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Everything posted by marzman

  1. Just popped into Mercedes and picked up the repair panel i ordered last week (£100.03). Looks pretty cool. Also ordered a fire extinguisher which arrived today. Lastly i bought a multimeter from Toolstation to help diagnose my non-starting issues. Oh, and whilst in the Mercedes dealers, i noticed they had a current model G in...!!
  2. Yeh had the dizzy cap off and it looks sweet. Tomorrow i'll give everything a blast with the WD. I reckon it's the starter so i'll soak that.
  3. Bollocks. Just came to start the car tonight and it's dead as a dodo. I've not started it in 2 weeks, since i pressure washed the engine. Stupidly, i didnt have the engine running whilst cleaning it (although i did spend 4 hours cleaning). On turn of key i can hear the fuel pump prime, but then on turning all the way i just get one loud click and nothing else. I've checked the fuses, checked all cables are secure, inspected the dizzy cap, earths seem okay, given the started motor a few whacks with the hammer... all without any change in symptoms. Worryingly i found out tonight the starter motor appears to be right on the bottom of the engine, by the bottom of the bell housing on the gearbox... and this is where i concentrated a lot of the water whilst pressure washing. Am i likely to have killed the started motor?? Are they recoverable?? On a positive note, i got my milled spacers back, and got the 2nd wheel on tonight, and it looks badass!
  4. Thanks mate. Always wondered.
  5. The finance will flag on HPI check. You can sell privately thoug . But the buyer needs to pay directly to the finance company. So you advertise the car as having outstanding finance and that a balance must be paid to the finance company.... and if there's some equity left then they pay this to you? Man that's a bit transparent, it's like buying a car and being able to see the dealers margins, you'll get beat up on that difference i bet!
  6. Out of interest - If you have a car on PCP and you come to the £15k balloon payment - can you sell the car as-is on autotrader and pay the outstanding finance off when it's sold, or do you need to pay off the £15k yourself before you can put it up for sale? Ekona i guess you had to do one of these 2 options when you sold the 911...?
  7. Hi Nix, Our company will be doing the ticketing system for goodwood from early next year onwards. As a result i got free passes for the full weekend this year. I went down Thursday night with my brother with the intention of spending Fri/Sat/Sun there, but by 4pm Saturday we'd seen and done everything so decided to leave early. It was a fantastic weekend, and if i were to do it again i would make sure i go on the Friday as it's simply too busy after that. Okay the celebs might not be there, but i'd prefer better access to the cars/stands/track than being 15 deep in people trying to see something (which it was by Saturday lunchtime).
  8. That looks like a million dollars. Out of interest, why was the bonnet left on the car and the whole car masked up? Wouldnt it have been quicker to take it off?
  9. My surname is Marshall, but ever since 90's tv show Eerie Indiana in which the main character's name was Marshall, but everyone called him Marz, that has been my nickname too. Marzman is just an extension of that, and i am King_marz on Xbox Live.
  10. Well i had another full weekend working on the car. Progress is slow though. I popped over to Mercedes and ordered the NSR repair panel which i will pickup next week (£100.03 for the panel), and an oil filter (£7). Once home i continued with the tear down. The rear bumper, side strips and the offside wheel arches are now off the car (thanks Leon for the lift with a few stuck screws ). In removing the arches i found a pretty tasty rust patch, so i attacked it with a poly disk and put some Kurust and rust proof primer on it until i can wok on it. I will be fiber glassing it when i get a chance. I also spent a couple of hours on the airbox with a poly disk, removing the rusty old paint, priming, and spraying in satin black. Next weekend will be an oil and coolant change, and continuing with the tear down. Me in my painting mask (looking like sub-zero!) And trying out my new £10 aldi car cover. Yep, it doesnt fit.
  11. That seems overly expensive. When I had the zed I saw MY04ZED for about £400 which I figured is about right. However I've just bought an old M reg to put on the M6 for £250 Guy i bought my zed from had bought UK52 ZED in 2010, costing him £800.
  12. Good race that. I'm dreading this double points rubbish though, i just know it's going to do Lewis out of the championship somehow.
  13. Minor update. Had the first of my 4 spacers milled and test fitted yesterday, and it firs perfectly. Got the first wheel on (in the dark), and took a picture this morning. I'm pretty pleased with the results. The arch gap will drop when the other wheels are fitted... the whole car is leaning to this corner at the moment! However i think some bigger profile tyres will be on the cards too when im finished. Also this week, cleaned the engine. First wrapping up all the electricals, hit it with a can of degreaser and then steam cleaned. To be honest the steam cleaner didnt do much so i pressure washed it instead which did the job. I've also continues buying various tools and consumables.
  14. Who was the guy on here years ago, i think maybe the first to reach 100k? He did a full write up of what it had cost him to own it to that point, and detailed everything that had been changed. I think he was a doctor if i remember rightly. Could be his.
  15. Having just googled, people are leaning towards replacement of the valve as opposed to cleaning. http://wiki.ross-tech.com/wiki/index.php/16791/P0407/001031
  16. Clean the EGR valve and then clear the code, see if that sorts it.
  17. +1 on that. Get yourself registered on quidco and search for the top referring sellers. An amazing site, i've earned over £200 in cashback this year as literally everything i buy is bought after clicking through from their site first.
  18. For us, we split the fixed household bills down the middle, and both only pay enough into the joint account to cover them. We then have our own accounts for our own money. I'm earn about 2.5x more than her. I pickup the tab on all activities, should that be going on holiday, going for a meal or to the cinema etc, and it's my job to save up too. I also buy all the food. Essentially if it's something for 'us', I pay for it. If it's something for her, she pays for it. We're very happy.
  19. Worth a look on the Dell Outlet (return to base, repackaged and resold for cheaper). http://outlet.euro.dell.com/Online/InventorySearch.aspx?brandId=7&c=uk&cs=ukdfh1&l=en&s=dfh Personally I only ever buy Dell laptops, i find them to be well made/long lasting. Friends and family have tried other models such as Fujitsu, Samsung etc and all have developed faults.
  20. For me it's the people who sit in a traffic queue with their foot on the brake, blinding the car behind. My policy this year if people do that to me is to put my full beams on to annoy them back.
  21. Is DJRM still a member on here? Not seen him in a while but he used to do canvas prints. He did one of my first zed on track which was excellent quality and value.
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