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Everything posted by marzman

  1. Cool, that sounds exciting! A hell of a lot more interesting than what i do every day
  2. So... what does this boat thing have to do with you? Do you have to tow it ashore or something? Sorry, i dont know anything about this stuff!
  3. So... what is it you actually do then Martin?
  4. U gonna be on it from 4pm? If so, you'll be hammered by 9pm me thinks! My best mate got blind drunk and passed out in '99, - so he missed the millennium! We've just been reminiscing today!
  5. eek thats does'nt sound good !! Some hope on the horizon we can leave early So just wanted to wish you all the best for 2009 lets hope its a good one - hope you enjoy your New Years eve celebrations - think of Uncle Stew stuck at work though ...and uncle Marz with the ill girlfirend, who now has to stay at home all night Happy new year everyone.
  6. Cheers guys. The oil i've added is 5w40. Been looking at it the last few days, and until i've been driving 10mins and its warmed up, the pressure guage is maxing out completely if i go over 20mph. I wont do anything as my oil level is correct (checked after letting the engine cool for 10mins, so it must be new oil + the weather. I'll update in a couple of hundred miles.
  7. Nay for me. I'd be tempted to get another set and affix them to the headrests in the car...
  8. I vote we all park outside his office (the pub), and have a donut competition...
  9. l know its pants chris been here all week for 7:30 unfortunatly computers don't take holidays . back in friday also ... boo !but forum keeping me sane Ha ha i know... i think i'm gonna wear out my 'View unread posts' button I was quite looking forward to getting out of the house today, but now that im here, i'd give anything to be back at home infront of the fire...!
  10. +1 on that. Last month my mate at work told me that her car was making a funny noise so she took it to the garage and they diagnosed a cracked something-or-other in the engine, and it'd be £1600 to replace! I googled it and it sounded a bit sus - so long story short i went out one lunch and listened to it - and it was a bloody wheel bearing So she took it to a different garage, and all was fixed for 80quid i think!! You want to believe that it was just a mistake and that they aren't trying to rob you, but its hard!
  11. Ugh.. im back in the office for the day today... but then off again till the 5th. I've been here since 8.30am (misjudged the traffic - there was none!) but it feels like i've been here a week already... man im bored!!!!
  12. Whats the deal? last month everyone who joined was from Aberdeen, now this month its all southampton...?? Eh? Welcome though buddy
  13. Yep - the Wales run's go round the EVO triangle bud!! Loving your car btw... whats the deal with your number plate? Is it a skick on? Any links to where you got it done?? I like it
  14. Autocar was saying the 370z will be priced at £27.5k and £32.5k for the base/GT model. And that the GTR will now be £57k-£59k. Anyway, as others have said, newer 350z's will/have already taken a massive hit... and i think that will continue with the release of the 370z, but older models will not suffer anywhere near as badly, if at all, as they've already been spanked!
  15. Sorry, just 1 regular bulb. Its nothing cool like the CinCity lights or Paul T's lights... just an amber glow.
  16. As in the lights in the orange strips in the headlight unit? I think the wiring and bulbs is only there on the US spec headlights. I replaced my drivers side JDM light with a US spec light, and it has extra wiring and a bulb in there I had to cut the wire as it was only on on that headlight obviously!
  17. Will be really interested to see how this turns out... i love the black roof look but wouldnt get my car resprayed, so this might be an option!
  18. Yeh, easiest bet would be to get some lining paper (as in the stuff you wallpaper over) and do it in 2 parts.... sort the edges out as the separate parts, and tape them together up the middle. Carbon Vinyl overlay??
  19. You could save it for a friends birthday and give it to them Either that or cleaning products!
  20. You know what, i know it had a '208' on the box - thats all i can remember! I think its just a standard fit generic filter for nissans'. Its not uprated or anything, it just isnt nissan. ...but point taken - if this problem goes away, when i do the next change in a few thousand miles then i'll put genuine nissan in there
  21. No mention of a sender unit in that thread - they just say it should go back to normal in a few hundred miles, and that others have experienced this. I'll just take it easy until the car's warmed up from now on (something i really should do anyway, but i dont, seeing as there's a lovely dual carriageway 0.5miles from my house!) Good link though, cheers gix.
  22. what oil was it ? you can take the sump plug out and hold it in the hole to reduce the flow to drain some off but it should not be a problem if the level is between the markers and no it will show a higher level when cold than after allowing it to stand for 10 mins because it wont have had time to drain to the sump you are def reading the dipstick right ? It was Millers CFS Fully Synthetic (what Big Phil uses as standard i think). I didnt know it'd be higher when cold - i assumed when it got warm it would expand and be higher! And yes, i assume im reading the dipstick right... my mate at the garage was looking at it with me anyway! I'll check it tomorrow after letting it run. Having said all that - next time someone is out - please just have a look at the oil gauge and let me know how high it is until it has warmed up...
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