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Everything posted by marzman

  1. Cheers mate, I was going to txt you and ask what your wife's hostage negotiation skills were like! I should be alright i think. Hopefully.
  2. I'm not racist, but.... Today i've just returned from a 2 week trip overseas. The day before i flew out i took a £200 deposit from a guy to cancel the ebay add and he'd complete the purchase upon my return. All done via email and he bank transferred me the money. I txt him today to say we can complete the sale on Saturday, and 2 mins later he calls me up. He had a very thick Russian accent, and he says he's a mechanic from London, and he'd send his boys up to collect it on Saturday Am I going to die?
  3. You're clearly running some huge spacers on there. Do these fit without the spacers?
  4. ...actually as I write this im in upstate New York right now. On TV over here the adverts for leasing cars are crazy - i really wish we had the yank model in the UK. All the cars seem to be '$269 down and $269 per month' to drive the latest 2015 models. I'd be getting straight on something like that. Oh, and i filled up my Dad's Lexus over here the other day, and a full tank cost the equivalent of £22!!
  5. Ekona is correct - you dont want a convertible. I've been to Texas 4 or 5 times and i dont recall seeing many convertibles. Also, consider getting a car without leather as you will constantly be burning your legs/arms on the seats. The roads are all huge wide affairs, so i wouldnt bother with a nimble car, personally. Tt would be a 4x4 or a truck for me for sure. Something like a Chevy Tahoe or Escalade. I'd then maybe pickup a cheap '06 Mustang V8 for fun. They'll be absolutely peanuts.
  6. I've been to Rome. Very historical and lots to see and do. Only disappointment for me was the food, which i thought was very poor (this is coming from a man who's favourite food is pizza!) As a city break though, Prague is spectacular.
  7. What a beauty. What else needs doing to get it road worthy.
  8. The audio file wouldnt play for me. Does it have a lightweight fly wheel? They're notoriously loud/grumbly when your foot is off the clutch or driving at low revs.
  9. someone drove a cabrio auto, because thats the same and he says it was a 2014 not a 15 Actually it was a 2012 - has it really come on that much in three years? Guess you could say the same about the C6 vs C7 corvette... It's the next iteration, just look at the 350 vs 370 interior.
  10. If she's doing such low mileage, a petrol would be the better option.
  11. What year is the car? It looks like your plate has an 06 on it, but is this when it was imported and it's actually an 02 car etc?
  12. Why do people get so bent out of shape about this program? It's the same every year, someone posts about it and everyone moans! Dont watch it if you dont like it!!
  13. Tilly's car has always been one of my favourite's on the forum. Love it.
  14. Any news yet Matt? I cant wait!!
  15. Instant ban! Haha, good to see another opinion as obviously the Z and Mustang have a similar following given this post. Using the US MPG and doing a rough calculation the V8 should get around 25 UK MPG combined. Not too bad really, better than I thought! Not bad. We have higher ron fuel than the yanks too so it might be better than that.
  16. Why did i have to decide to buy a house this year ffs? I need one of these in my life.
  17. I will 100% be buying one of these at some point in the future. I watched Need for Speed and instantly wanted one.
  18. Cheers Andy mate, thanks for your support. Really sorry to hear that mate. Thanks for posting. I do feel very lucky that he's alive right now. I've managed to speak to him every day via facetime in the hospital. He was quite emotional at first but he's more upbeat now. I've booked my flights and im going over early next week for 12 days, to be there for his recovery at home rather than whilst he's in hospital. I'm going to be working remotely from his apartment, doing UK hours (4am - 12.30pm USA time) which will be fun!
  19. Mine has been 'FBI_Surveillance_Van#05' for about the last 6 years.
  20. Thanks everyone. Busy day today as i've had a number of errands to run. I managed to call the hospital and speak to him this morning. They did some tests and one artery is 100% blocked, and two others are not quite as bad but still need attention, hence the triple bypass. They're planning on doing the surgery at the middle of next week. He did the expected 'oh you dont need to come', but I told him I was definitely coming and he was quite thankful i think. So the plan is to go maybe next weekend to be there for when he gets out. I can only really go for a couple of weeks due to work, so he agreed that my time would be better spent with him when he's ready to go home. ...fingers crossed i dont regret that decision and the surgery goes ok! Thanks again everyone. Bennett - thanks for your message. I'll be in touch. ...and yeah it's a bit of a wakeup call for me. 31 years old and 20 stone... i need to get my act together.
  21. Cool, i'll mention that to me dad! Off his feet for 2 months. That's not good! i can't afford to spend too much time off work over there... 2-3 weeks tops. Hmmm.
  22. Sorry for the morbid topic, but i could use some advice please. My Dad has just emailed me and he's in hospital having just had 'a severe heart attack', and the doctors have told him they're going to do a triple by-pass in the next few days. ...this may be a stupid question, but how serious is this? The reason I ask is that my Dad lives alone, in upstate New York (USA), and i'm trying to figure out if i need to be with him. He's only 61 and leads a normal, working life. He eats, smokes, and drinks too much which is no doubt what will have caused this, but what im trying to say is that he's perfectly able-bodied. I've emailed him back to tell him i can be over there in a couple of days if he needs me, but no doubt he's going to say he's fine and not to bother... but he cant come out of hospital and go home alone can he?! Google says it's normally a week in hospital and then recovery at home, and that people can go back to work after 6 weeks - much like any other routine surgery. Does anyone have any experience of bypass recovery or care? Lastly, i'm not after a sympathy post here - just want some genuine constructive advice please.
  23. Winrar. Free and have used it for years. http://www.rarlab.com/download.htm
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