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Everything posted by marzman

  1. Hi guys, I've had a bad back for a number of years, and had surgery to relieve pressure on a couple of disks in my lumbar spine 5 years ago. The surgery wasnt particularly successful and i have suffered quite a bit since, however this year it has really taken a turn for the worse. I've been back to my surgeon this week (private) and had the usual raft of scans etc, and now my condition has progressed to the L4 vertebrae slipping forwards, and then my spinal chord occupying the space where my vertebrae should be! The doc straight up said the only way to cure this is to have spinal fusion surgery, where they basically fit a metal rod up my back by drilling it into the vertebrae... Checkout a pic of an xray of this here: http://www.bnasurg.c...ages/fusion.jpg However, we're going to try pain killing injections and exercise before going down this route seeing as i've not tried it yet, but the doc expects i'll be having the surgery in the near-ish future (next 1-2 years). So my question is - does anyone have any experience with this surgical procedure? How painful is it and how long is the recovery process? Also does it cure the pain/improve things significantly? The doc said it only has a success rate of 70%, and in 10% of cases it makes things worse, which is a bit alarming! Any advice would be appreciated. Edit: I've just turned 30 so quite young to be requiring this surgery which also concerns me. If i succumb to this surgery now does that mean i'll need more and more surgery as i get older?
  2. Government rate is 45p. However your rate of remuneration should be in your contract. And my understanding is if you are only paid 25p per mile, you can claim the tax on the 20p difference back at the end of the financial year, not the full 20p. This is for the first 10k miles.
  3. Come on someone do Aich, so i can do iiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiiin before the lock!
  4. My plate looks smaller than yours and i've had it on for 3 years without any bother!
  5. I dont have a Vita, but this could swing it for me. It's hourses for courses with regards to what functionality suits each individual. People might say just get a second TV or play in a different room etc, but for me I know the missus whinges if we're not together in the same room, threfore we can both sit together and i can play my full PS4 games on the Vita. And proximity wise i'll be 3 meters from the console/router so should be fine.
  6. I was intending to get the Xbox as thats what i have currently, plus i hate sony. However, the Remote Play feature where you can play any PS4 game via a PS Vita over Wifi might be a game changer! The missus can watch TOWIE or ANTM on the TV, and i can play Fifa on a handheld? Yes please!
  7. Twin intakes are on the 2007+ 'HR' engined 350z's. Single intake on the pre-07 cars.
  8. 20 minute job to fit a pop charger, very easy. Used to have one on mine and loved it, only took it off as i'd read that you lose bhp, but i do miss the aural pleasure.
  9. It's a matte blue vinyl wrap mate, the OEM car was a graphite grey . Cheers, looks great.
  10. JWT Pop Charger. PM Tarmac or Steve 350z, you're looking at less than half of your quoted price and you'll get all the noise you need.
  11. Love the colour/finish, the tyres and the mirrors. What do you reckon that finish is, wrap or satin paint?
  12. Have you tried Lockwood & Greenwood Stan? Friend of the forum where a lot of Manchester zedders get their cars serviced - off junction 23 of the M60. I think they used to be a Nissan garage before they went independent.
  13. £2000? That is ludicrous. Do not pay that Stan, take it somewhere else.
  14. Yep, good shout thanks. :lol: Sounds like a plan!
  15. Less of a favour, more of an earner for me to be honest. But yep i'm expecting it to be a bit of a ball ache.
  16. A colleague/friend of mine is emigrating permanently this weekend and he has been trying to sell his Audi A5 but has left it too late! I've offered to sell it on his behalf for a small fee. The car is taxed and still insured in his name, but it will be kept at my house from now on whilst i advertise it and deal with any sales inquiries etc. As he is going to be overseas, whats the best way to approach this? I dont want him to sign the car over to my ownership, but then when selling it to someone and the car isnt at it's registered address this can be really off putting for people. I was thinking to get a scan of his driving license and a utility bill which i can show to any buyers as evidence that this is a genuine sale etc. Can anyone think of any other tips or pitfalls that i should be aware of?
  17. Regardless of whether it's straight forward or not, the harder job will be finding a set for sensible money unfortunately.
  18. ...but get it fixed and you'll be like this: http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=I-iHeBh4r48
  19. Dont know for Nissans but the previous owner of my Range Rover had the same symptoms that you're describing and that turned out to be a vacuum hose. Think it cost about £45 to fix.
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