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Everything posted by marzman

  1. Too many unknowns with a risk of getting badly burned. I'd walk away, personally.
  2. marzman

    new wheels pic

    ...and one with the stock roof colour.
  3. marzman

    new wheels pic

    Here you go Syy, as requested. I'd go with the gunmetal, myself.
  4. I think people either have an addictive personality or they dont. I can take it or leave it with alcohol. If from tomorrow i never had another drop until the day i died, it wouldn't bother me. I never drink on a school night as i can't be bothered with hangovers, but when i do have a drink, i hit it pretty hard. I'll go through phases... maybe 6 months barely having a drop but then usually (around this time of year) it seems like i'm on it every weekend. Smoking too... i enjoy a cigar on occasion and i've got a well-stocked humidor, but but i never feel compelled to have one. I have maybe 1 every 4-6 weeks with a few glasses of red perhaps. The only thing i've ever struggled with is caffeine. I became dependant on coffee to the point i'd have a migraine if i didnt get my daily fix. I've also suffered with red bull, needing to have 1-2 cans of that every morning on my drive to work. But 3 years ago i went cold turkey and quit, only drinking decaff now. It's now gone the other way, and even if i have just 1 instant coffee i get a migraine!
  5. I haven't luckily; I'm using the gearbox from the camaro as I didn't want automatic any more. The camaro already has an aftermarket gearbox which is used for everything from mental LS engine swaps to the Aston Martin DB7 and V12 Vanquish as standard. The truck is rear wheel drive so it's not as complicated as the G-Wagen set-up would be. The only complications from using this gearbox is that I need to change the gearstick position to clear the bench seat and I'll need a custom driveshaft to match the box to the Jag diff Sorry i didnt make my point properly regarding ratios. The issue with a saloon car gearbox was due to the wheel+tyre diameter. Obviously the G-Wagen had much larger wheels+tyres than a saloon car, so the gearbox ratio's are all wrong to get the car moving and driving normally with a saloon car 'box. I can't remember the maths but it's the equivalent effect of revving your tits off to not move very far or revving just a little but move too much... if that makes sense? Ah ok, get you. I haven't got an issue because I'll be running the wheels from the camaro on the truck the diff is from an XJS and is a ratio of 3.54:1 with the standard camaro ratio being 3.42:1, obviously there's a difference, but it's negligible :thumbs:
  6. I haven't luckily; I'm using the gearbox from the camaro as I didn't want automatic any more. The camaro already has an aftermarket gearbox which is used for everything from mental LS engine swaps to the Aston Martin DB7 and V12 Vanquish as standard. The truck is rear wheel drive so it's not as complicated as the G-Wagen set-up would be. The only complications from using this gearbox is that I need to change the gearstick position to clear the bench seat and I'll need a custom driveshaft to match the box to the Jag diff Sorry i didnt make my point properly regarding ratios. The issue with a saloon car gearbox was due to the wheel+tyre diameter. Obviously the G-Wagen had much larger wheels+tyres than a saloon car, so the gearbox ratio's are all wrong to get the car moving and driving normally with a saloon car 'box. I can't remember the maths but it's the equivalent effect of revving your tits off to not move very far or revving just a little but move too much... if that makes sense?
  7. This is mint. Brings back memories of my failed G-Wagen restoration, which i thankfully sold before getting too far into it. Quick one... on my G-Wagen i hoped to swap out the engine and box with something out of a regular Merc saloon, but everywhere i read said it was really difficult, if not impossible to do due to the donor gearbox having all the wrong ratio's for a 4x4 car, and that to be a success you'd need to mate a G-Wagen 'box to the donor engine somehow. Have you come across this issue at all when choosing the donor car?
  8. That's a thing of beauty. Added it to my list of wants. I'll get to it eventually. I bought a Li-ion cordless drill today and that's been on my list for nearly 2 years.
  9. Signed up to the Priority 2, and used Quidco too so get £3.50 cashback on that. Bit of a bummer i've got to wait 3 weeks for the free trial to finish before they'll let me have any new releases. Still... get that out of the way now and then hopefully get 2 of Battlefront, Rainbow 6, Need for Speed whilst i'm off over Christmas.
  10. http://www.boomerangrentals.co.uk Mint, thanks. Looks like good value. Gonna sign up to this.
  11. A starter car cleaning kit. Pride in keeping it keen is the first step to achieving zeditus.
  12. Not the best picture as i couldnt be bothered turning the lights on, but here is my 65" curved Samsung. I want a bigger one to be honest... i have to move closer to the TV when playing Fifa as my sofa's too far away. Curved is pointless though... i dont notice any benefit from it.
  13. We should get a race going Yeah would be good. I'm KingMarz. Usually on after 10.30pm most nights. I'm not that happy with Forza 6 though... i gave it a couple of hours at the weekend and i dont like the handling with my Thrustmaster TX. Under braking the cars just dont feel right and i don't have that much confidence on the steering. I've got the handling set to simulation though so maybe i need to try it on standard. What do you use? It's not you, it's a game-breaking bug and is why I've stopped playing it. Basically, when using the wheel it turns every car into an oversteery mess, like you're running 165 width tyres on the rear! It doesn't matter if you put it on Sim or Std, it's still broken. You can try changing the diff lock, or camber or toe, or whatever you like: It doesn't matter, every car will still be shocking. Some people have had success by turning the steering lock down on the wheel itself, but it just made it too twitchy for me. Basically, you need to play with a pad, which is ridiculous. However Fallout 4 is out tomorrow and scoring 9s and 10s, so I don't care. Interesting is this a specific issue with the TX wheel as i am not experiencing that with the logitech (mind you that was designed in collaboration with team 10) My issue is more with braking that oversteer. I've learned from previous driving games not to switch off traction control as the cars will be undriveable otherwise. With the braking i feel like the cars should be stopping much more quickly than they do. I'm braking at the 300m boards and still struggling to get round the corners. I feel like i'm only getting 50% of the braking force i should do. Maybe i'll give it a go with the pad then and see if that's any different. On a positive though.... holy sh!t the graphics! I did my first wet race and it was fantastic!! The water beads going up the windscreen, and the reflections of the lights from the pits as i go down the pit straight. Stunning!
  14. We should get a race going Yeah would be good. I'm KingMarz. Usually on after 10.30pm most nights. I'm not that happy with Forza 6 though... i gave it a couple of hours at the weekend and i dont like the handling with my Thrustmaster TX. Under braking the cars just dont feel right and i don't have that much confidence on the steering. I've got the handling set to simulation though so maybe i need to try it on standard. What do you use?
  15. This. Also get yourself registered on the electoral register at your current address. it's worth quite a bit on the credit checking front. Takes up to 6 weeks to appear on a credit check from point of registration, so do it now in time for Jan/Feb.
  16. Is it bad? I only got about 10 mins on the Beta back in Oct...
  17. Just picked up Forza 6 second hand for £30. Will have to get out my driving rig again to give it a proper go.
  18. marzman

    100,000 miles

    Welcome Gerry. Stick up a post in the Introductions section and show us your other cars too!
  19. Just tap into your side lights (i.e. the first position on the light switch).
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