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Everything posted by marzman

  1. The prices of cars has fallen, but the prices of aftermarket parts has not. I can appreciate how some people might not want to spend 20% of their cars' value on just an exhaust, as opposed to maybe 5% just a few years ago. Not saying that this exhaust is priced incorrectly - it's just that the demand has fallen now due to the bracket of people choosing to buy a Zed.
  2. What about the fumes... you gonna run it outside and close your door?
  3. The standard ballasts fit on the bottom of the headlights.
  4. Everyone says that... but no, they stay shut as i cant see the telly.
  5. Cheers Irfan. It does take a loooong time. It's not as much fun as detailing the zed, thats for sure.
  6. Thanks for the responses everyone. I've got some time to think about my decision... im off to Mexico next week for my honeymoon! I'll look to get something sorted in August and i'll be doing the work myself. Cheers Chris.
  7. You should be able to read the codes doing the pedal dance (it's in the guides somewhere...) Top tip - film the flashes so you can reer to it afterwards.
  8. So i know i've put a little bit of weight on recently... but over the last 6 weeks or so i've noticed that my OSR suspension appears to be bottoming out over bumps, that it didnt used to bottom out over. I've only done about 100 miles during that time, but i'm definitely noticing it a lot at the moment. I've just checked my last MOT from March this year, and it said the OSR shock absorber has a light misting of oil on it... so i'm guessing im now starting to see the result of this? I've never had a shock absorber go on a car before... are they repairable or is it just a straight replacement jobby? And do i have to replace them in pairs? Lastly... im not one for replacing with stock parts where i can help it... can anyone recommend anything a little more fun? Obviously i'd have to look to replace all 4x springs/dampers to go down this route, but what would people recommend (not after a drop particularly... im very happy with my ride height and handling currently)
  9. EDIT... Couple of small mods planned... im going to get some smoked side indicators, and probably attempt to Plastidip the wheels in black to make it a bit more interesting (chavvy!) I can always peel it off if i dont like it.
  10. So i've had my Range for about 5 weeks or so now, and other than a very quick rinse during the first week i've been dying to get a chance to detail it. The paintwork felt so rough to touch, there were so many contaminant etc, and cleaning it with water/shampoo wouldnt touch it. So... yesterday i did the following: Rinse Wash Clayed Washed Glass Polish Dry T-Cut scratch remover (black)... there were a number of fine scratches, including a key mark the length of the car, but fortunately hadn't gone through the lacquer. Got to say, im quite impressed with this stuff. It's masked all of the scratches that i attempted, including the key mark, which you now cant see unless you're really looking for it. At this point the car was back to the bare paint, and i could really feel the improvement following claying... it was a perfectly smooth finish! Then today i did: Ag Super Resin Polish Dodo Juice Purple Haze Wax AG EGP Then on the wheels: Wash Decontamination with Wolf's De-Ironizer Rinse Seal Tyre Dressing Im very happy with the results... Everything was done by hand, but i would love to get a DA at some point. Few pics (Excuse the filthy zed in the background... that a job for another weekend ) Also note that i had the suspension raised to it's high setting for the first pics, as it made it easier to polish (I dont have to bend down as far!)
  11. Love it mate, very nice. Love the Aristo's.
  12. Keep your rims. Those others will weigh a tonne and ruin the handling of the car...
  13. This is what i did, plus also tried the [ youtube ] tags which still work too... but it looks like removing the s from https is whats done the trick.
  14. Spill it Pete, what did you do?
  15. I thought i could but i cant...?!
  16. Mine did this and it was just the battery was totally flat, even after charging. I couldn't get my headlights to switch off for about 8 hours. All fuses were totally fine, just replace the battery and she should be fine.
  17. Gutted for you mate. Have a read of the book 'Who moved my cheese'. (http://www.amazon.co.uk/Who-Moved-My-Cheese-Amazing/dp/0091816971) which is a book dealing with change in your life and helping you move on, and getting you motivated again. My mate used to swear by it and would read it every time something @*!# happened (broke up with a girl; lost his job etc). I understood the concepts of it but it didnt really do much for me, but then, i've never really had to go through any hardships in my life. It does sound like you're in a pretty rough place at the moment though mate... if that was me, i'd take advantage of it and get a new start. My favorite quote out of Fight Club is when Brad Pitt says 'It's only after we've lost everything that we're free to do anything.' I'm almost jealous of anybody who's in this position...! If i were at the point of effectively being free to start my life over again having lost close family members and my significant other, i'd pack it all up and be off round the world.
  18. For fuel costs it depends entirely how you drive, but expect around 25mpg for normal use, or up to 30 on a ling run.
  19. Thats where my keys go. And a collection of 20p's for the air machine for my tyres.
  20. In my opinion the best software you can buy for this is Dash Command. It's available on iPad, Android and Windows i think, but the readers that work with them quite restricted (they've locked it down to only work with a few) My favourite part about Dash Command though is you can download the Lexus LFA skin for it and use it as a speedo. A few people have done this online and replaced their clocks. I looked into doing this but it would be a huge job. http://www.palmerperformance.com/forum/index.php?board=13.0
  21. This isnt my photography... my brother actually works there as a scientist. They recreate industrial accidents, so onsite there are all sorts of facilities and rigs for this... such as a train track going down a hill which they release a train carriage down to simulate impacts. These trains, i believe are related to the 7/7 stuff.
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