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Everything posted by marzman

  1. I've only had 16 days off all year, so i've got a lovely 2 weeks off now, as of last Friday. Making the most of it. I did some shopping, and then watched Harry and the Henderson's today, and made a list of other films i want to watch over the break (same films every year... i like my nostalgia routines!) Mighty Ducks Home Alone 1 Bad Santa Mouse Hunt The Burbs Uncle Buck The goonies already watched Home Alone 2 and Gremlins the other week.
  2. I dug out my old photos from when i was a young 'un. I reckon i must have been about 7 or 8 when these were taken. Wish i had more pics. And then my dad put mirrors along the sides once to make the city look bigger. Also note the elevated train line.
  3. Building Lego and watching Home Alone. Ultimate nostalgia right there.
  4. Nice one Tim! You working out there then?
  5. I had a full city, made up of my older bro & sis, and older cousins lego as they'd all grown up. So i had 5 kids' worth! I've got a couple of photos somewhere, will see if i can dig them out.
  6. That's some really old Technics there. They barely even use those LEGO like pieces anymore. mostly all smooth and rounded to make a more finished looking final product. Did it do anything other than the suspension? moving parts? I think thats why i'm less of a fan nowadays as i dont like the shaped pieces. I think it takes away a lot of the magic when you're piecing together ready-moulded parts. Each to their own though. This car had everything by the way... a working gearbox with 3 gears, an engine with pistons that go up and down, steering, and seats you could slide back and forth.
  7. This one was possibly my favourite Christmas present of all time... around 93?
  8. Video was really good actually. Fair play to the guy. ...and if we're talking about animated crush's... it's all about the Carbury's Caramel bunny.
  9. There's a 4k Samsung 55" for £1000 out at the moment which is tempting, but to be honest i think it would be a downgrade.
  10. Cool, cheers all. One problem i have is that i bought it from Comet The second problem, is that it was 2 years ago yesterday. :lol:
  11. Hi all, I've had a fault with my 55" Samsung LED TV for about the last 6 months. It originally started as just the very bottom line of pixels displaying white/green most of the time, but in the last few weeks it has now expanded to take up the bottom 2.5" of the screen. It is picture specific, e.g. if watching a scene where it is mostly dark, but with just on area of light, the horizontal lines would be all dark, with just white/green below the patch of light. I've had the TV apart and I dont believe it's the ribbon cables. I repositioned them with the TV on and could see the artifacts they caused, but they didnt touch the horizontal lines at all. All the capacitors look absolutely fine too. I'm thinking it must be one of the 3x circuit boards inside, but i'm not really sure how to go about diagnosing these now? Each board is in the region of £100+ so i dont want to buy one on a whim! The TV is a Samsung UE55-ES6800, less than 2 years old (but out of warranty). I've considered calling a TV repair man, but thinking about just buying a new TV instead. See brief video, below. http://vid57.photobucket.com/albums/g210/marzman_2006/7D14B2C0-4188-4D7C-A865-48DAA4722301-1461-0000015F60443BA8_zpsef4869ac.mp4
  12. A few for me... My brother and I had a bit of a falling out and we didnt speak for 5 years, but then in 2011 we got in touch with each other again. I was going to the Nurburgring alone, but invited him with me, and he came! We had the best 48 hours ever, and have been inseparable again ever since. Second one, my now Wife and i have been together over 11 years, but for the first 9 she was waiting for British Citizenship. In 2009 there was a real threat that she was going to be deported, so with the help of an expensive Solicitor (thanks to Stanski on here for the tip!) we managed to win citizenship (and rightly so!). So in 9 years we hadnt had a holiday, but literally the day we got her first brittish passport we booked a weekend to Majorca, and as cheap/crappy as it looks to me now, it was the best holiday ever. Lastly, the first 6 months of this year were horrific for me work-wise. I was running a major project with Silverstone, and was doing 15 hours a day for 4 months straight at one point. However, the project ended up going live without a hitch, and being invited to the British Grand Prix for Hospitality was a sweet reward, which made it all worthwhile. The immense pride i felt, stood with the Directors of Silverstone drinking Champagne watching Lewis round the last corner on the final lap is absolutely priceless to me, and personally i think is my favorite moment.
  13. Yeh.... So to do that i'll need to buy the house first, then apply for planning permission, and then see if i can remortgage? Guessing thats not possible...
  14. Yeh, i was gonna email him on Monday anyway.
  15. Hi all, ...Fairly interesting weekend for us. We have lived in the same rented house for the last 7 years, and earlier this year decided to start thinking about buying somewhere. For my initial budget of £200k, there was really very little around that I liked the look of, so we decided to put plans on hold, wait another couple of years (to get a bigger deposit), and then look for a £300k house. However, the house next door-but-one went up for sale yesterday for £200k, and it's the corner plot in a nice area, with a bug piece of land. I've spoken to the owner and we are extremely tempted, but my problem is this: The house as it stands is the same size as where we are now but we wanted to take a step up the ladder. It will take me probably 6-10 years to save up the £50k needed for an extension. However i could simply go out and buy the £300k house instead, and be in the bigger house relatively quickly. So what are my options to raise £50k for an extension? The cost of mortgage/repayments is not the issue, it's the speed at which i can raise the money. i'm assuming the options are only Mortgage or Personal Loan, but i dont know if either can actually be done in the real world? Does anyone have any experience?
  16. My brother told me about this a few weeks ago.... they do it in Asda stores. We might be getting one at the weekend. £60 apparently. EDIT, actually, just found out they're only £40.
  17. No, i cant shift it. Brought on by too much booze in Manchester last weekend I think.
  18. Nothing much to update as i've only spent about a couple of hours working on the car in the last 2 weeks, but I took the front grill/bumper of yesterday. Ugly lucking thing, init?
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