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Everything posted by marzman

  1. Maybe consider replacing the wheel. You should be able to find one sub £150.
  2. Hey guys, I've been lucky enough to have 2 of the most fantastic weekends in a row recently, being at Goodwood Festival of Speed last week, and then in Hospitality at the F1 Grand Prix at Silverstone today. I've been working onsite since Thursday, staying in a Snoozebox in the centre of the circuit (a hotel made of shipping containers for rooms, that cost £1500 for F1 weekend!). I worked Friday and Saturday, and then was a guest of the Managing Director in the Lakeside Hospitality suite today. As days out go, this was right up there with my wedding day as being the best day of my life! I've had a fantastic time! I've been drinking champagne and Pimms all day, eating fresh oysters and lots of seafood, being entertained by performers and dancers, and generally having an awesome time!! I took lots of pics of the racing action, some of which are below (apologies for there being so many).
  3. 66' Mustang 69' Skyline GTR Mercedes G-Wagon Ford GT40 Ferrari F40
  4. I've not made any progress on the above project yet, however this weekend was interesting. I went to the Goodwood Festival of Speed and got the chance to try out a few things... Firstly i had a go on a panoramic projected 2DOF racing seat, as per what i was intending to build above. The 2DOF means 2 degrees of freedom, essentially a motorised chair which simulates movement based on the in-game telemetry. I have to say that i was really disappointed with it. I dont think it translated very well to how driving a car would actually feel, and the projected setup wasnt particularly impressive either. Next up, i got the chance to have a go on an Oculous Rift, and i was very impressed. I've been following the progress of these with interest for the last couple of years. It looks like it'll be released in 2015 some time, so i will definitely be going down this route instead of a projector setup. Checkout this video to see how it will perform with a racing game.... absolutely amazing (your head movements control the ingame camera, immersing you in the environment). Lastly, i tried out a few separate 'racing rigs'. A proper car seat with good steering wheels and pedals. Above everything else this setup made all the difference, making the racing games feel genuinely realistic and fun to play. So... first things first, i'll be buying or building something like this:
  5. Dont try to dremmel off the top of a super glue lid without safety specs, as you may scratch your eyeball with a piece of flying plastic. When drilling using a cordless drill, dont 'push harder' when the battery is going, as you may end up snapping the 4mm drill bit and drilling into your hand, resulting in lots of blood and a permanent scar. Most importantly (a serious one), when injured, let said injury heal before deciding to exercise again. Exercising through the pain will only lead to severe, permanent damage.
  6. Thanks for having me round bud, i've got to say i was really impressed with your attention to detail and how well you've progressed with it. I think i'd have spit my dummy by now if this were mine. Next time i will definitely bring my scruffy clothes!
  7. marzman


    My Range was keyed before i bought it, across all 4 panels on the passenger side. My brother was able to get rid of it completely with a rotary and some polishing compound. It wasnt too deep though, most of it you couldnt feel, with only a couple of small sections deep enough to feel with your nail.
  8. Anyone seen Need for Speed? EDIT - how the **** do you get youtube videos to display nowadays??
  9. Ha, i wish it was luck. Sadly it was ridiculous amounts of hard work, which led to me almost quitting my job! At one point i worked out that based on a standard 7.5 hour day, i'd done 23 weeks work in a 13 week period, with a lot of the 'extra' work being unpaid.
  10. I heard they were horrifically unreliable though, which put me off...?
  11. It'd be a Range Rover Sport for me. Best car i've owned and surprisingly fun to drive.
  12. Yesss... i've just had a phone call - i've been given a hospitality ticket for the F1 at Silverstone the weekend after too! Get in!! I've been working with Silverstone on a large project with them for the last 8 months, and it finally came to an end in May, so both this and Goodwood tickets were to say thanks! ... then the weekend after i'm down in London at Wembley watching Eminem... so 3 epic weekends in a row!
  13. I had the same dilemma and bought an e90 320d bmw earlier this year. 52mpg on a run, 48 day to day. Absolutely delighted with it... lovely to drive, nice and quick, and bags of torque. I paid £4800 for an 05 plate with 107k on the clock from a dealer, with a warranty.
  14. I'd say closer to £7k. You've got some good mods there.
  15. Could be the diff bush? Weight transfer causing stress at the rear and if the bush is worn out this could be causing it? I believe the diff bush can leak fluid when it's shot... can you get under it and see if it seems wet?
  16. Thanks everyone. Im really looking forward to it. Have any of you ever camped there? I've never been camping before anywhere and i dont really fancy it, but we're having a hard time finding a hotel anywhere within 40 miles...
  17. I've been fortunate enough to have earned through work a pair of 'Access All Areas' passes for the Goodwood FoS next weekend, for Fri-Sun. I've always wanted to go but I've never been before due to the cost/distance making it a £500+ weekend for me, but seeing as the tickets are free on this occasion i thought it would be rude not to, so im having a weekend away with my bro! So, not knowing very much about it, and the website being pretty much devoid of information, can anyone give me any tips on what to expect on the day, what's not to be missed, or what to avoid? Also car parking... I take it there are car parks onsite?
  18. Unbelievable. Not sure if reckless endangerment exists in the uk, or there is a different alternative, but this should be a criminal offense.
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