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Everything posted by marzman

  1. Of course, the most practical way to protect yourself from these issues it to get an inspection done on any potential car beforehand... but at £200-300 and a ball ache to organise, its too much of a PITA if you ask me. But then without one you'll always be wondering and listening out for every single little noise! Thats what I did, and its not fun.
  2. Just read this post from Adrian who bought one a few years ago... http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/97666-temporary-toy-for-the-summer-porsche-cayman-s/ They share the same weaknesses as the 996 911 which i had one of. Bore scoring, D-Chunk issues, IMS failure - all resulting in an £8k rebuild required. I read one stat on a 911 forum that probably 25% of cars are effected by these issues.
  3. Alien Isolation is class. Really hoping they do a version for the PSVR.
  4. I wouldnt have one if you paid me to be honest, with the engines seemingly made of chocolate you're always going to be at risk of an £8k rebuild.
  5. Man i love E36's. I've had 4 or 5 over the years. Had a couple of E46's too and they're not half as good. Much less reliable... lots of electrical problems on them. From memory the things to look out for on the E36 are: Check it gets up to temp and stays there - the thermostats are a weak spot Trailing arm bushes as already mentioned Rear sub-frames can rust and shear Thats about it really. Here's a couple of my old ones...
  6. In my experience it takes at least 6 weeks to sell a car in most cases. Auto trader can be hit and miss, but as Coldel says, eBay is often the better option - you get so much more feedback through here. You can see the number of watchers, and people can email you questions which is far more accessible for your average buyer rather than having to make a phone call. e.g. would Ekona even bother to phone you up about this car? Probably not... but he can message you on here to start a more informal dialogue...
  7. I cant comment on the relationship side of things, but as a kid from a broken home, my parents split up and my Dad moved to the USA a couple of months later and has been there ever since. I see him on average once every 3 years maybe. I used to speak to him every Sunday night on the phone as a kid. Now i Face Time him once a month maybe. I have to say it had ZERO negative impact on me growing up - my mum replaced him within 12 months with a step dad who is awesome. He's not better than my Dad, just different, and i wouldnt have him in my life if my Dad hadnt left.
  8. I think you should count yourself lucky. I've just spent nearly 7 quid on some flowers and chocolates for valentines day... although i ate the chocolates myself so im only down like £6. ... sorry couldnt resist.
  9. Mint. I love the look of the Ultima... i expect it'll be brutal!!
  10. Sorry didnt read this properly... didnt realise you meant headlight washers.
  11. Its usually a little t-piece valve under the windscreen cowling that becomes blocked. Take your brake fluid cover off and root around in there for it. Disconnect it and use the spray to see if it comes out nicely now. If so - order a new t-piece for a couple of quid.
  12. http://www.350z-uk.com/topic/105649-installation-guide-350z-de-d1-spec-gt-throttle-controller/
  13. This sounds mad to be parting your car for the cost of a clutch job. ...and the 6th synchro... isnt this just a quirk of zed ownership? Double clutch ftw.
  14. Love the UY's. Kudos for doing the boring stuff first. You guys remind me of Torretto's crew in F&F 1.
  15. Has anyone played Steep yet? I like the look of it...
  16. Not been there but have been to one at Prestwold airfield, run by Everyman Racing. If you have Tesco Clubcard vouchers, it's worth a look as you can redeem 3x your voucher amount to spend with Everyman - so i drove a GTR and a Gallardo for about £45 in vouchers, although this was about 5 years ago. As for the day itself - it was alright, not amazing. 4 laps in each car over a basic circuit, it was over before it started really. What's your next project car?
  17. This is crazy, to see a) how easily cars flipped over back then and people with no seatbelts on getting thrown from their cars!!
  18. This sounds like a nightmare - sorry for you man. Does insurance cover loss of earnings during this time?
  19. I wear my footy shirt to the match, and when i play football in the week. ...oh and on cup final day i might wear it over a hoodie when going shopping with the wife. Best shouts so far are skinny jeans and burgundy chords. I just dont get these at all...
  20. I play all games on normal... how they were intended to be played. Renting games is ace though. If they dont impress me they get sent back the same day. I'd given TLOU more of a chance than others though seeing as it's supposed to be one of the best games ever.
  21. Thanks guys, good feedback which has almost made up my mind for me that i'll send it back. Because i rent games i give them less chance to impress me than if i'd bought them, as i've not lost anything at the end of the day. If i'd paid my hard-earned for it, i'd try to make myself like it. I'm not stuck, just bored of having to keep replaying sections. The most recent example is we've only been outside the city walls for a short while, and i've just been separated from the girls as the roof collapsed, so i have to sneak through a few rooms to find my way back to them. The specific part that annoyed me is that there's some good stuff to scavenge before a hard section, so every time i die i have to keep going to scavenge the same stuff again. Wasting my time!
  22. Help me out guys, I've recently rented TLOU and im 2-3 hours into it but considering sending it back... Is it a notoriously difficult game or am i doing something wrong? I've had 2 or 3 set pieces where im stuck in an area with several clickers and several runners, and i have to find the perfect route through them without getting spotted, or killing them in a certain order etc. I'm retrying each set piece 5-10 times as i keep getting killed, and it's tedious already. Does this formula change at all? For what its worth, I got Uncharted 4 not long ago and it was the best platformer i've ever played, so thought TLOU would be very similar.
  23. Anyone been to the Spanish GP (Catalunya)? Decided yesterday that i'm going. I was going to Montreal but i've changed my plans so doing Catalunya instead. It's only a couple of weeks before Monaco which i could go to, but it's at least 3 times the price... Any advice or recommendations?
  24. Nice one. I've been meaning to do one of these for a while but struggled to find the 2-way glass. I've not got a Pi yet, but my first project is going to be an LCD scale pinball machine, similar to the below. I've got 6 spare 22" widescreen monitors which work were chucking so planning to have a play with these.
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