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Everything posted by marzman

  1. Hi pal, who do you work for in macc? Im from here as you can see! ...small world!
  2. Nothing special but here's a vid from my phone...
  3. shockingly awful. Dont do it! Get your dash retrimmed in alacantra instead
  4. Hey everyone. Had a brilliant day today - what a birthday! Thanks to Martin & stan for the cake and card! You made my day Apologies for this pics - just dumped everything off my phone:
  5. Cheers fella's. Im also Chris! Just had all my family round tonight and had a bit of a bash, but only had a couple of drinks in light of the early start See you in the morning.
  6. marzman

    new car!

    I too am skeptical. Hope you got a good deal? I like integra's though and would have one - but would prefer a zed.
  7. What a legend. Can we give this guy a tag such as 'Chief Boring b@stard'?? Sarnie, 15k is crazy.
  8. Okay, these cracked me up at work this morning... Fainting Goats: Narcoleptic Poodle The best - crazy cat http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=z3v8BMNdDvo&fmt=6
  9. Tim thats brilliant. :lol::lol:
  10. marzman


    You'd be suprised - the amount of people that i've heard say 'oh i thought it was an audi'...
  11. Sorry, my plans have changed and im coming on the Sunday now instead. 1. Beavis 2. martinmac 3. AndySpak 4. Squarehead 5. drewbie 6. Stanski 7. Little Miss 8. Chesterfield 9. Mr and Mrs xStric9x 10. Chris`I 11. maccaman 12. Tilly
  12. Okay, its my birthday on the 5th and i was having people round on the day, but moved that to the saturday now - so im confirmed for this finally. 1. Beavis +1........................2 x carvery 2. martinmac +1 .................2 x carvery 3. AndySpak........................Too scared of the nerdy owners 4. ClarCE............................2 x carvery 5. Stanski +1 .....................1 x carvery 1 x veggie 6. Little Miss........................ 7. Squarehead+1................2 x carvery 8. Maccaman .....................1 x carvery 9. H5..................................2 x carvery 10. flirt...............................1 x carvery ( with a zed ) 11. Chesterfield + 1............2 x carvery 12. M13KYF +1...................1 x carvery 1 x veggie 13. Adriank + 1...................2 x carvery 14. Drewbie........................2 x carvery 15. nurrish.........................2 x carvery 16. Chris`I +1................... 2 x carvery 17. nixu +1....................... 18. xStric9x +1 (TBC)........No carvery 19. jonb ...........................1 x carvery 20. RobD7 +1....................2 x carvery 21. Jotun +1 .....................2 x carvery 22. Rentech+1...................2 x carvery 23. ricardo........................2 x carvery 24. Neil + 1.......................2 x carvery 25. DaveJ +1.................... 2 x carvery 26. KO PWR +1................. 27. Darren-B....................2 x carvery 28. IanS16 +1................... 29. T8JPE +1..................... 30. Tilly +1.......................2 x carvery 31. EmZ +1...................... 32. Cavey +1....................2 x carvery 33. bryanneary..................2 x carvery 34. Marzman......................1 x carvery
  13. marzman

    Creaky Bum

    I bought a can of spray grease and did this a few weeks ago, at both the top and bottom of each link - but it still creaks like crazy. Do they make different thicknesses of grease or something, as i thought i had the boot peeled back enough when i did it...
  14. Ha ha, quality. Pleasure doing business.
  15. Yeh i had it. It looks good but the fit isnt the best - because its been attached before so the edges are now a bit naff. This looks spot on though Also loving the alacantra look. Any more details?
  16. My last 3 cars were BMW 3-series coupe's. 95' 316 96' 323 99' 328. At the time i thought they were great, but i kept each for less than a year. I've had my zed for 11 months now, and in 2 weeks time it'll be the longest time i've ever owned a car! Got to say the BMW's dont even compare to the zed in terms of fun, exclusivity, reliability, or grin factor.
  17. I went to Texas in March and when i saw the first zed i was like 'No way, a 350z!' But by the end of the two weeks i was sick of seeing them!! As common as muck over there!!
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