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Everything posted by marzman

  1. Ah sorry dude, that probably came across as really patronising then Erm, didn't mean that, I genuinely thought that someone who was massively into his retro stuff would know more than I did. So yeah, apologies and things. It's ridiculous, I have a 50" LCD hung up on the wall for the 360/Wii/PS2, then a poxy 32" CRT which is about a billion times the depth for playing sodding Mario Kart on! No worries man. I've literally never purchased a CRT anything (monitor or TV). i always had hand me downs, and then when i became old enough to buy my own TV they were all flat screens, so never had to consider any of the specs.
  2. Dislike! I enjoy your posts Gangzoom. I've never driven an EV but i get the appeal. I appreciate driving all types of cars, it doesnt have to be a V6 or V8 monster for me to enjoy it.
  3. Now i did NOT know that. Cheers Dan. Yeah it's such a drag playing on these small screens. I've no idea how i managed as a teenager with just a 24" telly.
  4. Yep I intend to get a CRT TV at some point. Mainly so i can play light gun games. I fancy a bit of Virtua Cop on the Saturn when i get one! Cheers. I built the cabinet myself from scratch. It's got a PC with mainly console game roms in it, but some really nice front end software that means everything is controlled/selected via the arcade sticks, so you cant really tell its a PC.
  5. Sh!t the bed mate! That's a proper off!! Was it insured??
  6. Okay so another busy weekend in the new pad. After quite a bit of searching i found some shelves that would be perfect for my retro games lounge... put them together and then drilled a few holes with some core bits for the cables and bobs your uncle. Just one minor problem - i picked up a Megadrive 1 since buying the shelves, and it's too wide!!!! Damnit!! I'll have to swap it for a Megadrive 2 which has smaller dimensions.
  7. Zed gearboxes are very quirky to say the least. I always struggled with 2nd to 3rd. As SMD says above, get some Molyslip added and do a gearbox fluid change. May or may not improve things (didnt for me, but when i dropped the gearbox oil it looked like new anyway so the previous owner to me had obviously done it recently). In the end I settled on double de-clutching on every 2nd>3rd gear change. i.e. Clutch in 2nd>neutral Clutch out Clutch in Neutral>3rd Clutch out The eliminates any notchy/clunkyness. Annoying at first, but now, 4 years on, muscle memory causes me to still do this in most other cars i've drive.
  8. There was an optional 350z 'sports horn' from the factory. Not sure if this was a JDM only option but i had it on my old zed, and as you say it was embarrassing. a high pitched toot as opposed to a proper horn. The standard UK horn is much better, and luckily for me Leonk game me a spare one he had so i swapped mine over.
  9. 'Derailed' is a good one. Clive Owen and Jennifer Aniston. Well worth a watch.
  10. I know... i'm just itching to get myself another car. Gonna have to wait until next year though until my finances recover from the move.
  11. Brilliant. Yes mate when things have settled down a bit i'll give you a shout.
  12. Ha ha, cheers mate. On the garage, above the doors there are just 3 courses of bricks, single width. The roof joists are resting on top of these. The whole garage is just a single width of bricks, and the doors go right to the edge of the garage, so any steel will need to completely span the full width of the garage, which im not sure will be possible. The garage isnt integral though, so i guess i've got that going for me.
  13. Okay couple of minor updates... Firstly in the shooting range... i picked up a couple of 'props' to give it a military/comedy feel (as in, look at this crazy guy with all this stuff in the loft) I got some camo-net and an ammo box. I need to nail the camo net to the roof yet and pickup a couple of sandbags before it's finished. Moving on, last night i was in my garage until 2am giving it a tidy, whilst smoking a big fat cigar, having a few glasses of red, and listening to an audiobook. I had a great time!! The space is amazing... plans are to fit some kitchen units along one of the walls for storage so i can hide all the crap thats out on shelves. One problem ii do have though (not pictured) is that it has 2x single garage doors, with a brick pillar between them. This makes it really difficult to get a car into the garage to work on... so i need to consider having the pillar removed and a single door fitted but i'm sure that'll cost a fair wedge. One for next year i think. So really happy with the feel of the garage... it's just missing one key thing - A CAR!! The plan is to pickup an rwd track car at some point early next year, hopefully.
  14. Awesome!! I'd love to go. Great quote too Good choice - you wont be disappointed.
  15. Awesome idea for a topic!! @SuperStu - Brick was the first film i thought of as a hidden gem. Some from me... Comedy: Super Troopers Kingpin Swingers Gritty: This Is England (and the subsequent TV series') Dead Man's Shoes (http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0419677/?ref_=nm_flmg_act_28) Lock Stock & Two Smoking Barrels Snatch Layer Cake Revolver Shooters (very grim movie about scouse gangsters. Worth a watch http://www.imdb.com/title/tt0328420/) Warrior (Tom Hardy - awesome)
  16. marzman

    DIY Vinyl Wrap

    Chin up mate. Take a step back, and revisit it in a week or two when you've got a bit more patience. Looks a cracking job over 80% of the car, so you know you've got it in you to make it 100%.
  17. This should be what you need... http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/16052-faq-jdm-interior-fuse-box-translation/
  18. Wow, that's a masterpiece!! Where did you get the template from, or is it your own design?
  19. Yeah post some pics up! These arent airsoft, they're 4.5mm metal bb's. Definitely penetrate the skin so you dont want to be shooting anyone! I've never done any airsoft skirmishing but i'd like to.
  20. I built my own cabinet from scratch a few years ago. Not seen any pi based cabinets. Build thread: http://www.350z-uk.c...lmost-finished/ Finished article (i've added more artwork since then). I used a great piece of software called Maximus Arcade, which is a front end to all the individual emulators. Works great.
  21. So i've still got some more to do on the range first. I'm going to get some military webbing and a couple of sandbags, and some ammo crates etc so that when you open the door it's like a real themed room. Utterly pointless other than to look cool. I'm also going to be hiding this room behind a secret bookcase hidden door, complete with a book lever handle! I've read a few DIY's and they're a pretty easy build. Garage i have lots of plans for. But all in good time there. I sure did mate. I've been wanting to send you a message about it since i moved in, but wanted to wait to see if it actually worked first!! Not sure whats up with youtube... maybe it's because its only just uploaded.
  22. ...Sorry for the pics in the wrong orientation - photobucket is not behaving.
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