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Everything posted by marzman

  1. Dibs on the chic in pic 14...
  2. Put mine in the JDM plate... passed the MOT no probs.
  3. For what you pay for rays (between £400 and £800 depending on tyres i've seen them go for), i'd do as Jay says and try something different.
  4. Do you have an 06+ car? I think they still pay... but the proposed rise for cars > 01 has been delayed... I could be wrong though, but i thought this was the case.
  5. £200? Maybe 18months ago... I got £65 plus postage for mine mate (although i was only asking for £75). They're not worth anything to a zed owner, unless they're for a drift session etc...! See if you can find a 200sx forum though... they love them
  6. It has been delayed for 1 year as far as i know mate....
  7. I look through all the 350z pages about twice a week... you never know what might come up...! I used to do the same and oost any interesting things up as long as their were no bids on. In fact I suggested this very area when the forum first started. Keep up the good work Mark Some members do find it handy Cheers Mike... and its Chris ok bob
  8. Hey all... I've received 10 HQ pics so far, plus sarnie's lowres version... Any more guys, so i can get 1 calendar ordered at least? So far i have Me Jim (from Adam) Kieth Turner AK350Z ZeddZ Trev Dave Clayton Ian Clarkie34 Sarnie ersen.o
  9. Zed is my daily, and only car... Is it wrong though that i've been looking at other cars to have as a weekend car... TVR's, old Merc's (like tims) etc...
  10. Finally! Someone must have lent them one... Whats the odds its that guy who bought one in Aberdeen recently?
  11. I was waiting for that...! Both items were newly listed today, so knew they wouldnt be on here yet! I look through all the 350z pages about twice a week... you never know what might come up...! ...and today we're having a '24 day'... rented the Season 4 box set, so am browsing while we're watching that... the girlfriend is sat infront of the fire...
  12. Get onto him - and just say you'll arrange a courier - it makes no difference to them i guess, as someone will still be coming to pick the items up...
  13. I've got a Dell Vostro 1000 - picked it up in the states for $399 (Worked out at £205 when i was there!) Its Vista Home basic - it doesnt have any of that Aero junk. But like i said - its more than good enough. Im a computer programmer by trade, and i work from home on it all the time - no problems at all. Having said that - i never switch it off - only put it into hibernate when i go to bed. A full boot up takes about 4 minutes!! Also - part of our product we write at work is a CRM system, and its very thirsty! So that may well be your issue :lol:
  14. I disagree. I think 512MB will be more than enough for your dad if its his first time using a computer. basically, id imagine all he'll ever be doing is surfing the web, and maybe downloading photos. Even the cheapest laptop you can find will be suitable - so i would spend any more on getting more RAM etc - it'll be wasted. FYI - im running a laptop with 1gig RAM, using Vista (very thirsty). It runs perfectly fine, and im a heavy user - dvd's, music, photoshop etc etc. The figures now are more than ever will be needed - they just exist to sell units.
  15. Its alright, i had a basil faulty moment the first day i got mine. I was trying to move it infront of all my work mates, but i couldnt get the gear lever into drive... i didnt realise i had to put my foot on the brake!!
  16. will be interested to see if they do need to re-release their figures after this
  17. Snow mode cuts about 80% of the power, so you put your foot down, and you dont go anywhere. Sport mode changes gear later than normal mode - so you use more revs. This doesnt affect the tiptronic mode. Also, i dont know if this is a placebo effect, but i think the throttle response is better too when in sport mode.
  18. I've had mine for 13months, which is the longest i've ever owned a car, and im still loving every minute of it
  19. Hey bud. Bit of a predicament really. I personally would say put it up for sale now. I dont think demand would decrease the price as much as another 4 months of depreciation! And the way the markets are, its likely to be for sale for that long anyway. Stick it up now, and dont under price it, as it sounds like you're not in any rush for the money... On another note - you still got the paddle shift kit...? was hoping you'd have put it on ebay by now so i could get bidding! Any news?!
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