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Everything posted by marzman

  1. Looking pretty slick bob. Love the interior touches.
  2. Hmm. My Xbox one has stopped recognising my external HDD, where all my games are installed. I've only had the HDD for less than 3 months, and it's never been moved or disturbed since being installed, but it's suddenly just stopped being recognised. It's a USB-only device, no external power supply. I've tried multiple hard resets on the Xbox, and tried the device in all USB ports but still no joy. Does anyone know what happens when you plug an External HDD thats been formatted for Xbox into a PC? I've tried this and it says installing new hardware but then you dont see it under My Computer - which is kind of what id expect seeing as it's been formatted for the Xbox. Google doesnt seem much use with this issue, either. Any ideas, folks?
  3. That's really interesting. Is it an interesting industry to work in? I always thought i'd like to do something like this. ...and im looking for a new job currently
  4. Get some real CF, damage it, and have a practice? See what kind of results you can get? ...if it's a job you have to do, thats how id approach it.
  5. Not bad Matt. I bought one second hand. Only cost me about £120. Hooked it up to to a projector in my games room a few weeks ago....
  6. Just got Rocket League on XBONE. Never played it before but was aware of it. It's well good fun!! Really addictive. £15.99 brand new on the xbox store.
  7. No. Unless you're Stevie Wonder. Disagree. For me the appeal of a 4x4 is to be as obnoxious as possible, as in reality very few people actually need one. So Cayenne and X6 fit that brief perfectly. There's literally no point in either of them. Thats why i love them!
  8. If you could go back to any time/period of your life, when would it be and why?
  9. I saw one on the road for the first time the other day. Looks really nice.
  10. Really? That's disappointing isnt it. I'd have thought that as it's a 5 digit plate you'd be allowed to do it? Not that i know it was just a (presumably wrong) assumption.
  11. It's just the cold weather. The air is colder/denser and your car uses more fuel to keep the mix right. When i had a zed i'd get 25mpg 10 months of the year, and then in Jan-Feb i'd get 16mpg because of the cold. In my current 320d BMW i get 49mpg mostly, but currently getting 39mpg because of the weather!
  12. I think the US are decades behind the UK as far as racial equality goes. There is still very much an Us and Them culture over there whereas i think most normal people over here dont notice skin colour anymore.
  13. I bought 9 retro games for £11 yesterday... 3x PS1 games, 5x PS2 games and a game gear game. My retro collection is really strong now. Over 150 genuine games! If anyone has any that they'd like to offload let me know. Or if anyone has either a Megadrive 2 or a PS2 slim that they'd be happy to let go let me know!
  14. I run the syndicate at work and I bought £276 of tickets for last saturday's lottery with the excess we had in our kitty. We won a ground total of £148, which is better than we usually do
  15. Just press the clutch in, move to neutral, release the clutch. Press clutch again, move to desired gear, release clutch and all your problems will be sorted.
  16. So i'm away on business for the rest of the week with a colleague. I've just packed my bag and have included my SNES, 2 pads and a load of games Hopefully my room has got a TV with an old ariel socket on it, then we can do some retro gaming! Also packed a multibag of Hula Hoops and some chocolate digestives!
  17. Yeah you can buy a non turbo 944 pretty cheap.. But the Turbos are rare and really fetching big money ! You're right, i've not been looking at Turbo's, just 924's and 944's. You've been talking about a track car for donkeys mate- pull your finger out and get it done! still remember your old rx7 drift videos Nice porker mate. Thought about one as a resto project last year but decided it was too sensible for me lol. Got an mr2 but an NA sadly I'm still paying off my credit card from moving house in the summer. Get that sorted, get a 4x4 with a tow bar to tow my car to the track, get a track car, and oh, get a trailer, and i'll be all set. I'll post pics in 2019 when i'm all sorted, you wont be laughing at me then. :lol:
  18. Means nothing. Your car hasnt been clocked. The MOT tester fat fingers an 8 instead of a 6 and it gets printed on your certificate and saved to the online database. Probably oil on the keys and he couldnt read it. No drama. And why would anybody bother 'clocking' a car to hide a measly 20k?
  19. I've been perusing these online this week. I think i want to use one of these as my track car, when I eventually get round to getting one.
  20. I like to think i contributed to a portion of that. Maybe one of the tyres! That's awesome mate, enjoy.
  21. Here was mine on my old zed. To be honest it wasnt the best bit of kit as the remote receiver box isnt waterproof and packed up after 2 weeks despite being under the bonnet. I've actually still got this as i removed it from my car before i sold it... but im holding onto it for a future project on another car.
  22. You could go as different Mario Kart characters. Or have one word one each car and then drive in order, so when you pass people on the motorway it's like THATS WHAT SHE SAID
  23. It's a bit of a let down but i'm not that surprised by the cost. I can live with it and at the end of the day what's an extra 200 quid (over what i hoped it would cost?) It's the high hardware requirements that have disappointed me though. Until recently i assumed it would be Xbone compatible as i knew it was closely linked to the xbone controller, and if it needed a PC i didnt expect it to need to be so high spec. I've not got a tower PC anymore, just laptop. But to build the kind of rig required AND buy Oculous i'm going to need to spend the best part of £1500... which i dont really want to do as it may just turn out to be a gimmick.
  24. marzman


    Wow, that looks odd. Others may know better than me but its hard to see how a restoration kit could improve that. When you say it might be due to the HID upgrade, have you changed the bulbs from what i had in? I think i had 10,000k bulbs in it. As for the sidelights - yes you'll be absolutely fine to run then as well as the DRL's. You need to make sure you get decent bulbs though as i ran a couple of different types of LED W5W's and they always failed (one would work, one wouldnt) i'm guessing because they didnt have resistors.
  25. marzman


    Cracked how, any pics?
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