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Everything posted by marzman

  1. Seriously, i swear on my life!! I was the same and couldnt believe it when i discovered it last year. Read the following links and it'll change your life: https://docs.google.com/document/d/1aiHSPoto_YqsNTDvL-g60nytMnyH-CJcCbiAx1IEUYM/edit http://www.reddit.com/r/keto
  2. I'm a bit of a yo-yo dieter myself, and the only thing i have ever had success with is a Keto diet. Basically not allowed to eat any sugar or carbs - ever. But you must eat 50% protein and 50% fat. Essentially, this makes Bacon the healthiest possible food you can eat. So bacon and eggs for breakfast is ideal, as a pork scratchings as a healthy snack. Want a bowl full of double cream for desert? Go for it! Eating the above diets (plus a few vegies,, lots of steaks and cheese etc) i can easily lose a couple of stone in a month. It's the future. I'm on it now actually. I started 10 days ago, and as of this morning i'm 10lb's down. The only reason i fall off it is due to work commitments and holidays really.
  3. The missus is away at the weekend... i think i'll give it another go.
  4. I've bought Titanfall. I played through the intro level but not touched it since (2 months). Seemed fairly boring to me, but i guess i should give it another chance.
  5. I've got a Canon EOS 1100D DSLR. Seems to be one of the cheapest on the market new (£260), so is likely to be within budget second hand. It's a very good camera.
  6. Maybe PM this guy who posted yesterday. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/88602-disaster-radiator-help/
  7. Some cool stuff there and good prices. Note those reflectors are HR fit only.
  8. Does the value of the car matter at the time it's declared CAT D though? e.g. i might buy a CAT D 350z now, as it might only have £2-3k of damage (i.e. scratched panels). However for a 370z to be CAT D it would need to have £15k+ of damage wouldn't it? (unless it was stolen recovered).
  9. All bullshit, but fun to read non the less.
  10. Love it. Definitely prefer the look of the Rockets over the Exocet, but this looks ace. No more cars for me im afraid (for the next 3 or 4 years or so), i'm buying a house this year.
  11. Just get different wheels man, what a headache! Definitely dont change your brakes. I've had 2 zeds... the first with JDM brakes. Stock at first, and then upgraded with braided lines, DBA discs, Endless pads, and RBF 600 fluid, and they were still rubbish compared to my second zed which had Brembos (although again uprated all round).
  12. Ah man you've just brought back memories. When i was 6 or 7 my brother bought a Caterham 7 style kit car and he promised for years, once he finished it he would pick me up from school. ...fast forward to now and im 30 years old, and he'd still hasnt finished building it! He refuses to sell it, and is adamant he will finish it one day. Maybe he can pickup my grand kids instead?
  13. I also actually really fancy a MEV Rocket. Very Atom looking...! These can be picked up from sub £10k, but only a few newer examples for sale currently. http://www.pistonheads.com/classifieds/used-cars/kit-cars/mev/2-0-mev-rocket/2375766
  14. I wouldnt be buying a road car, i'd be buying something that i'd need to trailor to the track. Something like a single seater / hill climb / sprint car, very lightweight and fun in the corners. Couple of interesting ones on ebay... Space Frame chassis, plastic body, £6k!! http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/RACE-CAR-HILLCLIMB-SPRINT-TRACK-CAR-/271381156498?pt=Automobiles_UK&hash=item3f2f93d292 Single Seater - £6k (i've seen loads better on PH but none on there currently within budget). http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/Ray-Formula-Vee-Chassis-No-1-GAC-Engine-Single-Seater-Track-Day-Racing-Car-/390879555062?pt=Automobiles_UK&hash=item5b023cadf6
  15. You say nohomo, but those are the biggest, gayest wings i've ever seen. Both cars look great by the way.
  16. Reading a lot of the negative comments in here is quite funny. I have to say i disagree with almost all of them. The noise is the only drawback, but then it's got an awesome sounding turbo which makes up for it. I got a 2005 320d earlier this year and it's an absolutely brilliant drive. Lots of pace and torque, overtaking is a breeze, easily make progress as fast as i could in my Zed due to the torque.
  17. We need to sort a Macclesfield meet up, or is anyone from Macc going to zapfest Donnington could convoy? Leon and I are no longer zed owners, so it would be a bit of a naff meet unfortunately!
  18. Welcome mate. My bro lives in Buxton, and i'm in Macc.
  19. Maybe because that knob is frickin enormous, the extra length acted as a lever and increased the pressure at the pivot point causing it to snap?
  20. GTR or some kind of '63 Mercedes.
  21. I had attempted to add one by curving up the grill edges, but added a more obvious one now.
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