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Everything posted by marzman

  1. How do those times stack up against the clocks changing this weekend?
  2. Read his books? If not, you really should, they're compelling stuff and give not only a great inside into a pretty clever individual, but he goes on about his cars and knobbing Billie as well. Well worth picking up No, im not much of a reader. Dont get me wrong, i do like the guy. One of the funniest things i've ever listened to was when he had Billie on his show last year and she was talking about a new tv show she was in, and how her character had to break up with her on screen lover, and he was giving it the old 'ouch i know the feeling' jokes. I just dont think he'd fit the show. He's too much of a lone wolf imho.
  3. Damnit i spunked my wad too early! My $200 donation took the total to $1,995,707
  4. Maybe team player is the wrong word. To me Chris Evans isnt one of the guys, he knows he's superior to those around him and i dont get the sense of friendship when listening to his radio show.
  5. No, i dont like his radio show. I dont see it as much of a team at all. Definitely not as good Simon Mayo and his team on the drive home.
  6. Rowan Atkinson, Alan Partridge, and Karl Pilkington. I dont want Chris Evans - i dont see him as a team player, he's to dominant to be part of a buddy buddy cast.
  7. No. It didn't seem to be a factor. Wicked, cheers. Im gonna go for the $200 then too. However im gonna hang on for an hour and try to be the person that pushes them over the $2million mark... you never know they might throw in a bonus!
  8. Was there any postage to pay on top of the $200?
  9. I really want the signed version, but an extra 100 bucks just for a few signatures... is it worth it? Hmmm i think it could be you know...
  10. So how much are you guys pledging? This is my all time favourite movie!! I think im gonna go for the $100 package, but not decided yet...
  11. Macc lad here... JP are very well renowned around here.
  12. I had on more than one occasion... 'huh, i thought it'd be faster'.
  13. Are you watching Arsenal vs Monaco? I've just seen it too!
  14. Hopefully this isnt the beginning of the end. I really like Clarkson.
  15. I've been following this for the last 6 months or so on youtube... its absolutely amazing. I was literally showing my mate this exact same video in the pub tonight!
  16. We do, but i can understand the necessity behind it. Back in the day we'd pay £40 for brand new SNES and Megadrive games, which probably took a team of 4 developers 3 months to code and was about 8mb in file size. Going forward, the price of new games hasnt really increased with inflation, but the amount of work that goes into a game has increased exponentially. games are now 30GB plus, with teams of 100+ developers working solidly for 3 years to create some games. The budgets must be astronomical. Yes the gaming population has increased as well, but i bet it's not enough of an increase to cover the investment required. Also consider the costs of maintaining an online presence.... It's only been the last 5-7 years that online console gaming has been prevalent, before this software houses didnt need to worry about servers and network infrastructure etc. Instead now a permanent ongoing overhead costs has been added to every game. I cant stand Forza for the reasons you outlined above, but i understand why it's been done.
  17. For anyone who doesnt read the Xbox One Discussion thread, i've just posted about Microsoft's huge sale currently on. They've got approx 30 games on sale with varying levels of discount with up to 85% off! I've just bought: Sniper Elite for £10 NBA Live 15 for £8.25 Kinect Sport Rivals for £8.60 There are also apparently many more games for sale on the 360 store, which im going to check out now!
  18. Holy sh!t, has anyone seen the sale on the XBOX store? I've just logged on to my Xbox for the first time in ages and you can download Sniper Elite 3 and NBA Live 15 for just £10 each, plus lots of other games are on sale too. http://www.pocket-lint.com/news/132790-xbox-one-sale-goes-crazy-sniper-elite-3-nba-live-15-and-others-for-less-than-10
  19. I think this is a good price. If there was anything i needed/wanted i'd have them off you. Give it some time.
  20. If it was green you wouldnt be complainin.'
  21. All done, car collected. The new owner is apparently going to restore it and send it to Bulgaria as a gift for a friend. I got £3750 for it without the Porsche wheels/spacers, which is good going as i only paid £3700 for it and it was running and driving then!
  22. I've got a 2005 320d SE Saloon. I bought it last year as a temporary car when i was doing 2k miles per month. Since then I've fallen in love with it. It's a fantastic car, all the power you ever realistically need, certainly tight and agile, and mid 40's MPG. Okay so it looks boring as fook to look at, but i'm happy to forgive that for the driving ease/pleasure, and when it comes to it, enjoyment. I've definitely been able to push on as hard as i did in my zed in it. Mines on 119k now, but it drives absolutely impeccably.
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