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Everything posted by marzman

  1. Welcome pal. Take it easy with the rwd whilst the weather is changing...
  2. How does one even go about getting featured in a car mag?? I mean i take it you sent in some pics being in the readers section, but there are quite a few on here that have been featured... i dont know how it works??
  3. Sorry, i had to make the 'cup the balls' statement - STOO should get the reference - its from Super Troopers when they're chugging maple syrup. The guys who made that also made Beerfest (broken lizard). Very funny guys! But yeh, whilst reading the whole of this thread, i was thinking about Beerfest - its ideal for the topic.
  4. ..and dont forget to cup the balls.
  5. +1 - I was shouting at the telly for him to put the wheel on!! I do feel sorry for Massa. Not Ferrari, but Massa. One of the more genuine guys in F1. Well done Lewis though, thoroughly deserved. Yeh, agree with you there pal. He seems alright.
  6. You will be able to hear the pump from outside the car. Mine failed its MOT due to this 2 weeks ago. I had to take part of the cowling off around my windscreen to get to all the piping, but i unhooked it piece by piece and kept trying the washer jets... That way i found where the blockage was. It turned out to be just before the V-joint where it splits to the separate wipers...
  7. Worst film ever. Im not kidding, i fell asleep for 15mins in the middle of it. Granted, i was tired, but it was just an absolute load of crap. I loved Casino Royale, but this was pants.
  8. If im in it - 2, if not - 1 Ebized - 1 Pingu2 - 1 Andy - 1 Ian - 1 Marzman - 1 or 2
  9. Agreed. The missus is away too so i can drink as much and watch as much sport as i want!
  10. If thats the price then its got to be well worth it - i thought it would be well more than that. Even if you dont like it, you'd make your money back as im sure someone on here would buy them if you changed your mind...
  11. I actually hate rays, but that looks really good! Thats got spacers on too, so dont forget to figure that in your cost, and i think the toyos help to complete the image... But surely you're looking at £500+ for a refurb job like that anyway??
  12. Second to last one for me. Im not a fan of arty angles - i want to see the whole car!! Also lexx, i think its best to always turn your wheels away from the angle you're shooting so we can admire the wheels rather than a load of tyre - Pic 1 would have been immense if you'd done that. Sure - you may flat spot your tyres if you keep doing it, but you'd have a nice picture Car looks ace though.
  13. They look mate - very mean.
  14. Mike, the basic induction kit is £95. It sounds awesome and includes a heatshield. It can be swapped in minutes, so if you're worried about if you have a crash - carry your stock box with you!! PM bigphil for one.
  15. I just covered mine in double sided tape, right up to all the edges all around the Z, and basically over most surfaces.
  16. Is it just me or does that look like the most fun ever? Did they hit at the end?
  17. Phil - car looks ace. I saw a white one a few weeks ago in Macc. Dead jealous. On another note... Is Sarnie now Stallion??? Just clicked on the link in squarehead's post above...
  18. Welcome bud. Good colour choice Get some pics up.
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