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Everything posted by marzman

  1. Top result on google search is a Facebook post stating: 'Becareful guys theres Cosworth on Ebay F642 TEF its up for 5500 in Edinburgh also in London 16k ad has been cloaned'
  2. marzman

    Audi R8

    Yeah you're right too. But then simply from my perspective, a I wasnt buying one as an investment, i just wanted to avoid too much depreciation. In a 3 year window one of these is gonna lose £3-4k, max. Over the same 3 years a brand new Ford Mondeo which is a 'safe bet' would lose 4x or 5x that amount.
  3. marzman

    Audi R8

    I disagree. The new versions are minimum £80k more expensive, its a different market and therefore the prices should remain unaffected for a very long time yet. Some cars have a floor limit in terms of value, and i've been following the prices of all cars listed in this thread over a number of years, and none of them have dropped below their current values.
  4. Take the wheel off and investigate the spacer fitment!!
  5. marzman

    Audi R8

    Pretty much the same logic i've followed myself there... apart from the fanny magnet as i dont need that ! (i'm married, not god's gift ) The 4C is on the radar, but then again it's too new and will depreciate.
  6. marzman

    Audi R8

    Good point. I'll look in to other potential big ticket items which could go wrong, but you'r right finding one with these done could be the answer. I'd only keep it for 2-3 years anyway, and do < 5k miles per year. At which point assuming i've not lost too much in depreciation i should be able to trade up.
  7. marzman

    Audi R8

    The F Type has only been out 18 months though, they've got loads more depreciation to suffer.
  8. marzman

    Audi R8

    Love the F-Type but it doesnt fit the bill. It's still got an awful lot of depreciating to do yet, and i dont particularly want to lose money on one. I always try to buy cars that have done all of their depreciating so they cost me as little as possible. I broke even on my second zed and 911, which is the plan again.
  9. marzman

    Audi R8

    Hmm, good advice and feedback everybody. Being the tight arse that i am, its quite off putting to hear that it's a really bad example for running costs. Im not worried about depreciation as i've been following the values quite closely and they're going up if anything, but if general maintenance is such a rip of, that's a major turn off. But then, if you want to drive these types of cars, there's got to be some kind of sacrifice, right? Food for thought.
  10. marzman

    Audi R8

    Hey folks, Has anyone got any experience or opinions on the Audi R8? The early 4.2 V8 coupe. Annoyingly they seem to be going up in value at a steady pace. Im sure they used to be about £35k a couple of years ago, but you're lucky if you can find one for £40k now. I'm probably 18 months from having the money for one yet anyway, but i cant stop looking at them online. I want a supercar looking car if that makes sense. The only other cars i can think of in that bracket for similar or preferably less money are an Aston Vantage or Maserati Gran Turismo. Don't fancy a Porsche at all, or a GTR, and haven't got the dollar for a Ferrari. If i keep it for 2-3 years i dont expect any depreciation the way things are going, so it'll be cheap or free motoring during that time. Just need to save the money up front for it which is the hard bit!!!
  11. You need to get hold of the fastener with some pliers, large needlenose is ideal, and grip it whilst using the socket.
  12. http://pictures2.autotrader.co.uk/imgser-uk/servlet/media?id=89b2504db2374546a1dcc8ed25f03511
  13. My Bro's still got his Burner in his garage. He had it in the 80's, i had it in the 90's. I remember riding it one time and this bloke said to me, 'what you doing with that bike, kid. That's my mate's bike, not yours!' It turned out to be my brother's best mate as a child and he remembered it...! Another time my friend and i got chased by 'The BMX Bandits', a local gang of about 8 teenagers who knicked BMX's.... it was a hairy half hour but we just about managed to escape. Well scary as a 10 year old!
  14. Now if only these kind of deals were available on all used cars.... i'd go out and by an Audi R8 tomorrow if i could get one for sub £500 a month with a hefty balloon payment.
  15. something very wrong with your maths there Yeah, I make that £53,756 total. Clearly a typo... he meant 36x£381
  16. I used to be really keen on the idea of PCP, but it's just throwing good money away in my opinion. Make sure the PCP deal is interest free, or extremely low interest otherwise you're better off getting a personal loan. Check out PCP deals on used cars... You might get the car for 20% less used, but the dealer will jack the interest rate on the PCP deal. Probably cheaper in the long run though. Flexibility - and this is my biggest concern - you cant just hand the car back when you need to. With a personal loan if you lose your job or whatever you can just quickly sell the car and live off the loan for a bit. You cant do that with a PCP. Handing the car back... look at your Zed now, you've got £7k equity in it, and for arguments sake lets say it cost you £9k 3 years ago. That means its only cost you £3000 to own over 3 years, despite it costing you the same £300 per month. That's very different to the £17k money being thrown away on a PCP CTR! (Sorry, i was making up numbers then, similar to my own zed experience). ...sorry to be a kill joy. Since i bought my first house last year, i've become an utter scrooge.
  17. Giving it the big I am to shift his team mate out of the way, time and again? When he spins and nearly bins it a couple of laps later. That is arrogant/cocky and a little premature... but as i said, its brilliant to watch. We need lots more characters like that on the grid.
  18. Fairly good race though. Verstappen whilst an arrogant little brat, is great to watch!
  19. I reckon if Vettell had put the Mediums on his car, the same as Rosberg, he'd have been passed within just a couple of laps. Ferrari new this and were hedging their bets as they 'might' have had a chance on the Supersofts/Softs, especially if Mercedes were going to have to stop again.
  20. The Needles! i went there for the PGL holiday when i was in year 6 at school (1995 i think). Best thing we did was get a chair lift over the side of a sandstone cliff, and then a boat trip around the needles. http://www.theneedles.co.uk/
  21. Wicked, love Donnington. Any onboard footage?
  22. Hardly any gains in my opinion. Spend the money on brakes and tyres instead to go much quicker than the 20bhp you might gain here.
  23. Yep huge fan of the sopranos, seen every one. Id love to do that but not sure the Mrs would like to spend an hour in a strip club. (is it actually a strip club?) Ah if you're a fan then it's a must! It also stops at the diner from the final scene of the final episode and you get to sit in tony's seat. At The Bing, yes it's a strip club but it's not topless (against the law in the state of New Jersey apparently!). You get to go outside and see the carpark round the back and all sorts. Well worth it. Meeting Vito Tony's seat in the final episode The view, from standing outside Satriale's Pork Store
  24. Been a few times too. Real hidden gem of a bar called 'Barcade' on 24th St, just off 7th. Over 100 original arcade machines with lots of craft beers on tap. Last time i was over there I ended up getting hammered and playing NBA jam amongst others until 2am with two yanks and an Iraqi that i'd just met. Then walked about 2 miles back to my hotel on my own in the snow. Great times. Whether you do Top of the Rock or the Empire State, make sure you go up during the daylight but stay there until after dark. Each is a unique experience, and probably my favorite thing to do in NYC. Also if you're into The Sopranos, i recommend the tour. I did this and it was epic. i got to meet Vito from the show, and it finished up with an hour in the Bada Bing!
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