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Everything posted by marzman

  1. Yep, i noticed the dent. Seen you once at the BP and then once driving past it whilst i was getting my breakfast there. I'll say hello if i see you again.
  2. Desey, where are you based? I've been working at Silverstone for the last 3 months and I think i've seen your car a couple of times at the BP/M&S garage on the A43?
  3. Yep look like it hit that 106/clio at 1:50 Was fun to watch though!
  4. I'll sell you mine for £10k. C4 with GT3 Aero kit. ... i hate it because it keeps me awake at night.
  5. Love it, nice work Amy! Just need some LED rears now to properly set it off.
  6. I just went down to my local quick fit and they let me off load some tyres onto their 'bin' pile for free. cant hurt to ask.
  7. They are crazy cheap for me too. Im paying about £450 for the 911 and £300-something on my beemer. Also through a clerical error i believe (me changing cars too often and them getting confused!) they've managed to give me 2 lots of no claims, so i've got 10 years on each car.
  8. Congrats to you both... and to Tarmac.
  9. Zeds are about half the price in the states as they are over here. It's a no brainer. Sell yours here and buy 2 over there.
  10. I really like it. If i still had a zed i'd get one
  11. Just ordered myself the Nilfisk. Couldnt resist as i needed a patio cleaner.
  12. I've not touched my XBone since January as i've been working my ass off away from home for the last 2 months. However, my project is coming to an end within the next 3 weeks so looking forward to getting in some game time. I have, however got a new project on the cards. I'm going to attempt to build a tri-projector racing rig. Basically use 3x projectors to create a seamless panoramic screen, and then build a car cockpit to use with it. All i need is a gaming PC with an Eyefinity capable graphics card. I was allowed to take home 3x 19" monitors from work recently so i'll get the prototype up and running with that before splashing out on the projectors. The last phase of the project will then be to build a 2DOF racing seat, which takes the in-game telemetry and translates it into linear movement. I've been researching this project for a good 6 months or so, and it's quite easy to do! My budget for phase 1 is about £1200 and then a further £600 for the rig in phase 2. 3-projector setup 2DOF rig (skip to 1-min)
  13. According to Camel Camel, the Amazon Nilfisk offer is a good deal. Only briefly been at the price twice before: http://uk.camelcamelcamel.com/Nilfisk-X-Tra-Pressure-Washer-Cleaner/product/B00AYBSQ4C
  14. No its here Cat and Fiddle road near Macclesfield. Correct. It's the infamous 'Cat and Fiddle' road, named after a pub at the highest point. The scene of this video is 2-3 miles from me. Many a weekend i've driven over to buxton and seen some kind of Biker accident on there. They fitted average speed cameras along the length of the road a few years ago, and they genuinely do seem to have helped.
  15. Too cheap IMHO there matey.
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