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Everything posted by marzman

  1. I've got to say, progress was looking good yesterday bud.
  2. I sat in my wife's friend's MX5 mk1, and i didnt fit. I'm 6'2 and 20 stone, byt my knees were round my ears.
  3. Fantastic. From Keysers teardown thread, I dont think there's enough left of Grundy's engine to build one of these is there?
  4. Get inside and put some weight into pushing it open, whilst pulling the lever under the strut and having someone on the outside too?
  5. So the auction's going well so far! I've got 70 watchers, and have so far been offered £3500 (plus a couple of low ballers). Not too bad, but i'll hold out for £4k for a few more weeks i think. Got a chap coming down to look at it on Saturday too.
  6. Good info, thanks. I feel for you man, those are some crazy prices. To reply to a comment, you press the 'Quote' button at the bottom right of the comment.
  7. Awesome!! Will txt you at the end of the week to work out a good time...
  8. Welcome Giovane. How much do other similar cars cost second hand in Brazil? BMW M3 Porsche Cayman Porsche 911 Mazda RX8 Mazda MX5 I'm just interested because as others have said, that is an awful lot of money... 3x the price in the UK.
  9. I've tried jump starting and charged the battery fully, and also clouted the starter with a hammer. No joy with all 3. I'm at the point of having to buy a new battery for £60 to see if that sorts it, buti'm only 25% confident that it will, so would rather not waste the money. ...if only someone with a new battery would let me try it for 5 minutes to see if thats the issue... Oh hi mate That would be awesome mate. Do you know what AH it is? My book says it needs a 66ah, but the one thats on it is a 63ah and it was fine... Will you have fitted it by next weekend or can i come and get it then? Will only need it for 5 minutes i guess!
  10. Hi guys, Due to a change in circumstances i've decided to try and sell my barely-begun Mercedes G Wagen restoration project. I'm in a share scheme at work which was due to mature in 2017, but we have just been bought out and so the scheme is ending early, and I am getting a fairly good payout now instead. As a result, this means we are now trying to buy a house, but we need to supplement our deposit with money from the G Wagen if possible. I realise that this is probably going to be difficult to sell now in it's current state so i'm not holding my breath. If it sells it sells, if it doesnt i'll keep it and put the resto on hold for 12 months or so. I've been as honest as possible in the add, as it's probably the best tool to help sell an unfinished project. I'll be adding more pics of the rust and progress tomorrow. http://www.ebay.co.uk/itm/1988-Mercedes-G-Wagen-Restoration-Project-G-Class-Wagon-/271729826929? Any feedback on the ad is welcome.
  11. Happy Birthday mate, hope you've had a good one.
  12. Get that G Wagon finished for a start. Only pulling your leg, Merry Xmas. Mines to get the bodyshell painted! Merry Xmas mate. The G is on hold now as it looks like i'm going to buy that house next door but one. I've got a meeting with the planning department at the town hall next week, and if they say planning permission is likely to be granted then i'll be putting an offer in. It needs about £60-70k spending on it to get it to where i want it though, so the next 5 years are going to be all about that!
  13. To be happier. I complain too much when in reality i've got it easy.
  14. I had to drive from Stoke to Macclesfield at about 6pm today. It took almost 2 hours for what should be a 40 minute journey. The main roads were like a car park as for some reason, people are incapable of driving when there's 2 inches of snow on the ground. So i took to the back roads to avoid the traffic, only to find our route blocked by a downed tree! I got out to have a look and there was definitely no way through!
  15. A cordless drill, some walking gear and a couple of hoodys. ...and my own bodyweight in chocolate.
  16. I never had the castle, but i remember building a copy of it from the parts i had. Was a pretty good replica. Actually i did that with most of their sets... i'd always make my own version of it if I didnt have the actual set, just from the pictures i had to hand. Ahh the memories.
  17. Probably is the BCM, but as an alternative you're not having battery problems are you? I remember on my first zed, when my battery was almost flat (i'd jumped it earlier that week), my headlights got stuck on and wouldnt turn off at all. Easily fixed by getting a new battery.
  18. I was having a similar discussion with my wife yesterday. I'm pretty frustrated at the moment as we're a few months away from buying our first house. Annoyingly, our income is well above average yet we can only afford to buy a very average house. For example, I know I earn more than anyone else in my family, yet we're going to be buying the smallest house out of everyone as they've all owned their houses for years. All the houses I want to buy in our area are £350k+, but I bet the people living in them are only paying about £300 a month for a mortgage. Instead, i'm having to buy a £200k house and pay £800 a month. It seems like there's a whole generation or two who have just got lucky which has led to an easy life, whereas my generation has been shafted. Apologies if this rubs anyone up the wrong way, that is not my intention, just venting my frustrations.
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