://compare.ebay.co.uk/like/400489652362?var=lv&ltyp=AllFixedPriceItemTypes&var=sbar&_lwgsi=y&cbt=y&device=c&adtype=pla&crdt=0&ff3=1&ff11=ICEP3.0.0&ff12=67&ff13=80&ff14=63&ff19=0
  6. Looks good. Get some spacers and they'll look a million times better too.
  7. +1 that's what i thought... won't it start to eat through the rubber?
  8. I had some blade bits sprayed by a bodyshop, and they showed me 4 different swatches which were all KYO, and all 4 were a slightly different shade.
  9. marzman

    Trial fit

    I love it... looks awesome.
  10. Seen at about 9.45am today, 2 ladies in the car i think, and lots of black tape holding the bumper together? Also saw a Black UK zed a minute or so earlier.
  11. you got a link to what you got? Just search on eBay for 10000k D2R bulbs and pick the cheapest.
  12. I posted a link further up the page which shows pics of my 10k's.
  13. Photobucket iPhone app? I'm on my iPad now and checked my PB app, and it still has the old [ IMG ] links.
  14. Does this include engine bay, door/boot shuts etc?
  15. Photobucket appear to have changed this recently, and don't seem to offer and [ IMG ] code anymore. You should still copy the code listed as being the IMG code, but it now appears as [ URL=http://s57.photobucket.com/user/marzman_2006/media/5506EB2D-8B92-4387-8CF1-A021DF312014-4186-000005CAD5122D59_zps4aeab6e1.jpg.html ][img ]http://i57.photobucket.com/albums/g210/marzman_2006/5506EB2D-8B92-4387-8CF1-A021DF312014-4186-000005CAD5122D59_zps4aeab6e1.jpg[ /IMG ][ /URL ]
  16. A friend of mine had his Audi TT stolen when they took his car keys from a gym locker. Common practice so I would get it changed ASAP.
  17. Your symptoms sound identical to mine mate. Excruciating pain daily in the spine, and frequently numb right leg. Im 29 now but had surgery in 2008 at 24 which I would deem a failure. Like you say, the mental anguish is the hardest part, realising you can never do any proper exercise/sport again. My surgery was to put a piece of artificial ligament in my spine which was supposed to ease the pressure on my discs. It was a horrible surgery and I was still struggling to walk 6 months later. Even now I can't be on my feet for more than 30mins, and I'm on the same coco 30/500 daily. I hope you find a cure... I'm to scared to face surgery again as it was prett horrendous.
  18. Are you really liable if you wipe other people out? No insurance and all that....
  19. What the F*** is that, the A-Team van?!
  20. Sand the paint with 1500 grit paper too, and then wash off any dust with soapy water, before applying the clear coat.
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