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Everything posted by marzman

  1. I appreciate all that, but im sure those developers were still getting paid and working full time before the publishers found a way of monetising that bit of effort. Forza 5, along with the Xbox itself both feel rushed to get it on the shelves in time. Hopefully Microsoft are going to add the bits of functionality that are missing (System Video Player is not there yet!), but Turn 10 are going to charge us for those bits that may have been cut to fit the delivery schedule, yet i still paid full price for the 'full' game.
  2. This is it. Im happy to pay for DLC once ive had the game for a while and feel like i need to unlock a bit more functionality. It felt like the designers were being good to fans when it first appeared, but now im 100% certain they're choosing not to put content into the hard copy game in order to charge us for DLC, which is very wrong.
  3. As a consumer I flat out refuse to buy DLC for a game that has just come out. They take away half the content and then try to charge me more to get the rest of the game?! They can eat a bag of d!cks if they think i'm buying their DLC's. Forza has the LaFerrari pack out to buy already - they should have just put those cars in the game. All this downloading games malarkey is a con too. Yes it is easier to not have to get up and change discs, but to charge you more when it's costing them significantly less is a complete con, and for me trading in games is a big part of gaming - i've always done it. It gives me motivation to finish a game so i can trade it in for money off something else.
  4. Cant say i ever heard any whining from mine. Grumbling yes from the lightweight flywheel, but no whining.
  5. So i've played a bit of Forza 5... maybe 3-4 hours. I've got to say im very disappointed in the size of the game. Just 14 tracks in this day and age, thats ridicolous. It's already getting a bit tedious. Loving the Drivertars system tho.
  6. Tools! Tool Chest, socket set, Low entry trolley jack etc
  7. My problem with the 86 is everyone know's it's under powered. If it was comparable to a zed in BHP i'd happily drive one but as they are now imho everyone dismisses them as they know they're not that quick.
  8. It wont work with an import - i tried it on my JDM zed and no joy because they are not ODBII, they are J-OBD. Lexx - maybe get one of the hard wired models which just need power and tapping into the single VSS wire?
  9. I'd go round your alloys with a sharpie or something and retake the photos - that kerbing stands out a mile on an all black car.
  10. I don't think there is any difference. I have just gone through the thread and according to Marzman who bought one the display has a slight blue tint to it. everything else is as in the video. There is a difference - the one in the video is white, and these are green. Secondly the one in the video has a second, smaller numeric readout (in green on the video) - which is not present on this model. Look at the photos of the unit, you can see there is no smaller display above the main one. This is not to put anyone off buying one - im happy with mine, it's just not the one in the video.
  11. Yes what CS said, i fitted a UK exhaust to my first zed.
  12. Rung about 9 places tonight, and finally found one. Tesco Handforth Dean have about 15 in stock! Bought the Fifa 14 console, plus Forza 5 and Battlefield 4. Installing the update now and then it will be until the early hours!
  13. So i wasnt planning on getting one of these until the new year, however i've caved and decided i need one NOW. Spent a few hours searching online and you cant get one anywhere this side of January. Damnit!! Anyone got any tips where to get one now?
  14. What are the gt4 wheels? Are they the ones like on a GTR? if so I love them wheels! I've done the whole swapping wheels over winter before but I cant be bothered anymore. . Dont know if anyone saw the orange colour that Chris had on his wheels? ? Big maybe but might go for this one day The best thing is - the colour on those rims now is a 40 quid rattle can job. You can do it in a weekend and if you dont like it, spray them again!
  15. ...and it's Beavis by a landslide...
  16. The G Wagen is one of my favourite cars. I will definitely own one at some point (80's rather than current, even though they look identical.)
  17. Nice one! Happy birthday Graham. Didnt realise you were so old...!
  18. To be fair i've never tried it with autosol - i've always used megs on it but i thought autosol was fine for this too?
  19. No it was a half hearted attempt at becoming a trader - i bought a load with the intention of making LED versions, but it ended up being too much work. Here is the final set i made which i was pretty pleased with, which i sold with the car. http://www.350z-uk.c..._hl__reflectors Free little bump for you, and I agree! Hence why I stopped making mine. The time involved in a single set was somewhere around 1.5-2 hrs and that was with no problems! If it was just the wiring/soldering i'd have been happy to do them, but it was the measuring and drilling which was time consuming and i hated it!
  20. Total coincidence - i've just posted on your pictures thread what to do, without seeing this!!
  21. Looking good Matt. Some good pictures there. One thing i wanted to do for you but ran out of time was to polish the headlights up a bit. I usually do it twice a year - get some metal polish (autosol or similar) and a polisher, or polishing attachment on your drill and then spend 5 minutes on the headlights. Will really clear them up and make them look a lot sharper/newer.
  22. It says one pilot had a parachute and ejected, and the other managed to land the plane safely despite a badly damaged wing and rotor!
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